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EXCELLENCE. ALWAYS. Tom Peters/Global Leaders Africa Summit/22June2006.PART1

EXCELLENCE. ALWAYS. Tom Peters/Global Leaders Africa Summit/22June2006.PART1. “It is not the s tron g est of the species that survives, nor the most intelli g ent , but the one most res p onsive to chan g e .” —Charles Darwin. Slides at … tompeters.com. EXCELLENCE REVIVED.

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EXCELLENCE. ALWAYS. Tom Peters/Global Leaders Africa Summit/22June2006.PART1

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  1. EXCELLENCE. ALWAYS.Tom Peters/Global Leaders Africa Summit/22June2006.PART1

  2. “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”—Charles Darwin

  3. Slides at …tompeters.com



  6. All You Need to Know**more or less

  7. InnoTac:Innovation Tactics

  8. TheIrreducible209

  9. #1



  12. Radio City Music HallSeptember 2005

  13. Franchise Lost!TP:“How many of you[600]reallycravea new Chevy?”NYC/IIR/061205

  14. Did one of ’em ever turn to the other and say:“Wow, I wonder what unimaginable new tools, otherwise not possible, will be brought forth for my daughter Alice, age 17, because of this deal?”

  15. P.P.E.E.R.R.E.

  16. People.Product.Execution.Enthusiasm.Relentless.Re-invent.Excellence.People.Product.Execution.Enthusiasm.Relentless.Re-invent.Excellence.


  18. SynonymsPurityTranscendenceVirtueEleganceMajestyAntonymsMediocritySynonymsPurityTranscendenceVirtueEleganceMajestyAntonymsMediocrity


  20. Excellence1982: The Bedrock “Eight Basics” 1. A Bias for Action 2. Close to the Customer 3. Autonomy and Entrepreneurship 4. Productivity Through People 5. Hands On, Value-Driven 6. Stick to the Knitting 7. Simple Form, Lean Staff 8. Simultaneous Loose-Tight Properties”

  21. What is In Search of Excellence all about:People. Emotion. Engagement. Exuberance. Action-Execution. Empowerment. Independence. Initiative. Imagination. Great Stories. Incredible Adventures. Trust. Caring. Fun. Joy. Customer-centrism. Profit. Growth. “Brand You.” “Dramatic Differences.” Experiences that Make You “Gasp.” Excellence. Always.

  22. ExIn*: 1982-2002/Forbes.comDJIA: $10,000 yields $85,000EI: $10,000 yields $140,050*Forbes/Excellence Index/Basket of 32 publicly traded stocks


  24. Hardball: Are You Playing to Play or Playing to Win? by George Stalk & Rob Lachenauer/HBS Press“The winners in business have always played hardball.” “Unleash massive and overwhelming force.” “Exploit anomalies.” “Threaten your competitor’s profit sanctuaries.” “Entice your competitor into retreat.”Approximately 640 Index entries: Customer/s (service, retention, loyalty),4. People (employees, motivation, morale, worker/s),0. Innovation (product development, research & development, new products),0.

  25. M.I.A.*:Talk.(Present.)Listen.(Interview.)Sell.(Life = Sales.)Do.(Execution-Implementation.)Talent.(Recruit-Develop-Retain.)Project Management.(Create. Solicit support. Execution. Adoption-Client “Culture Change.”)Product. (“It.”) Innovation.(Design. Creativity. “Buzz-building.” Politics.)Leadership.(USMA, etc.) E.Q. (Connect.)“Culture” Change. (Lasting impact.) Diversity.(Cross-cultural Effectiveness.)Career Creation.(Brand You life-lifestyle.)Wellness.(Life.) *B.Schools (“M.I.A.” or at most “B.I.A.”—barely in action)

  26. Causes/1966-2006 Implementation/Small Wins (Stanford GSB/PhD thesis; 1st on implementation per se) EXCELLENCE (as a worthy business pursuit) Management Style/Corporate Culture Soft “Ss”/7-S (Waterman-Peters complete “business model”; waaaaay beyond Strategy & Structure) Structure > Strategy (“We shape our structures, then they shape us …”—Churchillian paraphrase) Soft Change Levers (> structure; symbols, patterns & settings) Close to the Customer (novel idea, circa 1982) MBWA (Managing By Wandering Around—courtesy a much more intimate than today HP) Productivity through People (novel idea, circa 1982) Chaos/Crazy Times Call for Crazy Organizations Middle-sized companies are cool Re-imagine!/Innovate or Die! Small-ish/Scale & Synergy limits-delusions/anti-Big Mergers

  27. Causes/1966-2006 Women/Market opportunity Women/Leaders (right for the times) Design/Design-as-soul Wow! (Hot language) Weird! Passion!/Enthusiasm!/Exuberance! (as Leader Lever #1) Brand You (or else) PSF = Bedrock (add value or bust—every group must demonstrate economic viability) PSF + Brand You + WOW Projects = New Biz Logic Sales/+R > -C (increasing revenue more important than cutting cost) HealthCare/Wellness-Safety-H5N1 Brand = Talent (best roster wins) New VA Ladder/Products-Services-SOLUTIONS-EXPERIENCES-DREAMKETING (Dream Marketing)-LOVEMARK Different > > Better Boomers & Geezers/marketing to new “mega-segment”

  28. Adversaries B-schools (crappy at soft skills, implementation, leadership) Strategy-is-all By-the-numbers management Dis-passionate management Focus groups Intuition discounted Leading as an intellectual task Leading without passion Cool language in Hot times Dilbert (accepting cubicle slavery) Bigness per se (severe scale limitations—even at Microsoft) White guys! (not really, but enough already) 18-44 emphasis in marketing (geezers > youth for foreseeable future) -Cost > +Revenue (cost cutting more important than organic revenue growth) CI (continuous improvement in an age of discontinuous world) LESS THAN THE NO-HOLDS-BARRED PURSUIT OF EXCELLENCE


  30. “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change.”—Charles Darwin

  31. Great Companies … SETTHEAGENDA.*(Period.)* “disturb the sleep of …

  32. AGENDA SETTERS: “Set the Table”/ Pioneers/ Questors/ AdventurersUS Steel … Ford … Toyota … Sears … GM … ITT …The Gap …Limited …Wal*Mart…Tesco…P&G … 3M …Intel… IBM …Apple…Nokia…Cisco… Dell… MCI … Sun …Microsoft…Google… Enron …Schwab…GE… Laker … Southwest … People Express …Ogilvy…Virgin…eBay…Amazon… Sony…Amgen…BMW… CNN … Nike

  33. Built to Last vs Built for Impact“But what if [former head of strategic planning at Royal Dutch Shell] Arie De Geus is wrong in suggesting, in The Living Company, that firms should aspire to live forever? Greatness is fleeting and, for corporations, it will become ever more fleeting.The ultimate aim of a business organization, an artist, an athlete or a stockbroker may be to explode in a dramatic frenzy of value creation during a short space of time, rather than to live forever.”—Kjell Nordström and Jonas Ridderstråle, Funky Business


  35. X06/Excellence2006: The Bedrock Baker’s Dozen • 1. A Bias For Action/Culture of Execution = Job One! • 2. DECENTRALIZATION! ACCOUNTABILITY! • 3. Fail. Forward. Fast. • 4. Velocity! Tempo!“Metabolic Management” Matters! • 5. INNOVATE … or Die. • 6. A Damn Good Product.A Damn Cool Product. • 7. Ride the Value Added Curve to the Sky: Insure • “Gamechanging Solutions”; Provide “Spellbinding • Experiences”; Become a “Dream Merchant”; Strive to Be • a “Lovemark;” Seek “Tattoo Brand” status. • 8. Relentlessly Pursue the “Big Two” Markets: Women, • Boomers & Geezers. • 9. Best Talent Wins!Women Rule! HR at the Head Table! • 10.Educate for Creativity, Entrepreneurship & “Brand You” • Independence. • 11.Demanded: Radical Technology Strategies! • 12.Passion! Enthusiasm! Energy! Excitement! Relentlessness! • 13.No Less Than EXCELLENCE. Ever.


  37. “Why in the world did you go to Siberia?”

  38. The Peters Principles: Enthusiasm. Emotion. Excellence. Energy. Excitement. Service. Growth. Creativity. Imagination. Vitality. Joy. Surprise. Independence. Spirit. Community. Limitless human potential. Diversity. Profit. Innovation. Design. Quality. Entrepreneurialism. Wow.

  39. Business* ** (*at its best):An emotional, vital, innovative, joyful, creative, entrepreneurial endeavor that elicits maximum concerted human potential in the wholehearted service of others.*****Excellence. Always.***Employees, Customers, Suppliers, Communities, Owners, Temporary partners

  40. Business:The Ultimate Creative Endeavor.

  41. Business:The Ultimate Personal Development-Growth Experience.

  42. Business:The Ultimate Transcendent Service Opportunity.


  44. “In Tom’s world, it’s always better to try a swan dive and deliver a colossal belly flop than to step timidly off the board while holding your nose.”—Fast Company /October2003

  45. “This is the true joy of Life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one … the being a force of Nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.”—GB Shaw/Man and Superman

  46. “My only goal is to have no goals.The goal, every time, is that film, that very moment.” —Bernardo Bertolucci

  47. “Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well-preserved body—but rather a skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming, ‘Wow, what a ride!’ ”—anon.


  49. Radically Thrilling Language! “Radically Thrilling.” —BMW Z4 (ad)

  50. CTO**Chief Thrills Officer

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