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CCR Task 1 Final

CCR Task 1

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CCR Task 1 Final

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  1. CCR Task 1: How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups / issues ?

  2. What is a convention? • Conventions are something that you expect to see in a film. • For example, stereotypical characters like a hero and a villain.

  3. Movies and shows that inspired us. • Here are some of the films and shows that heavily influenced or opening sequence.

  4. Mis en Scene

  5. How our characters are similar • Of high status • Both rather luxurious • Mysterious • Classy • Intriguing

  6. Props we used

  7. Inspiration for lighting • Ice blue cold lighting fore male character. Inspired by cold themes in Bond • Warm orange hue for female character. Inspired by Mr. & Mrs. Smith.

  8. Our lighting • Blue hue for Fed (male character) • Warm hue for Mathilde (female character)

  9. Camera work • Our camera shots were mainly inspired by the opening scene of The Devil Wears Prada. • We knew we wanted a scene where the characters get ready to go out and we like the wat this film did it.

  10. Editing • For the editing we had 6 lesson to finish the whole editing process which only took us three lesson • The editing process took us five steps • Step 1 - watch every single shoot we shot and decide which we wanted • Step 2 – each video now needed to be put into a new bin • Step 3 – starting with continuity editing putting the clips together that were needed to be after another. For us we edited first actor 1 than actor two . As well we edited the paste of each shoot as we wanted her shots to be slowed by 50 • Step 4 – Now we put all the edited scenes together which meant for us switching between actor one to actor two • Step 5 was to put the titles in which we created ourselves. We put them all in the right corner to give more space to see the opening sequence

  11. Sound • For the sound of our opening sequence, we dint have any dialogue . We only had three noticeable diegetic sounds which was the gun clicking of both actors and the sound of the cologne being sprayed. • For the main soundtrack we searched for non-copyright music we could use to make it look more intense • We found a non copyright music on You Tube which we believed fitted perfect with the opening sequence • We needed to make sure each shot was on mute except the ones with the guns so that there were no background noises.

  12. Representation • Gender - main characters one female and one male character ( inspiration Mr. & Mrs. smith ) • Age – 20s (late) inspiration Mr. & Mrs. smith • Class and status – high status

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