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The way a lot of employees are working is just not working anymore. Employee engagement is considered to be the number one reason for employee productivity, or lack thereof. We analyzed different research and put the results in one infographic. It shows why you need to change the way your team is working. Visit https://weekdone.com to make a change.
Conquering the tipping point in employee engagement
THE 3 TYPES OF EMPLOYEES ? ? ? Engaged Not Engaged checked out, they do not put energy or passion into their work Actively Disengaged busy acting out their unhappiness at work work with passion, drive innovation and move the organization forward 35 %
Most engaged in Northern America Least engaged in Nort Africa and Middle East 1 out of 8 is committed to their jobs most engaged in a company with 10 people 1/8 >10
AVERAGE DISENGAGED EMPLOYEE in the middle of their career male rather than female not highly educated warning: millennials are most likely to leave their job in the next 12 months not remote worker
COST FOR BUSINESS $ Lost capital Disengaged employees drag down companies, costing billions of dollars in lost productivity and resulting in much higher turnover rates Negative atmosphere 24% Cost of disengagement per year $500 billion actively disengaged liable to spread negativity 63% not engaged
you could fly to the moon 5000 Fun fact: with that money times WHAT DRIVES ENGAGEMENT 70% Belief in senior leadership 80% Relationship with Direct Manager 54% Pride in working for the company
HOW TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM 1. Encourage and track engagement Weekdone.com is a free tool to increase employee engagement via team communications and status reporting. Accessible on web and mobile. 2. 3. Give feedback and communcate What’s happening? Just working... Connect with each employee
THE RESULT After After Before $ Before After Before Increased revenues 2.5x 57% 40% Motivated people & more effort smaller employee turnover 34% less absenteeism
Weekdone.com - employee progress reporting and internal communications tool. Always know team-members' plans and achievements. Publish objectives and see how your team is moving towards them. weekdone.com @weekdone LinkedIN fb.me/weekdone google.com/+weekdone References: 1. State of the American Workplace Report 2013 – Gallup [http://www.gallup.com/strategicconsulting/163007/state-american-workplace.aspx] 2. 2012 Global workforce Study – Towers Watson [http://www.towerswatson.com/en/Insights/IC-Types/Survey-Re- search-Results/2012/07/2012-Towers-Watson-Global-Workforce-Study] 3. A global generational study – February 2014 - PwC´s NextGen [http://www.pwc.com/en_US/us/about-us/corporate-responsibili- ty/assets/pwc-employee-engagement.pdf] 4. Key Drivers of Employee engagement Dale Carnegie Training [http://www.dalecarnegie.co.za/about_us/] 5. Hay Group Survey – Employee Engagement [http://www.haygroup.com/downloads/us/engaged_performance_pdf] 6. Washington Post – Pay employees to quit [http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/on-leadership/w- p/2014/04/14/why-more-companies-should-pay-employees-to-quit/] 7. Weekdone – employee reporting tool [www.weekdone.com]