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  36. <h1 class="mainheadline">The Alert, Well, and Keeping Energetic (AWAKE) Group </h1>

  37. <p>The AWAKE Group at Stanford hosts a monthly meeting<strong> </strong>to provide education and support for our patients and the greater community.</p>

  38. <p>The meetings feature important topics in Sleep Medicine and Sleep Medicine Research presented by Stanford Sleep Clinicians.</p>

  39. <p>Meetings are the first Wednesday of each month and are free.</p>

  40. <p>For questions please contact Robert Tognoli, RPSGT at:</p>

  41. <p>(650) 721-7548<br />

  42. <a href="mailto:awakeatstanford@gmail.com">awakeatstanford@gmail.com</a></p>

  43. <h2>Next event</h2>

  44. <p><a href="../documents/March 5th AWAKE.pdf" target="_blank" class="pdf">Download the flyer &raquo;</a></p>

  45. <table class="table_standard table_nobreaks">

  46. <tr> • <td><strong>Topic:</strong></td>

  47. <td colspan="2">The Alert, Well, and Keeping Energetic Meeting</td>

  48. </tr>

  49. <tr>

  50. <td align="center" colspan="2"><img src="../images/sleep_children.jpg" /><p>Portrait of Juliette Corbet as a Sleeping Child’ by Gustav Corbet</p></td>

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