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The Organization of Congress. How a Bill Becomes a Law. Representing the Peeps. Powers of Congress. Baker’s Choice. 2 00. 2 00. 2 00. 2 00. 2 00. 4 00. 4 00. 4 00. 4 00. 4 00. 6 00. 6 00. 6 00. 6 00. 6 00. 8 00. 8 00. 8 00. 8 00. 8 00. 10 00. 10 00. 10 00. 10 00. 10 00.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The Organization of Congress How a Bill Becomes a Law Representing the Peeps Powers of Congress Baker’s Choice 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

  2. Row 1---100 Question - What are the three requirements that must be met in order to become a member of the House of Representatives?

  3. Row 1---100 Answer - 25 years old, 7 years a citizen of U.S., and live in district you represent

  4. Row 1---200 Question - How is the speaker of the House elected?

  5. Row 1---200 Answer - Elected by the House of Representative members and is always from the majority party

  6. Row 1---300 Question - Who has the deciding vote in the event that there is a tie vote in the Senate?

  7. Row 1---300 Answer - Vice President of the United States

  8. Row 1---400 Question - What are the two main responsibilities of the Senate majority leader?

  9. Row 1---400 Answer - 1. Decide which bills are debated 2. Decides how the Senate will do its daily business

  10. Row 1---500 Question - How much money do House of Representative Members and Senators make per year?

  11. Row 1---500 Answer - $169,300

  12. Row 2---100 Question - What are the term limits for the House of Representatives and the Senate?

  13. Row 2---100 Answer - House – 2 years; Senate – 6 years

  14. Row 2---200 Question - How are the number of representatives in the House determined for each state?

  15. Row 2---200 Answer By state population based on a ten year census

  16. Row 2---300 Question - What is a formal reprimand of a Congressional member known as?

  17. Row 2---300 Answer - Censure

  18. Row 2---400 Question - Who must approve any treaties with foreign countries?

  19. Row 2---400 Answer - The Senate

  20. Row 2---500 Question - Who are the two North Carolina Senators?

  21. Row 2---500 Answer - Kay Hagen and Richard Burr

  22. Row 3---100 Question - Coining money and establishing post offices are examples of which type of Congressional power?

  23. Row 3---100 Answer - Expressed

  24. Row 3---200 Question - What are two non-lawmaking powers that the House and the Senate share?

  25. Row 3---200 Answer - Propose amendments and perform investigations

  26. Row 3---300 Question - Who must choose a Vice President if there is no majority vote in the electoral college?

  27. Row 3---300 Answer - Senate

  28. Row 3---400 Question - Drafting citizens into the military is an example of which type of power?

  29. Row 3---400 Answer - Implied power

  30. Row 3---500 Question - Which house of Congress handles appropriation bills?

  31. Row 3---500 Answer - House of Representatives

  32. Row 4---100 Question - Which house of Congress has a Rule Committee when debating legislation?

  33. Row 4---100 Answer - House of Representatives

  34. Row 4---200 Question - Who makes up the members of a Conference Committee?

  35. Row 4---200 Answer - Both members of the House and the Senate

  36. Row 4---300 Question - What are the three types of Congressional Committees?

  37. Row 4---300 Answer - Standing, Select, Joint

  38. Row 4---400 Question - What are the four options or actions available to a standing committee when discussing legislation?

  39. Row 4---400 Answer - Amend, Pigeon Hole, Kill, or Pass the Bill

  40. Row 4---500 Question - What must the President do when he vetoes a bill?

  41. Row 4---500 Answer - Must send it back to both the House and the Senate with a written explanation of why he vetoed it.

  42. Row 5---100 Question - Who has the catch phrase “To infinity and beyond!”

  43. Row 5---100 Answer Buzz Lightyear (otherwise known at the Baker house the movie the kids want to watch 24/7.)

  44. Row 5---200 Question - What was the name of the friendly Native American who taught the Pilgrims how to grow corn and pumpkins, thus helping form the first Thanksgiving?

  45. Row 5---200 Answer - Squanto

  46. Row 5---300 Question - How does James Bond like his drinks prepared?

  47. Row 5---300 Answer - Shaken not stirred

  48. Row 5---400 Question -If you are in a race, what place are you in if you take over the person who is in second place?

  49. Row 5---400 Answer - 2nd Place

  50. Row 5---500 Question - Why did the mushroom say he should be allowed at the party?

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