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It is going to be 5 o'clock in the evening. Like yesterday, today also all the young colleagues along with other many children and elder persons assembled in the campus of the chief. Today, a number of women have also come to listen this story. Satyapal also came in time and occupied his seat. When all the participants occupied their seats, after completing the adoration of God, on the request of Mohan, Satyapal started the narration of the story based on the second Chapter in this manner. Child Education Plans You might be remembering, we have described in the yesterday's story that the primary goal of human life is attainment of God. Nevertheless, before attainment, His identification is necessary. In the absence of identification, without knowing Him properly, based on His numerous names, we have imagined hundreds of Gods, religious books, Guru-mantras, sects, Achaea's, Tilaks and false hypocrisies. As a result, the best human race, the creation of God, degenerated below the animal beings and leading a hellish (miserable) life. Therefore, on the basis of the Satyarth Prakash we have discussed in nutshell that how Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh etc. are the numerous names of that same God, whose principal and personal name is 'AUM'.
Hon'ble Mothers and Brothers! With this initial identification of God, the form of God, the form of his devotion and the introduction of duties of man towards Him also become essential to discuss. But before that it is much essential that man must know himself means he should recognize the duties to himself, and considering his own family, neighbors, society, nation and the whole of the world into himself, to become 'man' in its true sense of word. Man should become 'man' this is the greatest and burning question of this age (likewise any age). If the planning of national development and world peace remained fruitless without human building and will, then attainment of God will be a dream. Therefore herald of revolution and visionary of time Acharya Dayanand before discussing about the other means of attainment and form of God in the seventh chapter, discussed various aspects of building human beings, sixteen reformations (Samanskars), five great yajnas, four classes and four stages and national religion (Rashtra Dharma) orderly up to the sixth chapter.
The age of childhood is the foundation period of human life. Before coming in the womb of his mother, and rather before that and in fact, the preparation is started even earlier. Conception, Punsavan and Simantonnayan Samansakaras have great significance. Giving prominence to parents and teachers in the human building Mahan Yajna, Maharishi Dayanand started his second chapter with the quotation of Shatpath Brahaman, "Matrimony Pitriman A'charyavanPurusho Veda". (Verily, that man alone can become a great scholar who has had the advantage of three good teachers, viz., father, mother and preceptor.) Oratorios Mothers and Brothers! It is doubtless that educating the child is the top-most duty of the parents and teacher. The Child Education Plans starts from the conception samaskar. During the conception according to the method of shastra and thereafter, the health of the child in the womb and the state of his mother's physique should be taken care of. At the time of his birth samaskar all care should be taken which are necessary to secure his health and it is also important from the point of view of Ayurved. Therefore, in the birth samaskar it is directed to lick the child a bit of Ghee and Honey mixed in appropriate quantity with the help of a thin golden-road.
When a child begins to speak, mother becomes his first teacher. Thereafter the Child Education Plans should be taught about the etiquette, meal, sleep and the duties of day to day to be followed, through the teachings of moral poems, Sanskrit poems, mantra, poetry, story and small examples and historical evidences. Source: http://bit.ly/2cdW9xP
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