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in practice. Communication in mother tongue language. From the 14th of May to the 19th of May. Hélène BUNDEVSKI – CP (7 years old). Outcomes: understanding and expressing oneself orally reading writing understanding the way the mother tongue works (grammar). reading: comprehension.
in practice Communication in mothertonguelanguage From the 14th of May to the 19th of May
Hélène BUNDEVSKI – CP (7 years old) Outcomes: • understanding and expressing oneself orally • reading • writing • understanding the way the mother tongue works (grammar) • reading: comprehension • reading: learning the code and develop the fluency • reading: learning the code and develop the fluency • speaking: pay attention to the structures while talking with the others or telling the story Objectives writing
Content: Jack and the beanstalk, divided into 10 texts On each text: 1st session: discover the text: read aloud, reformulate 2nd and 3rd sessions: workshops (chosen by the students)
Juliette SANCHEZ – CE1 (8 years old) • reading: make the difference between 2 sounds that are close to one another. (cr and gr) Outcomes: • reading • understanding the way the mother tongue works (grammar) • writing: be aware of the written forms of these sounds Objectives
Content: for each sound: → listen to words and find the common sound → find other words and write them → pay attention to what you do while pronouncing the sounds → pay attention to the written form → and exercises
Charline DOUCHET – CE2 (9 years old) Before the workshops: • Reading of a tale, a short story. The reading is divided into 5 or 6 episodes (1/week). • During this session, the students read the text, study the vocabulary and write a recap (a mind map) to sum up the story. • reading: comprehension • reading: learning the code and develop the fluency • reading: fluency • speaking: speaking, listening to the others, discussing (give your advice and justify) Objectives Reading : aloud, tone
3 rotating workshops (after a preparation session) same each week
Jérôme ROMEO– CM1 (10 years old) • give the students some tools to be able to explain their writing properly: metalinguistic procedures and metalanguage Outcomes: • writing (using grammar and vocabulary) • understanding the way the mother tongue works (grammar) • make them improve the explanations: from semantic strategies (using the sense) to morphosyntactic strategies (links between the different words) Objectives • make them improve the way they perceive the spelling
Specific outcomes (for ex) verb and subject, plural/singular, gender, verb grammar …
Spatial organization : how do we manage to alloweachstudent to read, write, speak… Role of the teacher : how to guide the students… Kind of activity : lexical, wording, oral reception and understanding, writingreception and understanding Role of the student : to listen, to repeat, to produce… Student’sspeaking time Whatkind of tools : oral support, writing support, games…
Somespecifictoolsused in ourschool for communication in mothertonguelanguage Humantools : visualtools : Borel Maisonnymethod addedteacher ICT tools : alphas Interactivboard
Addedteacher Objectives of thistool: • To makeschool more efficient • To reduceinegalities • For eachstudent to know the basis about mothertongue and mathematics (socle commun) • To preventdifficulties
Throughspecificprojects, elaboratedwitheachteacher for his class Dividing the class group in order to be able to individualize the workshops for eachstudents How to do this? Helpingteachersreflecting about theirownpratice, improvethemselves, build new assessmenttools
alphas Whatisit for? • Reading and phonology sessions in pre-elementaryschool and 1st grade. • Helpingstudentsknowing the names of the letters, the soundsitmakes and rememberingiteasily.
Borel Maisonnymethod Whatisit for? • Making links beetwen the sounds of the letters and visualmemory It’s a specificmethodcreated by Borel Maisonny to help studentswithspecialneeds