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It was during an Easter celebration that Jesus Christ, according to the ... On Easter night, during the solemn wake, the brazier, that burns outside the ...
Easter 40 days after Lent
Easter Origin The name "Easter" comes from the latin “pascha” and the hebrew “pesah”. It’s the greatest feast of the Christian liturgy, because it celebrates the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The fact that God decided to resurrect Jesus, unjustly killed, for the faithful ones means that God approved Christ's life choices. That is, helping poor people, solidarity, fraternity and love for others, and sacrificing his life for these ideals.
The origins of Easter In the chapter 12 of the Exodus, Mosès orders every family, before they abandon Egypt, The members of the families consumed the meal standing, with a stick in hand, ready for the departure, which happened in that same night, after the god angel passed through to kill all the Egyptian firstborns, saving the Hebrew firstborns whose habitations were marked with blood. During the centuries, the ritual of Easter, although subordinate to changes and modifications, substantially remained always the same and the feast is still celebrated by all the Hebrews with the maximum solemnity and for seven day duration. It was during an Easter celebration that Jesus Christ, according to the evangelic narration, instituted the sacrament of the eucarestia.
The symbols of Easter The fire: On Easter night, during the solemn wake, the brazier, that burns outside the church and from which the large candle is lit, attracts the attention of the faithful crowd in this first moment which prepare the Easter celebration. The triumph of light on darkness, of heat on cold, of life on death (mystery then solemnly proclaimed by readings and sacramental actions on the most solemn night) is already synthetically express in this concrete language of the new fire, around which the community is assembled.
Traditions of the day On Easter everyone usually eats at home. We eat the “cappelletti”, a traditional pasta of Romagna region. We also open the "Easter eggs”, made out of chocolate, and the resurrection of God is celebrated.
The sites www.alleluja.net/approf/pa-sim.htm
The authors Luca Rontini Virginia Santadrea