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The Evolution of Counting and Agricultural Practices: From Ancient Hunter-Gatherers to Settlements

Explore the earliest form of counting invented around 8000 BCE and the transition from hunter-gatherers to agricultural societies. Discover the gods and goddesses of Old Europe, the development of settlement in the Fertile Crescent, and more.

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The Evolution of Counting and Agricultural Practices: From Ancient Hunter-Gatherers to Settlements

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  1. Steps Past into the

  2. Ancient Society 8000 BCE – 600 BCE Classical Era 600 BCE – 600 CE Middle Ages 600 CE – 1450 CE Colonialism 1450 CE – 1750 CE Industrial Era 1750 CE – 1900 CE Modern Era 1900 CE – 1900 CE

  3. 8000 BCE: Earliest Form Of Counting Invented 3000 BCE: Lifecycle 8000 BCE: Hunter-gatherers Growing Crops 2500 BCE: Westcar Papyrus 7000 BCE: Gods And Goddesses Of Old Europe 1800 BCE: The Story Of Sinuhe 7000 BCE: Fertile Crescent Settlement 1700 BCE: Hammurabi 7000 BCE: Warp-weighted Loom 1700 BCE: The Alphabet 8000 BCE Ancient Era 600 BCE 6600 BCE: Earliest Attempt At Writing 1000 BCE: The Story Of Wenamun 3760 BCE: Jewish Calendar 1000 BCE: Invention Of The Dictionary 3500 BCE: The Bronze Age 800 BCE: The Story Of The Odyssey 3500 BCE: Hieroglyphics 618 BCE: Printing 3500 BCE: The Sahara Desert Forming 606 BCE: The Babylonian Empire

  4. 563 BCE: Buddha Is Born 70 CE: Josephus Writes The Jewish War 500 CE: King Arthur 515 BCE: Western Wall 77 CE: First Encyclopedia 500-600 BCE: Ancient Writing 100 CE: Buddhism 447–432 BCE: Parthenon 200 CE: Gunpowder And Paper 356 BCE: Alexander The Great 215 CE: Great Wall Of China 600 BCE Classical Era 600 CE 220 CE: Iron Smelting Technology Develops 5 BCE - 5 CE: Birth Of Jesus 6 CE: Golden Age Of Latin Literature 270 CE: Aristarchus 20 CE: First Dictionary 275 CE: St. Pope Eutychian's Reign 55 CE: Roman Invasion of Britain 300 CE: Mayan Written Language 62 CE: Buddhism Shaped China 358 CE: Tolctec Empire

  5. 610 CE: Muhammad 1050 CE: First Agricultural Revolution 618 CE: Emperor Gaozu 1100-1200 CE: The Crusades 618-907 CE: Ninjustu 1199-1216 CE: King John Of England 624 CE: YiwenLeiju 1200 CE: Robin Hood 651 CE: Vakyapadiya 1227: Genghis Khan 600 CE Middle Ages 1450 CE 724 CE: Haakon IV Haakonsson 1230 CE: Decretals Of Gregory IX 750 CE: Book Of Kells 1300 CE: The Bubonic Plague 768 CE; King Charlemagne 1308-1321 CE: Dante Alighieri 800-1100 CE: The Vikings 1308-1321 CE: The Inferno 985 CE: Beowulf 1429 CE: Joan Of Arc

  6. 1421: Joan Of Arc Captured By The English 1534: The First Book Is Printed 1440: The Movable Printing Press 1537: First Bible Printed In English 1453: Turks Conquer Constantinople 1558: Elizabeth I Becomes Queen 1455: The Mazarin Bible 1563: The Plague 1462: Ivan The Great Begins His Rule 1594: Romeo And Juliet 1450 CE Colonialism 1750 CE 1492: Christopher Columbus Discovers America 1600: English East India Company 1509: First Slaves Brought To America 1603: Shakespeare Finishes Hamlet 1517: Cortes Discovers Mexico 1643: TajMahal Completed 1519: Ferdinand Magellan 1644: End Of Ming Dynasty 1533: Ivan The IV Comes To Power 1682: PA Is Founded

  7. 1707- The UK of Great Britain Forms 1839-The First Opium War 1756- Seven Tears War 1840: New Zealand is Founded 1770- Boston Massacre 1842- Hong Kong ceded to the British 1773- Boston Tea Party 1843: A Christmas Carol Published 1775- American Revolution Begins 1843- The Tell-Tale Heart Published 1750 CE Industrial Era 1847: Wuthering Heights 1790- The Steam Engine 1793-Eli Whitney Patents the Cotton Gin 1848-California Gold Rush 1804- Haiti Gains Independence 1850: The Scarlet Letter 1813: Pride and Prejudice 1857-Dred Scott Case vs. Sandford Case 1838- Oliver Twist Published 1879-The Lightbulb

  8. 1884: The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 1886- The Statue of Liberty 1893- First Country To Let Women Vote 1894-The First Sino-Japanese War Industrial Era 1900

  9. 1903: Wright Brothers’ First Flight 1947: Anne Frank’s Diary Published 1905: Henryk Sienkiewicz Wins Nobel Prize 1950: Korean War Begins 1906: The Jungle Published 1950s: Science Fiction Makes Its Debut 1913: Moving Assembly Line Developed 1953: Discovery Of DNA 1914: Beginning Of World War I 1961: First Mission To Space 1900 CE Modern Era Present Day 1920: Women’s Suffrage 1968: Assassination Of MLK, Jr. 1929: Stock Market Crashes 1990: Cold War Ends 1938: Superman Comics Debut 1997: First Harry Potter Book Released 1939: Gone With The Wind Movie Released 2001: Twin Towers Destroyed 1945: United Nations Charter Signed 2011: 9.0 Devastates Japan

  10. Earliest & Simplest Form Of Counting Invented Around 8000BCE, the Palaeolithic carved tally marks into stones and other various geometric forms. This tallying is said to be one of the simplest and earliest forms of counting. This for of counting was used for around 5000 years before the invention of numbers. 8000 BCE

  11. Hunter-Gatherers began growing crops for their food supply In 8000 BCE hunter-gatherers in the Jordan Valley in Southwest Asia began growing crops such as corn and fruits to help supplement their food supply. 8000 BCE

  12. Gods and Goddesses of Old Europe This book contributes to cultural history. It also contributes to archeomythology in Europe. 7000-3500 BCE

  13. Fertile Crescent Settlement At around 7000 BCE, the Fertile Crescent saw some of its earliest forms of settlement. People began to use the newly developed idea of domesticated plants and agriculture, and farms began to spring up. The farms anchored families into place and “towns” began to spring up. 7000 BCE

  14. Warp-weighted Loom When did textiles first develop? They possibly could have originated from 7000 BCE when archaeologists believe that the first warp-weighted loom was created. Weavers would use wool and spin it into yarn to weave into blankets and fabric. 7000 BCE

  15. Earliest Attempt at Writing In 2003 a scientist by the name of Dr. Garman Harbottle from Upton, New York and a team of archarologist may have discovered the earliest attempt at writting. Their findings included scratching into tortoise shells that date back to 8600 years ago. The inscriptions include 11 different symbols that of which may have been the earliest words. The shells were found buried in the graves of 24 people in Western China. Although scientist question the age of the shells, this finding is astounding. 6600 BCE

  16. Jewish Calendar The first year of the Jewish calendar was recorded in 3760 BCE. Here is a picture explaining the Jewish calendar. 3760 BCE

  17. Bronze Age Occurred different times in different places, but overall happened during 3500 BCE. Bronze is made up of copper and tin. It led to the creation of better swords, plows, and other tools. Bronze was most importantly used for large surpluses of agriculture that allowed many more people to live in an area. It led to the rise of societies and cities, and it also increased the social and gender roles that first came with the discovery of early agriculture. 3500 B CE

  18. Hieroglyphics In 3500 people learned how to draw. Hieroglyphics were developed around this time in Egypt. 3500 BCE

  19. The Sahara Desert Begins Forming A drought begins in Northern Africa that begins forming the largest desert in the world, the Sahara Desert. People flee the drought by settling along the Nile River. 3500 BCE

  20. The Lifecycle The religious beliefs of these early people were based on the life cycles of being born and dying.  This chart demonstrates their life cycle. 3000 BCE

  21. WestcarPapyrus The Westcar Papyrus consists of 12 rolls containing five stories about priests and magicians performing incredible sensations. At the time, the King’s sons would tell him these stories at the royal courts. 2500 BCE

  22. The Story of Sinuhe The Stories are considered to be one of the greatest pieces of Ancient Egypt literature. It was written after the death of Pharaoh Amanemhat I. He founded the 12th dynasty of Egypt. 1800BCE

  23. Hammurabi The oldest set of laws that was written in a rock.  Hammurabi, a kinsman healer, received the laws from  sun gods in around 1792 BC. He died in 1750 BC. 1700 BCE

  24. The Alphabet The alphabet replaced pictographs between 1700 and 1500 B.C. in the Sinaitic world. The current Hebrew alphabet and writing became popular around 600 B.C. 1700 BCE

  25. The Story of Wenamun There is only one known incomplete copy of the book. The story is about a priest from Wenamun. He builds a boat and travels around to different cities facing hardships like robbery and rude reception. He attempts to makes deals and trades with the King, yet his boat is blown off course. The stories stop after he is killed by a mob. 1000BCE

  26. Invention of the Dictionary In 1000 BCE the Chinese invented the first dictionary in 1000 BCE. This dictionary consisted of symbols and letters that were organized in a way t help understand the meaning of the symbol or design. 1000 BCE

  27. The Story of the Odyssey The Odyssey was first written in 800 BC and was passed down through oral tradition. The Odyssey is a major Greek poem and has been translated into many languages. 800 BCE

  28. Printing Printing is invented. It occurs in China under the T’ang Dynasty. 618 BCE

  29. The Babylonian Empire The Babylonian Empire ruled in lower Mesopotainia. Known for its resistance towards the Persian Empire. CreatedHammurabi’s Code. 606 BCE

  30. Buddha is Born Gautama Siddartha (563–479 BCE), is the prince from present day Nepal who became the Buddha, or ‘the Enlightened One.’ He required his followers to separate themselves from a normal way of life. His goal was to reach nirvana. 563 BCE

  31. Western Wall The Second Temple on Mount Moriah was completed at Jerusalem. Today, only the "Western Wall" remains after its destruction in 70 C.E.. Today the wall is a holy site to the Jews. 515 BCE

  32. Ancient Writing The ancient Persians are believed to have created a script by about 500-600 BCE to provide monument inscriptions for the Achaemenid kings. These scripts were made up of horizontal, vertical, and diagonal nail-looking letters, which in Farsi are called “Script of Nails” or “Khat-e-Mikhi”. 500-600 BCE

  33. Parthenon The Temple of Athena Parthenos, known as the Parthenon (constructed from 447–432 B.C.), is now a ruin in Athens. The Parthenon was built to shelter a huge gold and ivory statue of the goddess Athena. The building, made of Pentelic marble, is 228 feet by 101 feet. The temple was constructed larger than usual so that the statue would not be cramped in the naos. The larger of the two interior rooms, the naos, housed the standing statue of Athena at forty feet tall. 447–432 BCE

  34. Alexander the Great Alexander the Great conquered the Persian Empire and was also King of Macedonia. He was born in Pella, once the ancient capital of Macedonia, in 356 B.C. Alexander’s teacher was the well known Greek philosopher, Aristotle, who taught him rhetoric and literature, and introduced him to science, medicine, and philosophy. Alexander replaced his father as King in 336 B.C. when his father, Phillip II, was assassinated. 356 BCE

  35. Birth of Jesus Jesus was born either before 4 BCE or in 6 CE when Herod the Great died. Jesus was baptized by Baptist John during John's ministry, according to Luke. After that Jesus' ministry lasted around three years coming from the Gospel of John. 5 BCE - 5 CE

  36. Golden Age of Latin Literature Literature in Latin began as translation from the Greek. It started in the roman empire and when the roman empire fell the language and literature both stayed. In the later years other languages branched off from latin. 6 CE

  37. First Dictionary In 20 CE the first dictionary was compliled together by Marcus VerriusFlaccus. 20 CE

  38. Roman invasion of Britain In 55 CE The vast Roman army of Caesar invaded the coasts of Britain. 55 CE

  39. Buddhism Shaped China When Buddhism was introduced to china it reshaped the whole country. Buddhism grew so much that great amounts of money were spent on large beautiful temples. Besides temples there was also landscapes that were created. Other than physical aspects there were many rituals but in place which are in some places still performed today. 62 CE

  40. Josephus writes The Jewish War According to Josephus there were some religious tensions between the Greeks and the Jewish. But during the tension  protests over taxation random attacks on roman citizens and perceived 'traitors' occurred in Jerusalem. Many Jews became afraid and fled to the back to the coast where a small army was started and eventually was taken down by and ambush. 70 CE

  41. First Encyclopedia In 77 CE the first encyclopedia was made. The name of the encyclopedia was Pliny the Elder Historia Naturalis. 77 CE

  42. Buddhism In 100 CE Mahayana Buddhism was becoming much more popular and was on the rise. 100 CE

  43. Gunpowder and Paper In 200 CE the Han dynasty was inventing many items used very commonly in the world today. Some of which were gunpowder and paper. 200 CE

  44. Great Wall of China By 215 CE Emperor Qin Shihuang commanded that the previous walls that were across the land be connected to make one big barrier called the Great Wall of China. The wall was built by soldiers, slaves, criminals, and common people of China. 215 CE

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