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Retail Audit

Retail Audit. Sophia Kuhl Shakhribonu Tursunova Julia Volkova. http://trust-new.altedit.ru/retail-audit.html http://blog.compliantia.com/2010/01/21/mystery-shopping-vs-district-manager-store-wa lks-2/. Outline. Hypothesis Test.

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Retail Audit

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  1. Retail Audit Sophia Kuhl ShakhribonuTursunova Julia Volkova http://trust-new.altedit.ru/retail-audit.html http://blog.compliantia.com/2010/01/21/mystery-shopping-vs-district-manager-store-walks-2/

  2. Outline Hypothesis Test • Store 1 - Jack Wolfskin Purchase 1 • Store 2 – The North Face • Store 3 - Pandora • Store 4 - Swarovski • Purchase 2 • Store 5 - WMF • B2B Hypothesis

  3. Hypothesis Test Hypothesis Test Jack-Wolfskin • H2: Demographicsand CDM styles • Cluster analysistogroupinformantsinto CDM styles • 30 uniquecombinations of theattributes • 0RFP (no „very high style“, recreationalconscious, fashionconscious, perfectionist) includednearly all femalesandonlytwomen • Gender ismostaffectingfactorfortheclustergroupmembership Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis https://delivermagazine.com/2012/07/getting-to-know-your-target-audience/ http://justmysociologicalimagination.wordpress.com/2013/03/21/week-10-gender-inequality/

  4. The Store Hypothesis Test Jack-Wolfskin • Rather small store • A lot of clothes in acondensed space • High traffic Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://www.shopandmall.ru/new.php?news=11360

  5. The Store Hypothesis Test Jack-Wolfskin • Fitting room was blocked • with boxes, only two mirrors • Displays were not always • matching the goods offered • Light was shady Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://www.shopandmall.ru/new.php?news=11360

  6. The Customers Hypothesis Test Jack-Wolfskin Purchase 1 • Couples and women • Age range: 25-55 • Middle class income • Not very stylish • Average not verywealthy • Many people were already wearing • Jack Wolfskin North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://www.shopandmall.ru/new.php?news=11360

  7. Salespeople Hypothesis Test Jack-Wolfskin • Two salespeople, one (male 20 and 30) • No contact with customers when they entered • People had to ask them actively if they wanted assistance Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://www.shopandmall.ru/new.php?news=11360

  8. Recommendations Hypothesis Test Jack-Wolfskin • Train your staff better • Improve store decoration • Better structure in the store • Better lighting facilities Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://www.shopandmall.ru/new.php?news=11360

  9. Purchase 1 Hypothesis Test Jack Wolfskin • Emma, 48 years old • Highly educated, eco friendly, self-confident • Had one arm and looked for a winter coat, tried 10 coats • Decision making process < 1 hour (compared to a man 5 minutes) • Purchase: decided for a brown one for 199€ (cheapest one) Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://www.123rf.com/photo_13533502_i-love-shopping-icon-the-heart-is-made-from-different-female-fashion-items.html

  10. Purchase 1 Hypothesis Test Jack Wolfskin Decision-making process Purchase 1 Need Recognition North Face Information Search Pandora Evaluate Alternatives Swarovski PurchaseDecision Purchase 2 Post Purchase WMF B2B Hypothesis http://www.123rf.com/photo_13533502_i-love-shopping-icon-the-heart-is-made-from-different-female-fashion-items.html

  11. Purchase 1 Hypothesis Test Jack Wolfskin Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://www.123rf.com/photo_13533502_i-love-shopping-icon-the-heart-is-made-from-different-female-fashion-items.html

  12. The Store Hypothesis Test • Bigger store • Loud electronic music • More space for people • Very good lighting • Not crowded Jack Wolfskin Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://www.outdoor-test.de/statuscheck-nachhaltigkeit-the-north-face-2776

  13. The Customers Hypothesis Test Jack Wolfskin • More men, some women (30-55) & couples • Customers look wealthier • More upscale clothes • Women were wearing make-up and even heels Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://www.outdoor-test.de/statuscheck-nachhaltigkeit-the-north-face-2776

  14. Salespeople Hypothesis Test Jack Wolfskin • Two salespeople (male early thirties) • Werefriendlyand professional • Matched the “trendy” atmosphere in the shop Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://www.outdoor-test.de/statuscheck-nachhaltigkeit-the-north-face-2776

  15. Recommendations Hypothesis Test Jack Wolfskin • Better store location • in the mall • Empty stores are not • very attractive • Have an attention-grabbing shelf in the entrance area Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://www.outdoor-test.de/statuscheck-nachhaltigkeit-the-north-face-2776

  16. The Store Hypothesis Test • Very structured store • Counter with salespeople • Bright colors & good lighting • Display with the newest • part of the collection and explanation Jack Wolfskin Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://vintageland.org/bizhuterija-braslety-pandora

  17. The Customers Hypothesis Test Jack Wolfskin • Young couple & woman in her end-twenties • Mainly females or accompanying males Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://vintageland.org/bizhuterija-braslety-pandora

  18. Salespeople Hypothesis Test Jack Wolfskin • 4 salespeople and no customer • Were chatting but gave good advice and were friendly • Too many of them for the number of customers Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://vintageland.org/bizhuterija-braslety-pandora

  19. Recommendations Hypothesis Test • Decrease the number of salespeople • Music that supports the • atmosphere of the store Jack Wolfskin Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://vintageland.org/bizhuterija-braslety-pandora

  20. The Store Hypothesis Test Jack Wolfskin • Rather small store • Traffic rather high for the size of the store • Attracting shelf with shiny rings (men and woman) • Color scheme blue/silver • Lighted displays • Not very broad entrance • Attentive Salespeople Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://www.ma3.ru/index.php?pd=2&k=1&b=176

  21. The Customers Hypothesis Test Jack Wolfskin • Mainly woman (40+); younger couples • Men (in their 20 and 50s) looking for presents • Rather upscale people, women wearing make-up & expensive clothes • Younger people not very upscale, more looking for a special gift Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://www.ma3.ru/index.php?pd=2&k=1&b=176

  22. Redommendations Hypothesis Test • More space for each piece in • the shelf • Better store location (space for • window displays) • Better visibility for the store from • the distance (Marquee) Jack Wolfskin Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://www.ma3.ru/index.php?pd=2&k=1&b=176

  23. Purchase 2 Hypothesis Test Jack Wolfskin • Monika (55), married with two kids, housewife, wealthy, educated • Family-oriented, traditional • Wanted to buy a bracelet for her niece • She had one in light blue already • It took her 25 minutes to make the decision Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://www.123rf.com/photo_13533502_i-love-shopping-icon-the-heart-is-made-from-different-female-fashion-items.html

  24. Purchase 2 Hypothesis Test Jack Wolfskin Decision-making process Need Recognition Purchase 1 North Face Information Search Pandora Evaluate Alternatives Swarovski Purchase 2 PurchaseDecision WMF Post Purchase B2B Hypothesis http://www.123rf.com/photo_13533502_i-love-shopping-icon-the-heart-is-made-from-different-female-fashion-items.html

  25. Purchase 2 Hypothesis Test Jack Wolfskin Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://www.123rf.com/photo_13533502_i-love-shopping-icon-the-heart-is-made-from-different-female-fashion-items.html

  26. The Store Hypothesis Test Jack Wolfskin • Structured • Aisles not too narrow • A lot of display samples (touch everything) • Even samples for knives to try out cutting • Very good lighting • Background lounge music • Attentive salespeople Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://www.brandprofiles.com/wmf-3-logo

  27. The Customers Hypothesis Test Jack Wolfskin • Female (40+), • Upper middle class, • Upscale clothes & wearing make-up • Men (40+) alone looking for presents Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://www.brandprofiles.com/wmf-3-logo

  28. Real food in store is nice, • but make it look hygienic • Keep the area for show-cooking clean Recommendations Hypothesis Test Jack Wolfskin Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://www.brandprofiles.com/wmf-3-logo

  29. B2B Hypothesis Hypothesis Test Hypothesis 1. There is a correlation between the age and the type of motivation. The younger the people are, the more they are motivated by achievements. Jack Wolfskin Purchase 1 North Face Pandora Swarovski Purchase 2 WMF B2B Hypothesis http://creafety.wordpress.com/2011/10/03/hypothesis-in-quantitative-research/

  30. Thank you for your attention!

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