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Dr. Matt Cohen. Assistant Professor Forest Hydrology School of Forest Resources and Conservation, UF/IFAS. Current Projects. Spatial Nutrient Loading to Newnans Lake (SJRWMD) Nitrogen Effects and Transformations in Spring Rivers (NSF & FDEP)
Dr. Matt Cohen Assistant Professor Forest Hydrology School of Forest Resources and Conservation, UF/IFAS
Current Projects • Spatial Nutrient Loading to Newnans Lake (SJRWMD) • Nitrogen Effects and Transformations in Spring Rivers (NSF & FDEP) • Autogenic Ecosystem Feedbacks to Hydrology in the Everglades (USACoE) • Water Resource Implications of Large Scale Bioenergy Production (UFWI) • Examination of Wetland Regeneration under Mat Logging BMPs (USEPA) Ichetucknee River
Idea for Future CFEOR Project • “Fire and Water Feedbacks in Southeastern Managed Forests” • Drs. Kobziar, Staudhammer • How does fire (intensity and frequency) affect water yield? • How does fire affect water quality? • How does moisture regime affect combustion dynamics? • Paired watersheds, BACI design Submitted to NSF-DEB Jan. 2007 – not funded
Dr. Christina Staudhammer Assistant Professor of Forest Biometrics School of Forest Resources and Conservation, UF/IFAS
Current Projects • Stand structure of Pinus elliottii under different management regimes and • simulated conversion • scenarios (even-aged • to uneven-aged) • (start-up) Wood to energy: utilizing wildland-urban interface fuels for bioenergy (USDA FS) Differences in growth, yield, disease, and size distributions in pure- versus mixed-family stands of Pinus taeda and Pinus elliottii in the Southeastern US (FBRC)
Ideas for Future CFEOR Projects • Fire and Water Feedbacks in SE Managed Forests (NRI – under review) • Conversion of Even-aged Slash Pine Plantations to Uneven-aged Slash Pine Stands: Implications for timber production, ecology, and fire risk(FL DOF – under review) • Can a sustainable harvest be obtained under an un-even aged management regime? • What is the cost differential? • What are the advantages/disadvantages? • What soils and/or drainage classes are most appropriate?
TheWood to Energy Outreach Program • Increase awareness and knowledge about using woody biomass for heat, power, and electricity • Foster communication, collaboration, cooperation among community leaders, biomass suppliers and potential users, forest managers, and others about the possibilities of wood for bioenergy • Provide outreach strategies to communities as they begin to discuss new opportunities • Wildland-urban Interface communities
Program Products • General Technical Report • Biomass Ambassador Guide • 16 Fact Sheets • 14 Case Studies • 13 Economic Profiles • Presentations • CD, Web site: www.interfacesouth.org/woodybiomass All outreach materials were designed based on public perceptions research and pilot tests.
Florida has a team of Biomass Ambassadors developing outreach activities. You can… Become an Ambassador Distribute outreach materials Encourage nearby communities to consider using wood for energy Contact: Lauren McDonell; mcdonell@ufl.edu or Martha Monroe; mcmonroe@ufl.edu www.interfacesouth.org/woodybiomass How you can join
Dr. Leda Kobziar Assistant Professor of Fire Science and Forest Conservation School of Forest Resources and Conservation, UF/IFAS David Godwin Graduate Student School of Forest Resources and Conservation, UF/IFAS
Current Projects • Fire In the Juniper Prairie Wilderness: Is it a viable tool for ecosystem management? (UF/IFAS Research Innovation Grant) • Evaluation of remote-sensing, aerial photography, and ground-based field sampling to assess patterns of fire severity • Creation of sand pine mortality models for predicting stand volume loss under various fire behavior regimes • Linkage of Florida scrub jay response to fire severity patterns and vegetation recovery Landscape patterns of burn severity; Aug. 2006 Veg. recovery two months post-fire
Ideas for Future CFEOR Projects • Fire and Water Feedbacks in Southeastern Managed Forests (Proposal submitted to NSF last year, but not funded) • The Impacts of Landscape Scale Wildfire Suppression Resulting from Large Fires Burning in Florida and Georgia (Proposal submitted to UF SNRE Seed Grant Fund; currently under review) • Assessing the Efficacy of Wildfire Mitigation Treatments in Florida’s Wildland-Urban Interface (Proposal submitted to UF SNRE Seed Grant Fund; currently under review) Bugaboo Fire, April 20th, 2007
Florida Master Naturalist Program Statewide Conservation Education Outreach Dr. Martin Main, FMNP Program Leader
FMNP course offerings - ecological/conservation focus - 3 separate courses - Freshwater Wetlands - Coastal Systems - Upland Habitats - 40 contact hrs/course -
FMNP participating counties ~150 Instructors 80 Organizations 47 Counties
Dr. Selene Baez Postdoctoral Associate Department of Zoology
Current Projects Dr. Emilio Bruna – WEC Regeneration in long-leaf pine savannas in Georgia – Gwen Iacona (PhD student) Dr. Michelle Mack – Botany Interactions between plant nutrient limitation and fire in scrub communities in Archbold reserve – Jenny Schafer (PhD student)
Ideas for Future CFEOR Projects Research Evaluate nutrient limitation in plant and arthropod communities in slashpine savannas in the Ordway reserve Forecast the effects of nutrient availability due to urban development in Florida Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and micronutrients Species diversity, community structure Ecosystem functioning: productivity Perspectives for long-term experiments on nutrient and species diversity manipulations Future experiments within NEON (National Ecological Observation Network) Cross-site research with LTER and ILTER sites Opportunities for undergraduate students to conduct senior’s thesis Graduate students research projects
Dr. Taylor Stein Associate Professor of Ecotourism School of Forest Resources and Conservation, UF/IFAS Co-director, CFEOR
Current Projects • Florida National Scenic Trail User Assessment and Marketing Study (USDA Forest Service) • Planning, Research, and Design of New OHV Recreation Areas (FL DOF) • Understanding the Human Dimensions of OHV Recreation on the Ocala National Forest to Aid in Management and Planning (USDA Forest Service) • Visitors’ Preferences and Economic Impact Assessment of OHV Recreation in Florida (FL DOF)
Research Expand visitor assessment from FT hikers and OHV users to variety of users Motivations and preferences for opportunities Acceptance and tolerance of management actions Social, economic, and environmental impacts Benefits and costs to natural areas and communities Identify new markets for public land recreation/tourism. Expand work conducted in 2000 with the FWC. Minority groups, children, tourists, and others. Ideas for Future CFEOR Projects • Outreach • Develop visitor and setting management guidelines for all recreation use in conserved forests. • Develop planning procedures for new OHV areas. • Assist with community-based planning for nature-based tourism.
Dr. Wendell Cropper Assistant Professor of Biological Process Modeling School of Forest Resources and Conservation, UF/IFAS Louise Loudermilk PhD Research Assistant School of Forest Resources and Conservation, UF/IFAS
Current Projects • Modeling sustainable harvest of a tropical palm. • Modeling nutrient uptake of pine forests; optimizing fertilizer inputs. • Evaluation of forest simulation model sensitivity to climate change. • Modeling longleaf pine population dynamics, fire regimes, and competition with oaks.
Research 1. Evaluate the above- and below-ground carbon budget of longleaf pine forests with frequent fires. (with the Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center) 2. Forest management influence on spatial variation in understory fuels and forest dynamics in a frequent low intensity fire regime (Ordway-Swisher and Jones Center) 4 m Ideas for Future CFEOR Projects
Dr. Shibu Jose Associate Professor of Forest Ecology School of Forest Resources and Conservation, UF/IFAS Director, CFEOR
Current Projects • Management Options for Hardwood Forests of Florida: Sustaining Timber production (FL DOF) • Ecological Consequences and Impacts of Invasive Plants on southern forest ecosystems (ECIIP): A regionwide research and educational partnership (Seed grant through SFRP Inc.)
Ideas for Future CFEOR Projects • Management Options for Hardwood Forests of Florida: Sustaining Timber production, Biodiversity and Wildlife Habitat(FL DOF) • Developing an adaptive multifunctional uneven-aged management system for the longleaf pine sandhills and flatwoods of the southern U.S. Coastal Plain (Proposal submitted to USDA NRI last year, but not funded) • Changing face of southern forests: Interactive effect of climate change, land conversions and invasive plants? (Proposal submitted to USDA NRI; currently under review)
Dr. Jason A. Smith Assistant Professor of Forest Pathology School of Forest Resources and Conservation, UF/IFAS
Current Projects AvrFr1 Fr1 Evaluating red bay (Persea borbonia) for natural resistance to Laurel Wilt Disease (U.S.F.S.) Function and ecological fitness costs of avirulence genes in the fusiform rust disease pathogen, Cronartium quercuum fsp. fusiforme (U.S.F.S./S.I.F.G.; RIF/IFAS)
Ideas for Future CFEOR Projects Causes and incidence of oak mortality in non-urban forests in Florida (DOF) Uneven-aged management and forest tree diseases Diversity and specificity of Armillaria root rots in Florida forests
Dr. Debbie Miller Associate Professor of Plant Ecology Wildlife Ecology and Conservation, West Florida Research and Education, Center UF/IFAS
Current Projects Maritime forest and coastal scrub ecology and restoration Effects of community type, patch size and land use on Cogongrass (Imperata cylindrica), Fire season effects on flowering and seed germination of longleaf pine (Pinus palustris) sandhill grasses
Ideas for Future CFEOR Projects Assessing ecological impacts and invasive species threats in hurricane affected coastal systems Integration of invasive species control and ground-cover restoration
Kimberly Bohn, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, Forest Ecology and Silviculture West Florida Research and Education Center- Milton, FL School of Forest Resources and Conservation
Current Projects • Recovery and regeneration of forested wetlands following timber harvest: Evaluation of Best Management Practices in Florida(Collaborator: Matt Cohen; Funding: EPA) • Ecosystem recovery 10 years after harvest inNorth Florida bottomland systems(Funding: NCASI)
Ideas for Future CFEOR Projects • Mapping Forest Structure in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems following Disturbance • Modelling long-term responses to uneven-aged silviculture in longleaf pine ecosystems (part of a proposal with S. Jose to be re-submitted to USDA-NRI) • Characterization of bottomland hardwood habitat for Ivory Billed Woodpecker (?)
Dr. Pat MinogueAssistant Professor of SilvicultureNorth Florida Research and Education Center, Quincy Dr. Kimberly Bohn Assistant Professor of Silviculture and Forest EcologyWest Florida Research and Education Center, Milton School of Forest Resources and Conservation, UF/IFAS
Current Projects • Use of low-volume, backpack directed sprays of glyphosate, metsulfuron, and imazapyr herbicides for selective control of Japanese climbing fern (Lygodiumjaponicum) in Florida’s natural areas (FL DEP) • Objective: • To examine the efficacy of amino-acid inhibitors (herbicides) applied alone and in combination for control of Lygodiumjaponicum and impacts on associated vegetation • To evaluate application methods to minimize impacts to non-target vegetation
Study Progress Study Locations and Cooperators (Three studies, each at 2 locations) • Apalachicola River Terrace Sites • The Nature Conservancy Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravine Preserve • Torreya State Park • Hurricane Damaged Lands • Northwest Water Management District • Jay Research Station, UF WFREC • Application Methods • Joe Budd Wildlife Management Area • Blackwater State Park • Applications are near completion and pre-treatment measurements have been made. • Preliminary assessments will be done at 60 days after treatment and in the Spring of 2008. • Meaningful results will be available at one and two years after treatment.
Dr. Tim Martin Associate Professor of Tree Physiology School of Forest Resources and Conservation, UF/IFAS Co-director, Forest Biology Research Cooperative
AmeriFlux: Carbon sequestration in plantation and non-plantation pine ecosystems; roles of forest structure, management, and disturbance (DOE, NSF, USFS) Carbon sequestration scoping project (FFA) FBRC: Pine plantation production ecophysiology (Industry) Interactions between wood quality and water relations (USFS, NSF) Genetic control of C allocation and hydraulics in Populus (DOE) Current Projects Austin Cary Memorial Forest Flux Tower
Research Carbon sequestration and/or water balance effects of non-plantation management options: lengthened rotations prescribed fire uneven-aged systems mixed-species systems Ideas for Future CFEOR Projects