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Declaration of Independ . Articles of Confederation. Unit 2 Vocab. Compromises. Baker’s Choice. 2 00. 2 00. 2 00. 2 00. 2 00. 4 00. 4 00. 4 00. 4 00. 4 00. 6 00. 6 00. 6 00. 6 00. 6 00. 8 00. 8 00. 8 00. 8 00. 8 00. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. 1000. Row 1---100 Question.

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  1. Declaration of Independ. Articles of Confederation Unit 2 Vocab Compromises Baker’s Choice 200 200 200 200 200 400 400 400 400 400 600 600 600 600 600 800 800 800 800 800 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

  2. Row 1---100 Question - What was the court case that protected the idea of the freedom of the press?

  3. Row 1---100 Answer - John Peter Zenger Case

  4. Row 1---200 Question - What was the first written plan of government in colonial America?

  5. Row 1---200 Answer - Mayflower Compact

  6. Row 1---300 Question - What system is used to restrain the powers of the three branches of government to make sure each branch does not become to powerful?

  7. Row 1---300 Answer - Checks and Balances

  8. Row 1---400 Question - What is the division of power between the Federal government and State governments?

  9. Row 1---400 Answer - Federalism

  10. Row 1---500 Question - What states that the government cannot establish one religion for the country?

  11. Row 1---500 Answer - Establishment Clause

  12. Row 2---100 Question - Which abuse committed by King George III was most resented by the colonies?

  13. Row 2---100 Answer - “No taxation without representation”

  14. Row 2---200 Question - What philosopher’s ideas were used in the Declaration of Independence?

  15. Row 2---200 Answer - John Locke

  16. Row 2---300 Question - Who was the King of England at the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence?

  17. Row 2---300 Answer King George III

  18. Row 2---400 Question - What were the three unalienable rights of man, according to Thomas Jefferson?

  19. Row 2---400 Answer - Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness

  20. Row 2---500 Question “Deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” Who are the “governed”?

  21. Row 2---500 Answer - The people of the colonies

  22. Row 3---100 Question - Based on the A.O.C., how many votes did each state get when discussing legislative matters?

  23. Row 3---100 Answer - One vote per state

  24. Row 3---200 Question - What was the first national government of the states called?

  25. Row 3---200 Answer - 2nd Continental Congress

  26. Row 3---300 Question - What established how western land could become a state?

  27. Row 3---300 Answer - Northwest Ordinance of 1787

  28. Row 3---400 Question - After the A.O.C. failed, the Constitutional Convention started. What was the date of the start of this convention?

  29. Row 3---400 Answer - May 25, 1787

  30. Row 3---500 Question - What year was the Articles of Confederation formed?

  31. Row 3---500 Answer - 1777

  32. Row 4---100 Question -Which plan of government at the Constitutional Convention called for a Two House legislature and representation based on population?

  33. Row 4---100 Answer - Virginia Plan

  34. Row 4---200 Question - What plan was created to appease both the small states and larges states in terms of representation in Congress?

  35. Row 4---200 Answer - Great Compromise – aka – Connecticut Compromise

  36. Row 4---300 Question - What plan of government was similar to the Articles of Confederation?

  37. Row 4---300 Answer - New Jersey Plan

  38. Row 4---400 Question - Which group of people favored a strong national government?

  39. Row 4---400 Answer - Federalists

  40. Row 4---500 Question - Who wrote the Virginia Plan?

  41. Row 4---500 Answer - James Madison

  42. Row 5---100 Question - How far can a dog run into the forest?

  43. Row 5---100 Answer - Halfway…after that the dog is running out of the woods

  44. Row 5---200 Question - Rearrange the letters in the words "new door" to make one word. What do you get?

  45. Row 5---200 Answer - One Word

  46. Row 5---300 Question - A little moron and a big moron were standing on the edge of a bridge. The big one fell off, the little one didn't. Why didn't the little moron fall off?

  47. Row 5---300 Answer - The one who didn’t fall off was a little more on…get it.

  48. Row 5---400 Question - Mike is a butcher. He is 5 ft 10” tall. What does he weigh?

  49. Row 5---400 Answer - Meat

  50. Row 5---500 Question - The maker doesn’t need it, the owner doesn’t want it, and the user doesn’t know he’s using it. What is it?

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