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Meeting of the IndustriAll Eastern Region , Bratislava/ Slovakia , 26. – 28.3.2013 REPORT FOR SLOVENIA. Political , Economic and Social Situation. Political , Economic and Social Situation. Members of parliament voted lack of confidence to government
MeetingoftheIndustriAllEasternRegion, Bratislava/Slovakia, 26. – 28.3.2013REPORT FOR SLOVENIA Political, Economicand Social Situation 1
Political, Economicand Social Situation • Membersofparliamentvotedlackofconfidence to government • Influence on changeofgovernementhad protest ofcitizens in largetowns in country • New governmentconsist 4 parties (2 fromexgovernementand 2 fomformeroposition: State list, Desus, PositiveSloveniaand Social democrats • Topics in program ofnewgovernment are: strentghtenofeconomy, sanitationofbanksandincreaseofemployment, wayoutofcrisiscan not befounded at saving, reform ofinsolvencylegalislation, benefits on social contributionsfornewjobs • Formergovernmentrealizedreforms on pensioning, labourrelationsandlabour market withstrongimpactoftradeunions 2
Political, Econimicand Social Situation • At theendof 2012 majorityofeconomicindicatorsworsenandthiswillcontinue in 2013 • In thefourthquarterof 2012 GDP reducedfor 3%, in whole 2012 reducedfor 2,3% on 17,245€ perr capita • Totalvalueaddedreduced in thefourthquarterof 2012 for 2,8% and in manufacturingactivitiesreducedfor 0,8% • 2012/2011 industrialgrowthincreased in amanufacturingactivitiesfor 1,0%, incomesofsalereducedfor 1,9%, ordersreducedfor 1% • I 2012/ I 2011 pricesofindustrialproductsincreasedfor 0,4% • I 2012/ I 2011 exportincreasedfor 0,3% andimportreducedfor 2,3% 3
Political, Economicand Social Situation • Budget deficit in 2012 was 3,1% • On December 2012 unemploymentratewas 13,0% (on ILO methodwasabout 10,0%) • I – XII 2012/ I – XII 2011 inflationratewas 2,7% (same II 2013/II 2012) • An averagegrosswagefor December 2012 was 1,525€ and net 992€ • Gross minimum wage is 783,66€ 4
Collectivebargaining • At 23.1.2013 SKEI realized one daywarningstrike • SKEI finishednegotiation at electroindustrybranchwith minimum basicwagesincreased in 2 steps: for 2,4% by 1.3.2013 and 2,0% by 1.9.2013, minimum reimbursementforleave is 820€ • Negotiationswillcontinue at basicmaterialsandfoundries, whereemployersofferedonly 3,2% minimum basicwagesincrease, minimum reimbursementforleavewillbe 855€ • Negotiationswillcontinue in metal industrywhereemployersofferedonly 3,0% minimum basicwagesincreasand minimum reimbursementforleave 793€ 5
Social dialog development in Slovenia Sectoral social dialoge - TLC • OurTrade unions – TCL has a long tradition, we are well organized. There has been set up a solid social partnership with employers. • The main product of the social dialogue in Slovenia in oursector is Collective agreement for the textile, clothing, leather and leather manufacturing (Kptoupd). • Current Kptoupd was concluded on the17th June 2009. • Kptoupdis validindefinitely. • Tariff appendix is an integral part of the collective agreement, but the validity of one year. If in the current year there are no changes, the tariff attachment in the same amounts is extended by one year. • Unfortunately, the social partners in the last three years could not negotiate a higher basic salaries, reason is minimum wage. Malta, 10.-11. 4. 2013
Briefpresentation of the situation in Slovenia Malta, 10.-11. 4. 2013
Briefpresentation of the situation in Slovenia Malta, 10.-11. 4. 2013
Briefpresentation of the situation in Slovenia Malta, 10.-11. 4. 2013