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GOES Multi-Channel Sea Surface Temperature Processing at the Naval Oceanographic Office. Bruce McKenzie NAVOCEANO. GOES MCSST. Process into SST every GOES sector with the exception of PACUS, CONUS, and Rapid Scan Retrievals per day 2.7 million from GOES East 2.3 million from GOES West
GOES Multi-Channel Sea Surface Temperature Processing at the Naval Oceanographic Office Bruce McKenzie NAVOCEANO
GOES MCSST • Process into SST every GOES sector with the exception of PACUS, CONUS, and Rapid Scan • Retrievals per day • 2.7 million from GOES East • 2.3 million from GOES West • Regional warmest SST composites
GOES West HR-250 Receiver GOES East HR-250 Receiver Sun Enterprise 250 GVAR ingest/preprocess Sun Enterprise 250 GVAR ingest/preprocess Satellite Processing System Day/Night determination, Satellite Zenith Angle check Land/Sea test, Cloud tests, Field test Regional 24 hour warmest SST composite SST retrievals placed in database MCSST sector files transmitted to customers Regional graphics for fleet support/Web Daily regional extractions for analyses/modeling
1) PGS_GVARIN 2) SUBSET gvar_ch1 gvar_ch2 gvar_ch4 gvar_ch5 3) ANGLES latitude longitude sat_zenith sun_zenith rel_azimuth 4) TDFTOHDF GVAR Ingest and preprocess
Daytime GOES MCSST Tests WINDOW_SIZE: 3x3 SHALLOW_WATER_PIXEL_RANGE: 2 to 8 Daytime tests: DAY_TEST1: solz<75.00-->T DAY_TEST2: satz<75.00-->T DAY_TEST3: all c1<7.00-->F DAY_TEST4: all c1<cloud table threshold values-->T DAY_TEST5: 0.00<(all c4-c5)<4.00-->T DAY_TEST6: max(270.00,k100fieldsst-10.00)<all c4<310.00-->T DAY_TEST7: max(268.00,k100fieldsst-12.00)<all c5<310.00-->T DAY_TEST8: (c1max-c1min)<1.00-->T DAY_TEST9: (c4max-c4min)<0.70-->T DAY_TEST10: (c5max-c5min)<0.70-->F DAY_TEST11: (mcsstmax-mcsstmin)<1.30-->F DAY_TEST12: -2.00<mcsst<35.00-->T DAY_TEST13: -3.00<(shallow_water_mcsst-K100fieldsst)<3.00-->T DAY_TEST14: -2.00<(open_water_mcsst-K100fieldsst)<3.00-->T DAY_TEST15: abs(mcsst-K100climatology)<10.00-->T DAY_TEST16: (mcsst-6hoursst)>-1.00-->T
G-8 (February 02) Daytime 3571 Matches 0.06 Bias 0.69 RMSD Nighttime 4478 Matches 0.02 Bias 0.64 RMSD GOES MCSST - Buoy Statistics G-10 (February 02) • Daytime • 3380 Matches • -0.49 Bias • 0.78 RMSD • Nighttime • 5024 Matches • -0.02 Bias • 0.56 RMSD
Create area of interest in TeraMaster TeraPGS used to extract gvar_ch4 and ch5 Angles TDFtoHDF Regional file creation
Loop of warmest SST composite for Gulf of Mexico 16 January - 14 March 2002 Cloud contaminated composites removed
Loop of warmest SST composite for Gulf of Mexico 16 January - 14 March 2002 Cloud contaminated composites removed