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Retail audit . Lilia Gonzalez, Davide Santini, Léo Loison. Agenda. Hypothesis 7. H7: “The prime reason for a shopper's mall visit influences the activities the visitor reports engaging in while visiting the mall .” 4 categories : Shopping / Entertainment/ Eating / Socializing.
Retail audit Lilia Gonzalez, Davide Santini, Léo Loison
Hypothesis 7 • H7: “The prime reason for a shopper's mall visit influences the activities the visitor reports engaging in while visiting the mall.” • 4 categories: Shopping / Entertainment/ Eating / Socializing
Hypothesis 7 • H7. “The prime reason for a shopper's mall visit influences the activities the visitor reports engaging in while visiting the mall.” • Table 4
Hypothesis 7 Conclusion: • We see that almost 25% of Mall of America shoppers don’t shop anything. In the other malls only 7%, 6% and 11% are not buying anything. • This observation sustains the hypothesisthatthe prime reason for a shopper's mall visit (entertainment in that case) influences the activities the visitor reports engaging in while visiting the mall.”
Consumer observations Customer 1 (Zara): • 2 women who were friends. • Sometimes split up & get back together again. • Spent the majority of their time in the pants area • Shown selections, talk about matching. • “What color should I take?” • Kept carrying desired + dismissed items till they were about to pay • Got near where other women observe clothes and picked the same sweater. • Disarrange clothes, try them out slightly put them back without folding • Spent about 20 minutes in cashier because signing up to get the loyalty card. • First happy at the cashier and then getting impatient. • After payment looked relieved & left. • Picked several goods = three bags of Zara and her friend 1 bag full of accessories. • -
Consumer observations Customer 2 (Saturn): • 2 boys who were friends (aged 25). • In the tablets & computer area. • First had a look at all the different tablets. • Then focused on the tablets people can try • Exchanged comments about the tablet they were trying • One of the boy seemed to already have thistablet • So the other (the buyer) waslisteningto the experience of hisfriend • The friendwasshowing how the tabletworks and whatyoucan do withit • Finallythe buyerasked a salesman to show himsomeother alternatives • The buyerafterhavinglistening to the salesman came back to the tablet of hisfriend • And ask for more information including the price of the keyboard • Discussing if it’s relevant or to take 16gb or 32gb • Finallyheboughtthistablet (Microsoft Surface 2)
B2B behaviorHypothesis Motivated by self expression: • They are open to more original and creative reward systems: 90% of self expression motivated people chose the “bonus point system”. Motivated by values: • There is a correlationbetweenbeingmotivated by values and beingcreative: 100% of the values oriented are creative • If you focus toomuch on your values it’s more likelythatyouwillbebeaten by the opponentnegociator:The 2 teams 100 % composed of values motivatedpersonsscoredbelowaverage as a team & on average in total.
B2B behaviorHypothesis Motivatedby achievement: • Motivated by achievement are more likely to accept the bonus point system. • There is a correlation between teams made up with achievement people and single teams scores. The two lowest teams scores come from groups entirely formed by achievement orientated members. Creative: • It seems more likelyyou top score if your team is 100% composed of creativeperson. (the two top score as teams are 100% made of creative people).