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The status of CAPE in Finland. Opportunities for cooperation with the new member states and other countries of CEE

The status of CAPE in Finland. Opportunities for cooperation with the new member states and other countries of CEE. Andrzej Kraslawski Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland. Veszprém , February 2004. Outline . Research centres of CAPE in Finland

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The status of CAPE in Finland. Opportunities for cooperation with the new member states and other countries of CEE

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  1. The status of CAPE in Finland. Opportunities for cooperation with the new member states and other countries of CEE Andrzej Kraslawski Lappeenranta University of Technology, Lappeenranta, Finland Veszprém, February 2004

  2. Outline • Research centres of CAPE in Finland • Lappeenranta University of Technology • Subjects of the potential cooperation • Support for the common projects

  3. Åbo Akademi University Faculty of Chemical Engineering http://www.abo.fi/fak/ktf/rt/control.html Process Control Laboratory Hannu T. Toivonen Hannu.Toivonen@abo.fi • Process Analysis • Fundamental properties of distillation - multiple steady states • Process Modeling and Control • Controllability and Plant-Wide Control • Adaptive control • Identification • Control relevant identification of ill-conditioned plants • Robust identification • Optimal and robust control • Sampled-data and multivariate control • Parametric optimal and robust control

  4. Åbo Akademi University Faculty of Chemical Engineering The Heat Engineering Laboratory http://www.abo.fi/fak/ktf/vt/ Henrik Saxén henrik.saxen@abo.fi • Biotechnology • Bioprocess Engineering • Heat and mass transfer technology • Calculation of drying behaviour in different parts of a timber stack • Fluid dynamics • Dynamics of industrial multiphase flows

  5. Åbo Akademi University Process Metallurgy

  6. Åbo Akademi University Faculty of Chemical Engineering Process Design Laboratory http://www.abo.fi/fak/ktf/at/ Tapio Westerlund Tapio. Westerlund@abo.fi • Process and Production Optimization • Bioprocess Engineering • Drying Technology • Environmental Engineering

  7. Helsinki University of Technology Department of Chemical Technology Chemical Engineering and Plant Design http://www.hut.fi/Units/ChemEng/ Juhani Aittamaa juhani.aittamaa@hut.fi Markku Hurme markku.hurme@hut.fi • Plant Design • Integrated Waste Management • Process Integration Efficiency • Operator Support Systems • Web Based Design Services • Decision Making in Design • Paper Plant Water Systems • Process Development Methods • Waste Water Treatment • Bioseparation Processes • Inherent Safety • Dynamic Simulation • Chemical Engineering • Crystallization • Dimerization • Distillation • Gas-Liquid Mass Transfer • Bleaching • Process Modeling • Reactive Distillation

  8. Lappeenranta University of Technology • Founded in 1969 • Around 4,000 students • 7 departments

  9. Lappeenranta University of Technology Department of Chemical Technology • Founded in 1975 • Main study areas • Applied Chemistry • Chemical Engineering • Pulp and Paper Technology • 402 undergraduate & 83 postgraduate students (31.12.2003) • The Graduate School in Chemical Engineering (GSCE)

  10. Lappeenranta University of Technology Department of Chemical Technology LUT Centre for Separation Technology (CST) Section of Applied Chemistry four laboratories Section of Chemical Engineering two laboratories Section of Pulp and Paper Technology two laboratories Fiber Technology Centre (Kotka)

  11. Section of Chemical Engineering • Laboratory of Separation Technology • Laboratory of Product and Process Development

  12. Laboratory of Separation Technology Andrzej Kraslawski Andrzej.Kraslawski@lut.fi • Knowledge management • Knowledge re-use in equipment design • Creativity support methods in process and product development and design • Computer - based scientific discovery • Industrial Crystallization • Treatment of industrial waste waters • Mass transfer in bubble columns • Computational Fluid Dynamics

  13. Laboratory of Process and Product Development Ilkka Turunen Ilkka.Turunen@lut.fi • Methodology of process and product development and design • Modelling and simulation of products and processes • Process intensification • Development of multiphase chemical reactors

  14. Objective finding Fact finding Problem finding Idea finding Solution finding Acceptance finding Creativity enhancing methods Creativity enhancing methods Phases of creative problem solving • Analytical • Intuitive Phases of product development

  15. Arrowsmith Creativity enhancing methods Phases of creative problem solving Objective finding Fact finding • Arrowsmith Problem finding Idea finding Solution finding Acceptance finding Phases of product development

  16. if A B and B C then A C Arrowsmith • Scientific discovery based on the literature search • Selection of a method for separation (fact B) of amino acids (fact A) and antibiotics (fact C). Literature sources Literature sources AB1 B1 B1C Amino Acids and Separation Antibiotics and Separation B2 AB2 B2C AB3 B3C B3 Intermediate literature

  17. Arrowsmith • The preliminary screening of the literature allowed to identify: • counter-current chromatography, • thin-layer chromatography, • micellar electrokinetic chromatography, • capillary electrochromatography.

  18. Case-based reasoning (CBR) Creativity enhancing methods Phases of creative problem solving Objective finding • Case-based Fact finding • reasoning Problem finding Idea finding Solution finding Acceptance finding Phases of product development

  19. Case Case base CBR New problem Problem Problem Problem Solution Solution Solution New solution Case-based reasoning (CBR) A methodology of solving new problems by adapting the solutions of previous similar problems

  20. Case-based reasoning (CBR) CBR consists of the following steps: • Introduction - a new problem to be solved is positioned in the problem space • Retrival - actual problem is matched against old problems by computing similarity function, and the most similar problem and its stored solution are found • Adaptation - if needed, a new solution is created by adjusting of proposed solution • Learning - a received solution and a new problem are incorporated into the case base.

  21. Case-based reasoning (CBR) CBR application for Reactive Distillation Problem Process flow rate reflux pressure Chemical Reaction components class of reaction rate conditions Catalyst particle size range pocket thickness New Process = Existing case Packing Case Base PackingFeatures type of geometry type-specific description material section size Previous Case 1 Previous Case 2 Previous Case 3 Previous Case 4 Solution

  22. Specific surface area m²/m³ 85 Catalyst fraction Vol.% 25 Corrugation height mm 14.9 Mesh size mm 0.5 Corrugation angle ° 42.5 Corrugation stepsize mm 37 Case-based reasoning (CBR) CBR application for 2-Methylpropylacetate synthesis Sandwich-like bed type Reaction class of reaction rate = moderate reaction temperature = 118C average pressure = 96 kPa Feed 1 Process Feed 2 Feed 1 = 0.797 kg/h Feed 2 = 1.203 kg/h bottom product = 1.5 kg/h Product Catalyst • autocatalysis

  23. TRIZ Creativity enhancing method Phases of creative problem solving Objective finding Fact finding TRIZ Problem finding Idea finding Solution finding Acceptance finding Phases of product development

  24. Principles of TRIZ • All innovations emerge from the application of a very small number of inventive principles and strategies. • Technology evolution trends are highly predictable. • The best solutions transform the unwanted or harmful elements of a system into useful resources. • The best solutions actively seek out and destroy the conflicts and trade-offs most design practices assume to be fundamental.

  25. Contradictions Ideality Functionality Use of resources Principles of TRIZ Basic concepts of TRIZ Basic tools of TRIZ Contradiction Matrix Inventive Principles Ideal Final Result Trends of Evolution Effects Substance-Field Approach

  26. Principles of TRIZ Inventive Principles Contradiction Matrix

  27. Principles of TRIZ Contradiction Table • Possible contradictions represented in 39 x 39 table • Intersections of contradicting rows and columns are references to 40 inventive principles for contradiction elimination 1 2 14 38 39 Undesired Result (Degraded Feature) Strength Weight of Nonmoving Object Weight of Moving Object Productivity Level of Automation Feature to Improve 1 Weight of Moving Object 28, 27, 18, 40 Weight of Nonmoving Object 2 Inventive Principles • 28 Replace a mechanical system with • a non mechanical system • An inexpensive short-life object • instead of an expensive durable one • 18 Mechanical vibration • 40 Composite materials 38 Level of Automation 39 Productivity

  28. Support for the common projects • Exchange of students • Bilateral agreements • Socrates http://europa.eu.int/comm/education/programmes/calls/callg_en.html • Exchange of staff • CIMO http://www.cimo.fi/Resource.phx/cimo/mainpage/mainpage.htx • Academy of Finland http://www.aka.fi/index.asp?id=a47d4388293641d4975d59c422202077 • Common PhD projects • Graduate School of Chemical Engineering http://www.abo.fi/gsce/ • Research projects, networks, conferences, publications, training • Framework Programme http://www.cordis.lu/en/home.html • Energy http://europa.eu.int/comm/energy/intelligent/work_programme/index_en.htm

  29. http://europa.eu.int/comm/index_en.htm

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