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Embedding equality consideration into academic programme development and delivery: A mainstreaming approach. Jill Hammond Kath Bridger Ranjana Thapalyal. Equality Act 2010 Public sector equality duty Scottish specific duties to:
Embedding equality consideration into academic programme development and delivery:A mainstreaming approach Jill Hammond Kath Bridger RanjanaThapalyal BSV Associates Ltd
Equality Act 2010 • Public sector equality duty • Scottish specific duties to: • - mainstream the consideration of equality and due regard to the PSED for all protected characteristics • - Equality Impact Assessment • QAA code of practice BSV Associates Ltd
Moving the equality agenda ‘from the margins to the mainstream’¹ ² • Mainstreaming : a holistic approach to embedding equality consideration for all protected characteristics in all decision making, policy, process and practice • Race addressed as specific aspect of considering equality and understanding different equality perspectives • Equality impact assessment used as a tool and a vehicle for engagement • ¹ Thomas et al, 2005 • ² May & Bridger 2010 BSV Associates Ltd
Our approach BSV Associates Ltd
‘An opportunity for people to think for themselves in the context of their own work’ • Action learning project delivered through supported CPD • Mainstreaming = continuous improvement and better performance = quality enhancement BSV Associates Ltd
‘It moves (equality consideration) from being a legislative requirement to something which shows the potential for improvement’ • Improving attainment and the student experience through quality enhancement: • QAA Quality Code key values include:- all students are treated fairly, equitably and as individuals- all policies and processes are regularly and effectively monitored, reviewed and improved • Practice based approach to embedding equality consideration BSV Associates Ltd
‘We tend to take equality impact to be minimal – an assumption based on a lack of any major or obvious disruption’ • Time out to develop understanding of equality perspectives • Work with different colleagues • Engage in dialogue and debate • Playing to academic strengths – research and inquiry • Draw on people’s intrinsic commitment to provide the best experience and outcomes for students BSV Associates Ltd
‘It has brought equality to the forefront of our thinking by requiring us to write it down’ • Institutional capacity to engage effectively: • All academic areas engaged in considering equality and assessing impact as an integrated part of day to day practice • Consideration of equality mainstreamed into governance and management structures and processes • Equality is on the agenda! BSV Associates Ltd
Developing an approach to embedding equality in learning and teaching BSV Associates Ltd
A blank sheet of paper: • No template • No guidance • Just institutional commitment from the top and facilitated support BSV Associates Ltd
Challenges: • The ‘I already do this’ factor • We have a learner support function for all that • I’m too busy • A blank sheet of paper is difficult BSV Associates Ltd
‘Unfounded assumptions can be made about what’s good for students’ • Post-graduate School Student feedback group’s focus: • The process as a mechanism to highlight issues both in respect of where action is and is not being taken • Consideration of the appropriateness of the mechanisms for student feedback and the results it produces BSV Associates Ltd
“Shades: Yoruba and Ancient Indian ideas on space, creativity and self”An undergraduate historical and critical studies 8-week elective 2003-2013author/tutor RanjanaThapalyal (title changed in 2013 to “Contemporary Contexts for Yoruba and Ancient Indian ideas on space, creativity and self”)Has led to current research titled “An African and Asian Interface for Philosophy of Art Education” and has been applied to general pedagogic principles of the M.Res in Creative Practices at GSA Impact of powerful engaging curriculum material from regions and thought systems not generally included in the contemporary art or art historical canon at art school The ‘just do it’ approach - inclusion normalises diversity in curriculum too Students often more receptive than than staff BSV Associates Ltd
Traditions of criticality and intellectual enquiry have ancient precedents all over the world • Why is this still news in so many HE environments? • What is the impact of social justice and equalities, of omissions of such information from the curriculum? Prose poem recorded in 1954 in praise of Ogun The light shining in Ogun’s eye is not easy to behold Ogun, let me not see the red of your eye… Ogun is a crazy orisa who still asks questions after 780 years! Whether I can reply Or whether I cannot reply, Ogun, please don’t ask me anything. Barnes, S T (1989) Africa’s Ogun Old World and New Indiana University Press Speculation as a means of determining truth in sanskritik traditions pradhyAna(n)-subtle speculation tarkajvAlA(f)- flame of speculation tarkin(adj)- skilled in speculation satarka(adj)- skilled in speculation tarka(m)- system or doctrine founded on speculation or reasoning Spoken Sanskrit Dictionary http://spokensanskrit.de/index.php?scriptHK&beginning=0+&tinput=+speculation&trans=Translate&direction=AU BSV Associates Ltd
Theoretical critiques of 20th century ideologies – the postmodern turn can inadvertently facilitate a sidestepping of engagement with equalities issues “Significant in the debate about racism and academic ethics is that the issue of individual culpability is conflated with heady invocations of academic freedom, censorship and free speech. So raising … issues of racism is immediately reduced to a stifling political correctness. … (and) the consequences of (racist) ideas being expressed are sidestepped.” Les Back in Law et al (2004) “Ivory Towers? The Academy and Racism” p 3 BSV Associates Ltd
Alain Badiou makes a case for the examination of 20th century visions and events, including its contradictions: “… my aim is not to rehabilitate the century, but only to think it, and thus show how it is thinkable. What should primarily arouse our interest is not the century’s ‘worth’…. Instead let us attempt to isolate and work through a few enigmas.” Alain Badiou (2008) The Century, p6 BSV Associates Ltd
Our approach in action Reflective Dialogue Triad Group Discussions Exercise modeled on Brockbank, Anne and McGill, Ian (2007) Facilitating Reflective Learning in Higher Education, 2nd edition, Open University Press Previously adapted as an interdisciplinary workshop in the M.Res in Creative Practices, GSA 2011. BSV Associates Ltd
Work in groups of 3 • Discuss your / your colleagues’ departmental understanding of race equality in HE using topic allocated to your group • Rotate roles of:- Presenter- Enabler- Reporter BSV Associates Ltd
‘This has prompted us to talk about the culture of assessment and think about it differently’ • Implications for inclusive learning and teaching at GSA: • Equality consideration placed at the heart of the development of learning and teaching practice • Development and delivery are based on evidence and understanding rather than assumption • Cross departmental working to tackle identified equality impacts linking to internal and external priorities / drivers BSV Associates Ltd
“This is just the beginning for this work which will provide quality improvement in our programme” • Value of the approach in an academic context: • Grass roots development • Relevant and appropriate within a framework • Mainstreaming • PSED = fostering good relations through dialogue BSV Associates Ltd
Banner photo credits - slide 13, left to right : • Composite head of Vishnu (Vaikuntha) 11th century CE, Salonki Michel, George (editor): In the Image of Man- The Indian Perception of the Universe Through 2000 Years of Painting and Sculpture. Hayward Gallery, 1982 • Flying female warriors 11th century CE, Chandela Michel, George (editor): In the Image of Man- The Indian Perception of the Universe Through 2000 Years of Painting and Sculpture. Hayward Gallery, 1982 • AyagpattaJain cosmic diagram, Mathura, 1st century CE, Kushan Red sandstone 89x 92 cm Michel, George (editor): In the Image of Man- the Indian Perception of the Universe through 2000 Years of Painting and Sculpture. Hayward Gallery, 1982 • Mask head Yoruba, Ife 12th- 15th century CE Copper 33 x 19 cm. The National Commission for Museums and Monuments, Lagos. Royal Academy exhibition catalogue (1995). Africa: the Art of a Continent. London page 416 • Ogboni head Terracotta, 18th - 19th century CE (?) Private collection, Brussels. H. 38 cm Royal Academy exhibition catalogue (1995). Africa: the Art of a Continent. London pages 416, 418.