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Cell Structure and Function

This guide provides an in-depth exploration of cell structure and function, including topics such as the cell membrane, nucleus, organelles, and cell theory.

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Cell Structure and Function

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  1. Cell Structure and Function Ribosome (attached) Nucleolus Ribosome (free) Nucleus Cell Membrane Nuclear envelope Mitochondrion Smooth endoplasmic reticulum Rough endoplasmic reticulum Centrioles Golgi apparatus

  2. A CELL is . . . made of MOLECULES ATOMS MOLECULES ORGANELLES _______  ___________ ___________

  3. CELL THEORY CELL SIZE 1. All living things are made of _____________.2. Cells are the basic unit of structure & function in an organism (= basic unit of __________)3. New cells are produced from _________________ cells Cells life existing PLANT ANIMAL BACTERIA ___________ cells > _________ cells > _____________

  4. ALL LIVING THINGS ARE MADE OF CELLS WITH Cells __________ a NUCLEUS AND ORGANELLES surroundedby MEMBRANES = _________________ Cells __________ a _____________ OR ORGANELLES surroundedby _______________ = ________________ WITHOUT NUCLEUS MEMBRANES EUKARYOTES PROKARYOTES Bacterial Cell

  5. Outside of cell Carbohydrate chains Proteins Cell membrane Inside of cell (cytoplasm) Protein channel Lipid bilayer CELL MEMBRANE(also called plasma membrane) Cell membranes are made mainly of ________________ & __________________ PHOSPHOLIPIDSPROTEINS


  7. Oil and water don’t mix!


  9. CELL MEMBRANE Proteins that stick on the surface = _____________(either inside or outside of cell) Proteins that stick INTO membrane = ________________ (can go part way in or all the way through) PERIPHERAL INTEGRAL

  10. GLYCOPROTEINS Recognize “self” GLYCOPROTEINS are PROTEINS with carbohydrates attached

  11. TRANSPORT PROTEINShelp move substances across the cell membrane http://www2.uic.edu/~myilma1/ionchannel.gif More on this in Chapter 7-3

  12. WHAT DOES IT DO? Acts as a boundary Controls what enters and leaves cell

  13. Cell membranes MOVE! Molecules in cell membranes are constantly moving and changing

  14. CYTOPLASM (Between nucleus and cell membrane) ORGANELLE-small structure with a specific function (job) Organelles suspended in gel-like goo

  15. CELL MEMBRANE (PLASMA MEMBRANE) phospholipids proteins Made mainly of ____________________ and _________________ HYDROPHOBIC “tails” of phospholipids make molecules line up as LIPID ________________ with POLAR heads facing _______ & NON-POLAR tails facing ________ out BILAYER in • MEMBRANE PROTEINS • ____________________- stick on inside or outside surface • ____________________- go part way or all the way through • _________________ - recognize “self” • _______________ PROTEINS- move molecules across membrane PERIPHERAL INTEGRAL GLYCOPROTEINS TRANSPORT FUNCTION: SELECTIVELY PERMEABLE Membranes are _________________________________ (=Semi-permeable) Allow certain molecules to pass through; but keep others out ___________ what enters & leaves cell Helps with _________________ CONTROLS HOMEOSTASIS cytoplasm __________________ = gel-like material + organelles between nucleus and cell membrane

  16. NUCLEUS Largest organelle in animal cells Image from: http://www.mccc.edu/~chorba/celldiagram.htm

  17. NUCLEUS Surrounded by NUCLEAR ENVELOPE (also called NUCLEAR MEMBRANE) DOUBLE MEMBRANE Image from: http://www.agen.ufl.edu/~chyn/age2062/lect/lect_06/5_11.GIF

  18. NUCLEUS NUCLEAR PORES Openings to allow molecules to move in and out of nucleus

  19. WHAT DOES IT DO? Contains genetic material (DNA) DNA is scrunched up as CHROMOSOMES in dividing cells DNA is spread out as CHROMATINin non-dividing cells

  20. WHAT DOES IT DO? Control center of cell Image from: Genetic code tells the cell’s parts what to do

  21. NUCLEOLUS Dark spot in nucleus = __________ NUCLEOLUS Makes RNA for ribosomes

  22. NUCLEUS NUCLEOLUS DOUBLE • Surrounded by ______________ MEMBRANE called the NUCLEAR __________________ • ___________ CENTER OF CELL • Nuclear ___________ allow molecules in & out • CONTAINS CELL’S GENETIC MATERIAL (_______) • Dark spot = NUCLEOLUS makes ___________________ (RNA) ENVELOPE CONTROL PORES DNA RIBOSOMES CHROMOSOMES DNA is scrunched up as ______________ in dividing cells. CHROMATIN DNA is spread out as ________________ in non-dividing cells.

  23. CYTOSKELETON • Helps cell maintain shape • Help move organelles around Made of PROTEINS: MICROFILAMENTS (Actin) & MICROTUBULES (Tubulin)

  24. CYTOSKELETON Made of PROTEINS called ______________ & _________________ FUNCTION: _________________________ ___________________________________ MICROTUBULES MICROFILAMENTS Helps cell maintain shape; Support; Helps in movement

  25. CENTRIOLES Appear during cell division to guide chromosomes apart

  26. CENTRIOLES/MITOTIC SPINDLE Made of MICROTUBULES (Tubulin) Image from: http://www.coleharbourhigh.ednet.ns.ca/library/organelle_worksheet.htm

  27. CENTRIOLES MICROTUBULES Made of __________________________ Only seen in _______________ cells during cell division Function:__________________________________ ANIMAL guide chromosomes apart;

  28. MITOCHONDRION (plural=MITOCHONDRIA) Look like “little sausages” Image from: http://instructional1.calstatela.edu/dfrankl/CURR/kin150/Images/mitochondria.jpg

  29. MITOCHONDRIA Surrounded by a DOUBLE membrane Has its own DNA Folded inner membraneincreases surface areafor more chemical reactions Image from: http://www.biologyclass.net/mitochondria.jpe

  30. MITOCHONDRIA Come from cytoplasm in EGG You inherit your mitochondria from your mother!

  31. WHAT DOES IT DO? “Powerplant of cell” Burns glucose to release energy Stores energy as ATP

  32. MITOCHONDRION (pl. MITOCHONDRIA) DOUBLE Surrounded by _____________ membrane Contains its own ___________ _______________ of cell Burns ____________ Stores energy released as ______ DNA Power plant GLUCOSE ATP CRISTAE Folded inner membrane = _________________ (increases surface area for more chemical reactions)

  33. RIBOSOMES • Made of PROTEINS and RNA • Protein factory for cellJoin amino acids to make proteins 

  34. RIBOSOMES Can be attached to Rough ER OR free in cytoplasm

  35. RIBOSOMES FREE in cytoplasm ATTACHED Can be __________________ or __________ to Rough ER MADE OF ______________ & ________ FUNCTION: _____________________ PROTEINS RNA MAKE PROTEINS

  36. ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM Network of hollow membrane tubules 2 KINDS: SMOOTH or ROUGH

  37. ROUGH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM (Rough ER) Makes membrane proteins and proteins for export out of cell Image from: http://www.biologyclass.net/endoplasmic.jpe

  38. ROUGH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM (ER) • Has RIBOSOMESattached • Proteins are made on ribosomes and inserted into Rough ER to be modified and transported Image from: http://fig.cox.miami.edu/~cmallery/150/cells/ER.jpg

  39. SMOOTH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM (smooth ER) • Has NO ribosomes attached • Has enzymes for special tasks

  40. SMOOTH ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM (smooth ER) • Makes membrane lipids (steroids) • Regulates calcium (muscle cells) • Destroys toxic substances (Liver)

  41. ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM MEMBRANES Internal Network of ___________________ Rough ER: Attached ribosomes make _________________ which are modified and transported to Golgi for export Smooth ER: Makes membrane lipids (__________________) Regulates ________________ in muscles Breaks down _________________ in liver PROTEINS ROUGH ER SMOOTH ER (with ribosomes) (no ribosomes) STEROIDS CALCIUM TOXINS

  42. GOLGI APPARATUS (BODY) • Pancake like membrane stacks Modify, sort, & package molecules from ER for storage OR transport out of cell

  43. GOLGI APPARATUS (BODY) Looks like a “______________________” Made of ______________________ FUNCTION: Modify, sort, & package substances from ER for ______________ or _______________ out of cell stack of pancakes membranes storage export

  44. It’s ALL connected!

  45. LYSOSOMES Membrane bound sacs that contain PROTEINScalled digestive enzymes Digest food, unwanted molecules, old organelles, cells, bacteria, etc



  48. “PROGRAMMED CELL DEATH” = ______________________ APOPTOSIS Lysosomes help digest unwanted cells Human tails http://www.mgm.ufl.edu/images/bharfe/image3.jpg http://research.yale.edu/ysm/images/78.3/articles-apoptosis-cells.jpg

  49. Apoptosis plays a role in: Embryonic development Normal body cell maintenance Immune system responses Cancer AIDS infection Transplant rejection http://www.cellsalive.com/apop.htm

  50. LYSOSOMES Sac containing _________________________ FUNCTION: Digests __________________________________ Plays a role in ____________“Programmed cell death” Cell suicide for the good of the organism Digestive enzymes food molecules & unwanted cells/cell parts; APOPTOSIS

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