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Shoulder Girdle

Shoulder Girdle. KIN 245. Bones of the Shoulder Girdle. Scapula (shoulder) Clavicle (small key) Link to Axial skeleton via sternoclavicular joint (an anterior joint) Lack of posterior attachment to the axial skeleton allows for a wide ROM

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Shoulder Girdle

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  1. Shoulder Girdle KIN 245

  2. Bones of the Shoulder Girdle • Scapula (shoulder) • Clavicle (small key) • Link to Axial skeleton via sternoclavicular joint (an anterior joint) • Lack of posterior attachment to the axial skeleton allows for a wide ROM • Functions to allow attachment areas for numerous muscles that move the shoulder and elbow

  3. Landmarks • Borders • superior, medial, lateral • Angles • inferior, superior • Acromion process • Spine of scapula • Glenoid fossa • Coracoid process (like a crow’s beak) • Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Subscapular fossa

  4. Joints of theShoulder Girdle • Sternoclavicular • sternum (manibrum) and clavicle • arthrodial (gliding) joint • ligaments • anterior sternoclavicular ligament • posterior sternoclavicular ligament • costoclavicular ligament • interclavicular ligament

  5. Joints of theShoulder Girdle • Acromioclavicular • Acromion Process of scapula and clavicle • arthrodial (gliding) joint • ligaments • coracoclavicular ligaments • trapezoid ligament • conoid ligament • superior & inferior acromioclavicular ligaments

  6. Joints of theShoulder Girdle • Scapulothoracic Joint • Scapula and thoracic region • not really synovial joint • supported by muscles, not ligaments

  7. Movements allowed bythe Shoulder Girdle • Abduction (Protraction) • Adduction (Retraction) • Inward (downward) rotation: inferior angle moves medially • Outward (upward) rotation • Depression: inferior movement • Elevation: superior movement

  8. Muscles of theShoulder Girdle • Posterior • trapezius • levator scapula • rhomboids (major and minor) • Anterior • pectoralis minor • seratus anterior • subclavius

  9. Trapezius (p134) • Origin: • Superior nuchal line • Occipital protuberance • Ligamentum nuchae • C7 and T12 vetebrae

  10. Trapezius • Insertion • Lateral 1/3 of clavicle • Acromion process of scapula • Spine of scapula

  11. Trapezius • Action • Scapula • adduction • elevation • depression • outward rotation • Head • extension / hyperextension • rotation • lateral flexion

  12. Levator Scapulae (p129) • Origin • Transverse processes of the 1st four cervical vertebrae • Insertion • Vertebral (medial) border of the scapula above base of scapular spine • Action • Scapula elevation, inward rotation, adduction

  13. Rhomboid Muscles (p131) • Origin • Lower part of ligamentum nuchae • Spinous process of the 7th cervical and 1st five thoracic vert. • Insertion • Vertebral border of the scapula

  14. Rhomboid Muscles • Action • Scapular • adduction • inward rotation • elevation

  15. Serratus Anterior (p132) • Origin • lateral, anterior surface of the upper 8/9 ribs • Insertion • Anterior aspect of the vertebral border of the scapula

  16. Serratus Anterior • Action • Scapular • abduction • outward rotation • depression

  17. Pectoralis Minor (p130) • Origin • Anterior surfaces of the 3rd - 5th ribs • Insertion • Coracoid process of scapula • Action • Rib elevation • Scapular depression

  18. Subclavius (p133) • Origin • Superior aspect of 1st rib (around costal cartilage) • Insertion • Inferior groove mid-portion of clavicle • Action • scapular depression • stabilization of sternoclavicular jt.

  19. Summary • Shoulder Girdle • bones: clavicle, scapula • joints: • sternoclavicular • acromioclavicular • scapulothoracic • muscles • anterior: pectoralis minor, serratus anterior, subclavius • posterior: levator scapulae, rhomboids, trapezius

  20. Shoulder Girdle • The arm travels through a wide range of movements, the scapula cooperates by placing the glenoid fossa in the most favorable position for the head of the humerus (scapulohumeral rhythm)

  21. Movements of the Shoulder Girdle • Clavicle • elevation, depression • protraction, retraction (or forward and backward horizontal movements) • Scapula • elevation, depression • abduction, adduction • inward and outward rotation

  22. Muscle Analysis Chart • Identify muscles that move the scapula • abduction • adduction • elevation • depression • upward rotation • downward rotation

  23. Muscles that move the scapula • abduction • serratus anterior • pectoralis minor • adduction • trapezius (middle and lower fibers) • rhomboids

  24. Muscles that move the scapula • elevation • trapezius (upper & middle fibers) • levator scapulae • rhomboids (slight) • depression • trapezius (lower fibers) • pectoralis minor • subclavius (clavicle depression)

  25. Muscles that move the scapula • outward rotation • trapezius (middle and lower fibers) • serratus anterior • inward rotation • rhomboids • Levator scapulae

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