1. Plympton St Maurice Primary School March 31st 2010
We went to Hele’s Multi-skills Festival where
we did lots of sports. We did hurdling, skipping
throwing and catching, tennis, a beanbag
competition, balancing and running. We had a
lovely time and our favourite part was the
Beanbag Competition. We were competing
against other schools and came second to last
but at least we had a great time!
Molly Gardiner Y4
Hele’s Multi-Skills
Festival Children’s
Four of us went to Hele’s school to the Multi
Skills Festival. We were competing against
different schools and doing different sports.
We were throwing, catching, skipping, hurdling
and some running and lots more. We really
enjoyed it , our favourite part was the skipping,
throwing and catching the football. At the end
we all came together for the presentation of
certificates. We came 6th out of 7.
Lilly O’Brien Y4
Grounds Development
As you probably are aware, the Friends of St
Maurice School are donating funds towards
improving the school grounds.
The plans for the new equipment have been
made and will be displayed on the notice boards
at the start of the new term. A big thank you
to Ria (in her capacity as Chair of the Friends
of St Maurice School ) and the School Council
for their input into the designs for the play
Work on the development has been held up due
to our intention to extend the school building.
Once the Local Authority have made a decision
upon what funding they can give us, we will
make a firm decision as to where we will be
positioning the new play areas. We hope that
their decision will be made before next half-