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Eija-Liisa Ahtila & Heli Rekula March 3, 2008 Independent Study

Eija-Liisa Ahtila & Heli Rekula March 3, 2008 Independent Study. Heli Rekula (Finland) Hyperventilation 1993. Heli Rekula (Finland) Confused 1995. Heli Rekula (Finland) Desire #3 “or…I just don’t know what to do with myself”. Heli Rekula (Finland) Stage I, Stage II (2006).

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Eija-Liisa Ahtila & Heli Rekula March 3, 2008 Independent Study

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Eija-Liisa Ahtila & Heli RekulaMarch 3, 2008Independent Study

  2. Heli Rekula (Finland) Hyperventilation 1993

  3. Heli Rekula (Finland)Confused 1995

  4. Heli Rekula (Finland)Desire #3 “or…I just don’t know what to do with myself”

  5. Heli Rekula (Finland)Stage I, Stage II (2006)

  6. Eija-Liisa Ahtila (Finland) Dog Bites performance1992-1997

  7. Stiles writes of “Dog Bites,” (1992), “She is pure emotional pathos. The body here is a membrane of pain. Some terrible gnawing psychophysical self-doubt, self-hate, self-revulsion, and annulment pervades these images.” Stiles continues, “For despite pictorial rhetoric, these images were not empowering, but hopeless and sad. I longed for them to be simply fictions. But even as fictions, they would have bespoken self-hatred…”

  8. “I was desolate because no matter who a woman is, what she does, or what she has, she is never enough. I am never enough…For despite momentary triumphs,none of us is exempt from defeat…” -Art historian Kristine Stiles, "Never Enough is Something Else: Feminist Performance Art, Probity, and the Avant-Garde." (2000)

  9. “…I found myself asking: ‘Is this where it all ends?’ The cheap photocopies of photographs—still images of live performance events—were pictures that broke my heart and incapacitated my will. They confirmed desperation of the struggle and the extent to which we women continue to degrade ourselves in a misguided attempt to wrest power over the cultural implications of our representations.” -Art historian Kristine Stiles, "Never Enough is Something Else: Feminist Performance Art, Probity, and the Avant-Garde." (2000)

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