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CELLS. QSR #2. 1. The shape of a cell greatly depends on the ________ of that cell. 2. Use nerve cells and skin cells to explain #1. 3. Cells differ in both shape and _____. 4. True or false…larger cells are more efficient at meeting their own needs than smaller cells. EXPLAIN!!!!!!!.

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  1. CELLS

  2. QSR #2 • 1. The shape of a cell greatly depends on the ________ of that cell. • 2. Use nerve cells and skin cells to explain #1. • 3. Cells differ in both shape and _____. • 4. True or false…larger cells are more efficient at meeting their own needs than smaller cells. EXPLAIN!!!!!!!

  3. The Discovery of Cells • Van Leeuwenhoek was the first scientist to observe cells using a simple light microscope • It had one lens • Compound light microscopes use a series of lenses to magnify objects • Can magnify up to 1500 times

  4. The Cell Theory • Robert Hooke used a compound light microscope to study cork, the dead cells of oak bark • Box-shaped structures • Called these “cells”

  5. Cell Theory (3 parts) • 1. All organisms are composed of one or more cells • Unicellular – bacteria, certain algae and fungi • multicellular • 2. The cells are the basic unit of life • 3. Cells originate from other cells

  6. Prokaryotes Lacks internal membrane-bound organelles No nucleus Most are unicellular Bacteria/Blue Green Algae Eukaryotes Have true membrane bound organelles Have nucleus Most are multicellular 2 types of cells

  7. Prokaryotes Pro: Very simple make-up Con: Non-specialized – don’t have different compartments that can do different things Eukaryotes Con: Complex to build Pro: Very specialized Pros/Cons

  8. E.COLI BACTERIA--prokaryote

  9. Eukaryotic Plant Cell

  10. Liver Cell

  11. Graded activity: • On a piece of construction paper, draw and label the parts to a prokaryotic cell. • Must include: • 1. color • 2. all parts labeled • 3. the functions of each part

  12. QSR #3 • 1. ________ was the first person to coin the term “cells” after observing _____ cells under a compound light microscope. • 2. Plant and bacterial cells are similar in that they both contain a _______ _______. • 3. List 3 differences between prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells. • A._____________________________ • B._____________________________ • C._____________________________

  13. Cell Membrane • Also called Plasma membrane • 1. Separates the cell’s contents from the materials outside the cell • 2. Regulates what moves into and out of the cell • 3. Maintains __________________

  14. Plasma Membrane • Is Selectively permeable****** • Means that it will allow certain materials in while others cannot pass • 2 Types of organic molecules make up the cell membrane: • Proteins • Phospholipids

  15. Made of 2 layers of phospholipids: • PHOSPHOLIPID BILAYER • Many proteins are located on the membrane • Integral proteins – extend THROUGH the membrane • Receptor proteins – transmit signals across the membrane • Channel proteins – form pores that can open and close

  16. A phospholipid: • Has 2 fatty acid tails and a phosphate molecule head attached to it • Phosphate • Head region • polar • Fatty acid • Tail region • Nonpolar region

  17. QSR #4 • 1. The cell membrane, also called the ______ membrane is made of____ layers of phospholipids. • 2. Draw a phospholipid. (Use these terms to label it: polar, nonpolar, fatty acid tails, phosphate head) • 3. The _________ region of the membrane loves water while the _________ region does not. • 4. List and explain the 3 types of proteins that are found in or along the cell membrane.

  18. Cell Organelles http://www.cellsalive.com/cells/cell_model.htm

  19. Internal Structure • A. Organelles: • “cell organs” • Perform specific functions

  20. 1. Cytoplasm • Jelly-like substance that fills the inside of the cell and holds all the organelles

  21. 2. Nucleus • Contains a cell’s DNA or chromosomes • Only found in EUKARYOTIC cells • Enclosed in a double membrane– a nuclear envelope • Is filled with pores. Why?____________________________

  22. 3. Nucleolus (concentrated DNA) • Dense center inside the nucleus • JOB: make ribosomes • Some ribosomes are found on the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) • Some float around in the cytoplasm • Ribosomes link together ______ ______s to make proteins

  23. 4. Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) ER: thin folds of membranes found right outside the nucleus • 4a.Smooth ER: contain no ribosomes (has a smooth appearance) • 4b.Rough ER: house ribosomes • The ER makes up a highway for moving material throughout the cell

  24. 5. Mitochondria(POWERHOUSE) • Transfers energy from ORGANIC MOLECULES to ATP – which supplies the cell with energy!!! • Bean-shaped • Makes its own DNA (separate from nuclear DNA) • ****************************************************

  25. QSR #7 • 1. List four levels of organization that combine to form an organism. • 2. _________ is a dense area of DNA found inside the nucleus in which ________(s) are made. • 3. Ribosomes are important since they are the sites for ___________ synthesis. • 4. Ribosomes leave the __________ and attach to the ____ ____, or the highway of the cell. • 5. The mitochondria contains its own ________ and turns the energy from ________ molecules into ________ that will then supply the cell with ______.

  26. 6.Golgi Apparatus • A. Another system of flattened membranous sacs • B. processes, packages, and stores proteins – can alter and adjust them if necessary

  27. 7.Vesicles • “little taxis” • Carry molecules where they need to go • After a protein is made, part of the ER pinches off to form a vesicle surrounding the protein • This is how it gets to the Golgi

  28. 8.Vacuole • Think “Vacuum” • Bigger in plants • sac for storage– mostly water

  29. 9. Lysosomes – one type of vesicle • Contain enzymes – “clean up crew” • Defend the cell against invading bacteria and viruses • Break down damaged cell parts • ****NOT found in plant cells**** • (Look at animation under awe sci teachers) • *********************************************

  30. QSR #9 • 1. What are 2 main purposes for the golgi apparatus? • 2. ___________ are vesicles that repair damaged cell parts and keep out invading bacteria and viruses. • 3. Draw a diagram showing how a ribosome gets from the nucleus to the golgi. • 4. The _______ vacuole, located inside plant cells, is much larger because ______________.

  31. 10.Cytoskeleton -- Microtubules • Network of thin tubes and filaments that give shape to the cell • Ex: tent poles • Types: • 1. cilia – short, hair-like extensions • 2. flagella – long, whip-like tail used for movement • ****ONLY FOUND IN ANIMAL CELLS****

  32. Organelles for your cell model • Cytoplasm - icing • Nucleus – Reese cups • ER – rough and smooth – twizzlers, nerds on a rope • Ribosomes - nerds • Golgi Apparatus – air heads • Vesicles – skittles, M&Ms • Mitochondria – Mike n Ikes, hot tamales • Vacuole (Central Vacuole for plants) – air heads • Lysosomes – jelly beans • cilia and flagella- twizzlers • Cell Membrane – sour straws

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