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Advance Planning Briefing for Industry Conference Objectives. Open and meaningful dialogue with Industry on a fair and equitable basis to foster a mutual understanding of future contract requirements and industry capabilities.
Advance Planning Briefing for Industry Conference Objectives • Open and meaningful dialogue with Industry on a fair and equitable basis to foster a mutual understanding of future contract requirements and industry capabilities. • Engage in face to face dialogue with decisions makers in both Government and Industry that share a key role in supporting our warfighters. • ASC clearly defines our upcoming requirements. • Industry partners understand ASC upcoming requirements, so that we together meet the needs of our Army at War. • Complete a mission: Contribute to making our nation stronger in order to defeat our enemies. • Provide an Industry perspective in order to better understand each other’s challenges and exchange ideas to strengthen our partnership. • Collectively assess how we are doing, clarify our focus, and ensure we are headed in the right direction. As of 26 July 2010
Army Sustainment Command Overview Mr. Scott Welker Deputy to the Commander AMSAS-DC
Ammo Plant Depot Maint Depot Maint Installation Armament Installation Armament Installation Armament ACC Contracting Ctr ACC Contracting Ctr ACC Contracting Ctr Face to the Warfighter - Unit Focus AMC’s Operational Arm to The Army : ASC Integratingthe Unit & Weapon System View to Deliver Warfighting Capability Weapons Systems / Fleet Focus ARMY MATERIEL COMMAND (AMC) AMCOM/LCMC Aviation and Missile Life Cycle Management Command CECOM/LCMC Communications-Electronics Life Cycle Management Command TACOM/LCMC Tank-automotive and Armaments Life Cycle Management Command JM&L LCMCJoint Munitions and Lethality Life Cycle Management Command HQ AMC Staff Depot /Arsenal Installation Armament ACC Contracting Ctr ACC Contracting Ctr 403rd AFSB KOREA 404th AFSB FT LEWIS, WA 405th AFSB GERMANY 406th AFSB FT BRAGG, NC 407th AFSB FT HOOD, TX Theater Aligned Theater Aligned RESET 401st AFSB AFGHANISTAN 402nd AFSB IRAQ BUILD UP DRAW DOWN As of 15 Mar 2010
Army Sustainment Command (ASC) Video As of 15 Mar 2010
What We Do MISSION ASC synchronizes distribution and sustainment of materiel to and from the field for the Materiel Enterprise in support of the warfighter. On order, executes LOGCAP. VISION ASC sustains our Army, is ready to accomplish any mission, is committed to excellence and achieves the highest standards while taking care of our Soldiers, Civilians and their families. As of 15 Mar 2010 5
Army Sustainment CommandWhat We Do Materiel Enterprise Field Integrator Provide LOGCAP • Over 74K Military, Civilian & Contractors • $8B Budget FY10 • Approximately $9B • Value of Contracts • 34 Locations • 23 States • 9 Countries • 1 Distribution Management Center (DMC) • 7 Army Field Support • Brigades (AFSBs) • 20 Army Field • Support Battalions • (AFSBns) Army program for using contractors in wartime and to support Global contingencies for DoD missions. Synchronizes and integrates materiel readiness for the war fighter and our Army, including AL&T. Support to Contingency Operations OEF Surge & Sustainment OIF Drawdown & Sustainment OUR Haiti Relief Operations Support to ARFORGEN Field Level Reset Left Behind Equipment (LBE) Pre-Deployment Training Equipment (PDTE) Logistics Assistance Program (LAP) Iraq Afghanistan Kuwait Current Opns Materiel Management Build/Maintain Army Prepositioned Stocks (APS) Provides materiel readiness visibility and management, including property accountability and Source of Repair workloading. Maintains, accounts for, and cares for stocks in storage world wide, including: APS-1 : CONUS APS-2 : Livorno APS-3 : Charleston, S.C. APS-4 : Korea & Japan APS-5 : Kuwait, Qatar, & Afghanistan Materiel Management Center/“The Army’s DISCOM” Contracting Requirements Supply Management ARFORGEN Equipping Strategy DOL Realignment ARFORGEN : Army Forces Generation CONUS : Continental United States DOL : Director of Logistics LOGCAP : Logistics Civil Augmentation Program MATV : MRAP All Terrain Vehicle MRAP : Mine Resistant Ambush Protected OEF : Operation Enduring Freedom OIF : Operation Iraqi Freedom OUR : Operation Unified Response 6 As of 15 Mar 2010
ASC : AMC’s Operational Arm Left Behind Equipment (LBE) – equipment that stays on location and arriving forces use the equipment at that location, rather than moving huge amounts of equipment for each and every combat force that deploys. Theater Provided Equipment - Equipment left in theater when one unit leaves and another takes its place. Certain items are left in theater because these are force protection items. Army Pre-Positioned Stocks- stored in seven countries and a board ships, APS means that ammunition, provisions and equipment are readily available whenever the need arises, supplying forces until longer range resource plans are made. Materiel Management - Materiel Management makes sure the equipment goes where it is needed. Through the Distribution Management Center in Rock Island, IL, and Distribution Management Teams around the world, ASC plans, integrates, and synchronizes equipment demands and supply so that our Warfighters have the equipment they need, when they need it. Pre-Deployment Training Equipment (PDTE) - Equipment used for training troops prior to deployment. Logistics Assistance Program (LAP) - Provides the Combatant Commanders with reach back capabilities to the LCMC’s to resolve problems that affect readiness. Army Force Generation (ARFORGEN) - ASC supports the ARFORGEN cycle of Reset, Train, Equip and Deploy. We manage equipment, Reset operations, Left Behind Equipment (LBE), and Pre-Deployment Training Equipment (PDTE). This ensures that Soldiers have proper equipment to train with, and damaged and worn equipment is quickly reset to operational status. Directorate of Logistics(DOL) - Realignment of the Directorate of Logistics and Contract Management enables AMC to reduce, consolidate and eliminate redundancies in Maintenance Contracts and Capabilities to Gain Efficiencies in the Materiel Enterprise. Field Level Reset - Maintaining, repairing, discarding, etc., left behind equipment. Reset makes sure equipment is serviceable and available for arriving units. Logistics Civil Assistance Program (LOGCAP) – Army program for using contractors in wartime and to support global contingencies for DoD missions. As of 15 Mar 2010
Army Field Support Brigades (AFSB) 7 Army Field Support Brigades stationed worldwide Army Field Support Brigade (AFSB) –headed by 7 COLs, oversees and manages all subordinate AFSBn / LSEs, oversees regional Reset, LBE, PDTE, APS Army Field Support Battalion (AFSBn) – Support to 10 Divisional HQs and 4 APS elements, manages all AMC operations on installation responsible for funding and training, plus 3 provisional Bns for OIF / OEF Logistics Support Element (LSE) – Support to 3 Corps HQs and other non-divisional units, provides national capabilities, directs DOL workload • Brigade Logistics Support Team (BLST) – (50 + 8 GTA) 1 MAJ / CW5, 7-13 LAR positions from TACOM, CECOM, AMCOM, and ASC Interfaces with BCT / CAB SPO, provides national capabilities Logistics COL George Akin 404th AFSB FT. LEWIS, WA COL John Haley 405th AFSB KAISERSLAUTERN, GE Technology Acquisition COL Johnny Johnston 406th AFSB FT. BRAGG, NC COL Barry Diehl 403rd AFSB DAEGU, KOREA Awaiting Photo COL Danny Tilzey 407th AFSB FT. HOOD, TX COL Lawrence Fuller 402nd AFSB JOINT BASE BALAD, IRAQ COL Richard O’Connor 401st AFSB AFGHANISTAN 8 As of 20 Jul 2010
LOGCAP World Wide Support Combat Casualties Employees Killed 104 Employees Wounded 366 Employees Missing 1 LOGCAP LOGCAP supports US Military & Coalition Forces 59K+/- Contractors provide LOGCAP Support in five countries U.S. Army Premier Capability ToSupport Global Contingencies ByLeveraging Corporate Assets To Augment Army Current& Programmed CS/CSSForce Structure. Support Enabler For Force Vision& Future Forces LOGCAP FACTS 2003 – 30 Jun 2010 1.1B meals prepared 81.2M bags of laundry cleaned 224.3M patrons visited MWR facilities 471.7M lbs of mail handled 24.2B gallons ofwaterproduced 268.5M tons of ice produced @ 9 ice plants 7.8B gallons of fuel delivered (bulk/retail) 162.4M miles driven in support of forces Afghanistan • SUPPORTING as of 21 Jul 2010 • 41 DFACs LC III • 70 DFACs LC IV • 33 Camps Iraq • 89 FOBs Afghanistan • 8 CampsKuwait • 4 CampsBahrain • 1 Camp Oman • US Embassy Iraq Iraq Kuwait The Army’s Contingency Contracting Vehicle that Leverages Worldwide Corporate Resources to Bridge the Gap between Logistics Force Structure and Theater Logistics Requirements As of 19 Jul 2010 Subsistence Construction Supply & Distribution Maintenance
Materiel Enterprise DOL Synergy CURRENT IMPERATIVES FUTURE DOLs Single Source of Repair on an Installation • Seamless Support to SCs • DOL as Conduit to Transform ASC • Integrate & Control Field Level Maintenance / Supply Capability • Decentralized Execution under AFSB / AFSBn C2 • Optimize Maintenance Capacity and Capabilities (Flexibility to Move Overflow / Workload to DOLs / Depots / Arsenals / OEMs) • Standardized PWS / Processes / Metrics • Build Augmentation Capability thru Contract Vehicle FLRCs AMC Core Competencies Aligned in the Materiel Enterprise Numerous Contracts / PWS AMC IMCOM FORSCOM Standardized Acquisition Strategy Multiple POCs Multiple Maintenance Systems Single POC on an Installation CTC Fleets Installation Logistics Linked to AMC TRADOC FMX As of 23 June 2010
Materiel Enterprise Materiel Management CURRENT IMPERATIVES FUTURE • Seamless Support to Sr Cdr • Maximize Army Sustainment Structure ISO Sr Cdr = Leverage ESC/SBs • Leverage Automation = Asset Visibility = COP • Property Accountability • Equipment Readiness / Maintenance Work Loading • ARFORGEN Steady State: 1/5/20/90 • Augment AFSB Materiel management Capability when SBs Deploy Support To OCO Support To OCO ASC as CONUS TSC ASC / DMC / DMTs ESCs SBs TPE STPE-I Support To ARFORGEN DMC = CONUS MMC USETT-I Retrograde Support To ARFORGEN ESCs Leveraged Lead Materiel Integrator Reset SPO Capability in AFSB & AFSBns LBE PDTE 11 As of 23 June 2010
Materiel Enterprise Lead Materiel Integrator (Equipping) CURRENT IMPERATIVES FUTURE • ARFORGEN = Progressive Readiness tied to Aim Points • Improve Readiness of Units by ME focal point on S-Rating and R-Rating • Respond to Demand Signal IAW Army Priorities • Leverage Automation • Asset Visibility Lead Materiel Integrator New Production Depot Stocks ARSTAFF Equipping Lead New Production TPE Materiel Enterprise PDTE Depot Stocks TPE LBE PDTE APS S-Rating LBE S- & R-Rating Other APS Managing Friction Other R-Rating RCE Demand Signal Equip to MEEL Equip to MTOE / Msn EOH Not Optimized to Max Units Achieving S-Rating EOH Optimized to Max Units Achieving S-Rating Increased Dwell : BOG BOG : Dwell As of 23 June 2010