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64 Local maps, 26 Regional maps, 4 World maps. Distances based on earlier Greek ... WalseeMuller & Ringmann, 1507 Map: 1st printed globe, first

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Presentation Transcript

    Slide 1:WELCOME!


    Slide 2:Workshop Schedule July 25-29, 2005

    Today: Introduction to GIS and data gathering Catered Lunch at Woodson Room Tuesday (6/26): A variety of GIS software Wednesday (6/27): ArcGIS I: Geodatabases Thursday (6/28): ArcGIS II: Nuts & Bolts Friday (6/29): ArcGIS III: Extensions Box Lunches at Tucker Building

    Slide 3:Treasure Hunting

    What is a map ? A representation of our world on plane

    Slide 4:How was mapping done before GIS ?

    A Time Line 10,000 BC: River map from Mezhirich, Ukraine

    Slide 5:6200 B.C. Catal Huyuk, near Konya, Central Turkey

    Slide 6:Greek Maps. Anaximander, 610-546 BC

    Michael Lahanas Webste Dikaiarch of Messina Invents Lat/Long in 350-290 BC

    Slide 7:Klaudios Ptolemaios (Ptolemy), 87-170 A.D., Alexandria, Egypt

    Re-produced from his Text �Geographia� Ca, 140A.D. after Discovery by a Byzantine monk Named Maximos Planudes (1260-1310) 64 Local maps, 26 Regional maps, 4 World maps Distances based on earlier Greek astronomers such Eratosthenes

    Slide 8:Ptolemy�s Map Inspired Christopher Columbus to Seek the Large Asian Landmass! N.B.: Ptolemy�s map was well known to be based on the earth as a sphere

    Slide 9:America�

    188 x 344 mm WalseeMuller & Ringmann, 1507 Map: 1st printed globe, first �accurate and complete� Map in 360 deg, 1st map with name �America�, 1st to show pacific Ocean, 1st to show cape horn �Now, these parts of the earth have been more extensively explored and a fourth part has been discovered by Amerigo Vespucci. Inasmuch as both Europe and Asia received their names from Women, I see no reason why anyone should justly object to calling This part Amerige I.e., the land of Amerigo, or America, after Amerigo, its discoverer, a man of great ability.�


    Slide 11:Major Developments that lead to modern mapping

    1). Scientific revolution started by Galileo 2). Newton (1642-1727) formulates his laws of mechanics, predicts that the earth is a spheroid. Invention of the meter (1/10,000,000) of the distance between the pole and the equator (year: 1793) 3). Key to mapping is determining the longitude of position. John Harrison (1693-1776) modifies clocks to be ship worthy. New surveys were done showing eg., that the land area of France was significantly less what it was earlier! 4). Einstein�s 1905 papers, and General Relativity in 1915 leads the way to GPS

    Slide 12:Closer to Home

    J.De Cardova 1856

    Slide 13:Even Closer�

    1:250,000, 1894 1920 Perry-Castaneda Map library, UT, Austin

    Slide 14:Closer to TCU, 1925

    Slide 15:How are maps used ?

    Slide 16:Maps That Advertise

    But doesn�t show the stopovers Iowa City as exciting as San Fran and London Mark Monmonier, 1991

    Slide 17:Maps That Advertise

    Mark Monmonier, 1991

    Slide 18:Maps That Convince

    Mark Monmonier, 1991

    Slide 19:Maps That Persuade

    Mark Monmonier, 1991 Facts in Review, 5 February, 1940

    Slide 20:Maps That Persuade

    Mark Monmonier, 1991

    Slide 21:Maps That Misinform

    Mark Monmonier, 1991

    Joseph Charles Minard�s map of Napoleon�s defeat, 1812

    Slide 22:Maps That Inform

    Slide 23:Maps That Analyze Events

    Battle between Magnus Pompey and Julius Caesar at Pharsalus, Greece

    Slide 24:Maps That Analyze Events

    Slide 25:So, what is a Geographic Information System ?

    The precise arrangement of spatial objects using a computer to inform, advertise, persuade, and analyze events on a map

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