1. The New Creative Memories Opportunity What happened
Where we are now
Where we are headed
How to maximize your potential for success
3. Where we are now Just finishing our second concentration phase
Support for growth developed and continuing to progress
Recruiting and Selling made easier and more accessible then ever before.
4. Where we are headed Our second momentum
Future top leaders must be on board NOW the window of the optimum position is closing
Internet Era and Social Media will make this momentum phase fast and furious unprecedented
Potential number of top leaders this time around is tenfold (my prediction)
5. How to maximize your potential for success Opportunity, IQ and 10,000 hours reference used - Outliers The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell
6. Opportunity If I had to pick a stage as most optimum, I would say six months prior to the onset of momentum Leonard Clements (MLM industry watchdog) as quoted in Wave 3 The New Era in Network Marketing by Richard Poe (Success Magazine)
Indicator - Second Largest Sales Day in CM history August 31st.
Indicator Focus Group Results
7. I Q Smart and Talented is important but exceptional IQ or prodigy is not a determining factor.
We are very bright people (Creative Memories Independent Consultants). This business isnt rocket science but it does take brains, - give yourself credit.
8. 10,000 hours The emerging picture from such studies is that ten thousand hours of practice is required to achieve the level of mastery associated with being a world-class expert in anything writes the neurologist Daniel Levitin
.It seems it takes the brain this long to assimilate all that it needs to know to achieve true mastery. Outliers The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell
9. Leaders are Readers There is no way to gain enough personal experience in one lifetime to be an exceptional leader without learning from other great leaders.
In this business of Network Marketing you must continuously feed your mind with motivational input (audio as well as print).
Success Magazine subscription is an excellent start as it combines both and is a doable amount to digest in a month.
10. Seek and Devour TrainingYou can do anything for fifteen minutes! Personal Development start with:
DISC Personality Profiles Dr. Robert Rohm
www.healthenergybeauty.com/order.htm (order cd of Dr. Rohm and other resources)
Repeat the above a minimum of 3 times
Webinar (Nanci Bottchers, CMs)
Social Media (Facebook)
Product Knowledge (personal use)
11. Keep a balance in your business A Direct Sales business without recruiting is like opening a store and always leaving half the aisles empty.
Trading time for money can only get us so far, we must recruit others to be a healthy independent consultant.
I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own efforts. -- John D. Rockefeller,
We (Independent Consultant Business Owners) must look for niche markets with infinite sales potential to increase our profits and then combine our resources to develop that market, which avoids overload on any one person.