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North Carolina Council for Women http://www.councilforwomen.nc.gov 2011-2012 Grant Information Session. Jacqueline Jordan, Grants Administrator Direct Line-919-733-9689 Jacqueline.Jordan@doa.nc.gov Todd Moore, Grants Administrator Direct Line-919-715-9439 Todd.Moore@doa.nc.gov.
North Carolina Council for Women http://www.councilforwomen.nc.gov 2011-2012 Grant Information Session
Jacqueline Jordan, Grants Administrator Direct Line-919-733-9689 Jacqueline.Jordan@doa.nc.gov Todd Moore, Grants Administrator Direct Line-919-715-9439 Todd.Moore@doa.nc.gov Contact Information 919-733-2455-Main # TOLL FREE #-877-502-9898
Session Objectives http://www.councilforwomen.nc.gov • To gain a basic understanding of Grant Application process • To identify key components of Grant Application • To be able to complete and submit the Grant Application components successfully
FY11-12 Grant Applications are available online www.councilforwomen.nc.gov This year’s process will allow submission of Grant Applications via email Applications should be sent via: NCCFW@doa.nc.gov
FY11-12 Grant Cycle PLEASE BE MINDFUL The “Grant” Application Process initiates the “NEW” Grant Cycle The “FY11-12” Grant Cycle begins July 1st, 2011 for eligible applicants “FY11-12” Grant funds are not available for issuance prior to July 1st, 2011 Eligible “FY11-12” applicants will have to complete a “FY11-12” (Grant) Contract prior to issuance of grant funds The (Grant) Contract process is expedited upon notification & availability of the “FY11-12 Grant Cycle funds”
Grant Applications are due Friday April 15th ALL Grant Applications and signature pages must be received by NC CFW Grants Administrators no later than Friday, April 15th 5:00pm ***Pages of the Grant Application that require signatures PLUS requested Policies must be mailed Mailing address: 1320 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1320 Physical address: 422 North Blount St Raleigh NC 27601
How to submit grant applications Via Email: • NCCFW@doa.nc.gov • Subject line should contain… Full name of program & county location & type of grant being submitted (DV or DH or SA) FOR SIGNATURE PAGES PLUS requested Policies…. Via US Mail Only: • NC CFW-Grants Section • 1320 Mail Service Center Raleigh NC 27699-1320 Via Federal Express/UPS/Hand Delivery: • NC CFW-Grants Section • 422 N. Blount Street Raleigh NC 27601
Significant to this cycle(FY11-12) Full Legal Name of Program must be provided ALL requested Policies must be submitted Determination of Funding Level must be addressed If applicable, Applicants must provide amount of funds returned to NC CFW (Due to recent budgetary concerns, this may affect future funding amounts! )
DETERMINATION OF FUNDING LEVEL How do you determine your level of funding? The category determines your annual reporting requirement @ NCGrants.gov (N.C. Gen. Stat.143C-6-22 & 23 9 N.C.A.C. Subchapter 3M.0205-attachment D of Contract) Level 1 Reporting: Your program is… Receiving less than $25,000 in total state issued grant funds Level 2 Reporting:Your program is… Receiving at least $25,000, but less than $500,000 total state issued grant funds Level 3 Reporting:Your program is… Receiving $500,000 or more in total state issued grant funds
POLICIES REQUESTED(All of the Policies must be submitted in the order listed below) • Conflict of Interest Policy • Confidentiality Policy • Non-discrimination Policy • Organizational Code of Conduct Policy • Internal Controls Policy • Recordkeeping Policy • Whistleblower Policy The “Request for Program Policy Page” will need to be signed & submitted for each grant application The “Request for Program Policy Page” will need for each box/area that lists a Policy to include: Approval Date & Effective Date The “Request for Program Policy Page” Should be attached at the very beginning/on the front of the series of Policies submitted
Displaced Homemaker Applicants ONLY The Displaced Homemaker grant is competitive Applications will be reviewed by the NC CFW’s grants committee (Not the NC CFW grants staff) Grant funds will be awarded to no more than 35 applicants It is important to be clear and concise with ALL Grant Application items
The DV & SA Grant Application The DV & SA grant is not competitive It is still important to provide clear answers that pertain to the specific grant for which you are applying NCCFW grants staff advise applicant to exercise caution when “cutting/copying” & “pasting” information on the DV & SA Grant Application
Match Requirement Programs applying for funds must match state appropriated funds (DV,SA & DH ONLY) The match requirement does not apply to Marriage License fees and/or Divorce filing fees The match must be generated locally and represent a minimum of 20% of the total state appropriated award The match requirement is designed to encourage sustainability of the program by diversifying the funding base and gaining local support for the program’s efforts
Match Requirement For example, if the total grant award is $10,000 a $2,000 match is required. Examples of sources for local matches include: • Fundraisers • Grants from private organizations such as churches, foundations, or business firms • United Way • Civic Groups • Local government units including city and county government • In-kind goods or services calculated at fair market value
GRANT CHECKLIST (the emailed forms) NCCFW@doa.nc.gov • Grant Application Coversheet • Program Narrative Section • Projected Income Statement (Excel Attachment) • Budget Proposals (Excel Attachments) • DH, DV, SA State Funds • 20% Matching Funds for the State Funds • Marriage License Fees for DV Programs • Divorce Filing Fees for DH Programs
GRANT CHECKLIST (mailed forms) These items are provided by the applicant • Applicant’s/Agency -501(c) (3) • Applicant’s/Agency-Articles of Incorporation • Applicant’s/Agency Bylaws • Applicant’s-List of CURRENT members of the Board, including the Finance Committee • Request for Program Policy and the requested “Policies” listed on the page • Certification Page • Verification of Review of Grant Application “Page”
GRANT CHECKLIST (mailed forms) Applicants that are submitting multiple applications can mail one (1) of each requested • Program/Agency’s 501c (3) • Articles of Incorporation • Program/Agency Bylaws BUT Applicant will also need to provide a “cover sheet” that will list the grant funds associated with above items Example:”These Articles of Incorporation apply to DV and/or SA application “
For Governmental Entities • Community Colleges are EXEMPT • The “Governmental Tax Exempt” Form must be submitted • If this does not apply to your “Governmental” Agency/Program…please provide documentation with explanation as to why this does not apply to you.
GRANT CHECKLIST (the mailed forms) “Request for Program Policy” PLUS the requested Policies ALL Programs/Agencies (Government & Non-government) must submit 1(one) copy of each Policy requested Applicants that are submitting multiple applications can… Mail one (1) of each Policy requested BUT Applicant will also need to provide a “cover sheet” that will list the grant funds associated with that Policy Example: This “Conflict of Interest” Policy applies to DV and/or SA application
GRANT CHECKLIST (the mailed forms) “Request for Program Policy” & the requested Policies The “Request for Program Policy” must be “signed” and submitted for each grant application The “Request for Program Policy” should be attached to the front of the series of “Policies” requested
The use of “BLUE” Ink is strongly suggested Mail one (1) original and two (2) copies Of the “Signature Pages” listed below • Request for Program Policy “Page” • Certification “Page” • Verification of Review of Grant Application “Page”
Email Section of Grant ApplicationNCCFW@doa.nc.gov The next slides will cover the sections/pages of the Grant Application that will need to be “Emailed” • NCCFW@doa.nc.gov • Subject line should contain… Full name of program & county location…type of grant being submitted (DV or DH or SA)
The Grant Application Cover Sheet • County (If more than one county will be served with the 1 grant award, list the counties) • New Applicant this year: Yes or NO • Full Legal Name of Agency/Program: • Also Known As: • Federal Tax ID: (Also known as Contract Number) • Printed Name of Executive Director & Email Address: • Printed Name of Program Director & Email Address: • Agency/Program Status: Government Operated ORPrivate, Non-Profit • Agency/Program’s Fiscal Year: (January-December) or (July-June) • Year Agency/Program Started Providing Services:
The Grant Application Cover Sheet(continued) • Year Agency/Program was Incorporated: • Date Agency/Program received non-profit status: • Is Agency/Program a subsidiary of another organization? YES/NO • Agency/Program’s Administrative Office Address • Agency/Program’s Mailing Address & Hours of Operation • Agency/Program’s Office/Fax# & Crisis Line# (DV/SA Only) • Number of Employees to be funded by NC CFW funds ___ full-time ___ part-time • Shelter capacity (applies to DV application) • Program’s website address:
The Grant Application Cover Sheet(SPECIAL NOTE) • DH/DFF Grant Application…. • Does Your Program receive DV/MLF funds from NC CFW? • Does Your Program receive SA funds from NC CFW? • DV/MLF Grant Application… • Does Your Program receive DH/DFF funds from NC CFW? • Does Your Program receive SA funds from NC CFW? • SA Grant Application…. • Does Your Program receive DV/MLF funds from NC CFW? • Does Your Program receive DH/DFF funds from NC CFW?
Determination of Level of Funding Provide your program’s full legal name and tax identification number Please indicate only one (1) level of funding Does your Specific Program meet Level 1 Reporting? Yes No Receiving less than $25,000 in total state issued grant funds Does your Specific Program meet Level 2 Reporting? Yes No Receiving at least $25,000 but less than $500,000 in total state issued grant funds Does your Specific Program meet Level 3 Reporting? Yes No Receiving $500,000 or more in total state issued grant funds
PROGRAM NARRATIVE CRITERIA Please be sure to provide the title of the section that you are responding to… IN order to allow THE grant reviewer the ability to verify that all items received a Response Example: Provide your Board’s sustainability plan for the program Our Board’s sustainability plan consists of….. 1st time applicants will have a box that will allow them to indicate… first time applicant, not applicable No more than 3000 characters allowedper response table/box provided in each section 100 points total for displaced homemaker Applicants • omplete at the time of submission • No more than 1000 characters per bulleted item allowed
History of Program (15pts for DH) • What is your specific Program’s mission and if you are a multi-service agency how does the specific Program fit into the mission of your organization-(5pts DH) • Describe outreach and three (3) significant or unique accomplishments of your specific Program during the past year and provide evidence of success-(5pts DH) • List and describe whether or not your specific Program met projected goals during the previous year, if projected goals were not met, please explain why they were not met-(5pts DH)
Program Need (40 pts for DH)(Purpose/justification of request for funds) • Explain why there is a need for your specific Program within your community-(15pts DH) (Please include content that will provide success stories of your program) • Describe barriers that affect current service delivery and training-(10pts DH)
Program Need Continued (40 pts for DH)(Purpose/justification of request for funds) FOR DH APPLICANTS ONLY… • Provide data on the probable number of Displaced Homemakers in the area (accordance to G.S. 143B-394.5A) (5pts DH) • Provide data on the availability of resources for training & education in the area (accordance to G.S. 143B-394.5A) (5pts DH) • Provide data on viable living wage job opportunities in the area (accordance to G.S. 143B-394.5A) (5pts DH)
Program Need Continued (40 pts for DH)(Purpose/justification of request for funds) FOR DH APPLICANTS ONLY… Possible Resources for data requested https://www.ncesc.com/default.aspx http://www.ncjustice.org/ http://www.ncruralcenter.org
Objectives of ProgramFY10-11-present cycle(DV & SA Applicants) • List three (3) measurable objectives listed during FY10-11 cycle • Explain why the objectives were essential to the specific Program • Describe the projected outcomes for each of the FY10-11 objectives • Describe the method(s) utilized to evaluate the program’s effectiveness
Objectives of Program FY11-12-future cycle(DV & SA Applicants) • List three (3) measurable objectives for FY11-12 cycle • Explain why the objectives are essential to the specific Program • Describe the projected outcomes for each of the FY11-12 objectives • Describe the method(s) utilized to evaluate the program’s effectiveness
Objectives of Program (DH-18 pts total) FOR DH APPLICANTS ONLY… • List three (3) measurable objectives and describe the projected outcome for each objective listed-(12pts) • Explain why the objectives are essential to the Displaced Homemaker Program and describe the method(s) utilized to evaluate the program’s effectiveness-(6pts)
Board Participation & Community Support (DH-12pts) • Describe the Governing Board’s role and participation with the program including the monitoring & evaluation process-(5pts) • List and describe partnership, community supporters, & collaborations-(2pts) • Provide details of your Board’s sustainability plan as it relates to funding for your specific Program-(3pts) • Provide details on the Board’s diversity including gender, race/ethnicity, geographic make up-(2pts)
Personnel (DH-5pts) • Provide details of your efforts to address diversity-(3pts) (Assess if the staff reflect the community that you serve?) • Provide a job description of each specific Program position(s) that will be funded by NC CFW that will include-(2pts) • Position/Title; Knowledge, skills & abilities; Duties of position; Training/credentials required • Specify which grant fund will be utilized to fund position-(DV/MLF;SA;DH/DFF) • You can list the positions and description of each in the table • OR • Attach each job description that addresses the positions listed
Personnel (DH Applicants) • The NC Council for Women strongly encourages Displaced Homemaker applicants to assess the positions that will be funded by the NC CFW funds. 143B-394.6 Staff for Center- To the maximum extent feasible, the staff of the center, including technical, administrative, and advisory positions, shall be filled by displaced homemakers
Budget Effectiveness (DH- 10 pts) • Describe how the specific Program will provide the 20% match-(5pts) • Describe the basis of accounting that your specific Program will utilize and how the accounting records will be maintained to ensure consistency and accountability of the state issued grant funds (5pts)
Budget Effectiveness • Please provide the specific grant award amounts your program received during the FY09-10 grant cycle OR…First time applicant, not applicable • Total DV amount received? Total MLF amount received? • Total SA amount received? • Total DH amount received? Total DFF amount received? • Did your program return any specific Program funds during the FY09-10 Grant Cycle? If so, specify which grant/how much was returned & why • DV amount returned? MLF amount returned? • SA amount returned? • DH amount returned? DFF amount returned? OR…First time applicant, not applicable
Grant Application Charts • Funding Sources must be provided for the past 2 years FY10-11 and FY09-10 • ALL of the Mandated Services data must be completed on each chart
FUNDING SOURCESList ALL funding sources for the past 2 years for the program(FY10-11 & FY09-10)
CERTIFICATION PAGE(Requires Signature of Board Treasurer/Equivalent) Certification of Matching Funds This is to certify that this agency has received funds and/or services in an amount necessary to provide the required match, or that the agency has anticipated funds and/or services for the required match for the “2011-2012” year and has supporting documentation on file Certification of Non-Lobbying This is to certify that this agency will not use any funds received from this grant for lobbying to influence legislators to support or vote for or against legislation or appropriations. Certification of Insurance and/or Bonding This is to certify that all employees, volunteers and board members who handle funds are properly insured and/or bonded to insure that all monies are safeguarded. Signatures certify that all information subscribed to above is true and accurate
VERIFICATION OF REVIEW OF GRANT APPLICATION Provide Program’s Full Legal Name: County Location: Tax Identification # The persons whose signatures appear below, certify that they have reviewed the information within the Grant Application and verify that it is true and accurate. _______________________________ ________________________________ Board Chair/Designee (Signature) Executive Director/Equivalent (Signature) _______________________________ ___________________________________ Board Chair/Designee (Printed Name) Executive Director/Equivalent (Printed Name) _____________________________ ____________________________________ Date Date
Grant Application Checklist The Projected Income Statement & Budget Proposals are posted as separate Excel Documents Applicants will have to access the Excel Documents and complete the data (ww.councilforwomen.nc.gov) Applicants will have to submit the Projected Income Statement & Budget Proposals as email attachments( NCCFW@doa.nc.gov)
Budget Proposal Amounts Should be based on “reasonable” amounts
Displaced Homemaker Legislation The Fund shall be administered by the North Carolina Council for Women in accordance with Article 1 of Chapter 143 of the General Statutes and shall be used to make grants to up to 35 centers for displaced homemakers The NC CFW Grant’s committee will review the Applications & determine the grant award recipients
Displaced homemaker means an individual who: • Has worked in his or her own household & has provided unpaid household services; and • Is unable to secure gainful employment due to the lack of required training, age, or experience; or is unemployed or underemployed; and • Has been dependent on the income of another household member but is no longer adequately supported by that income, or is receiving support but is within two years of losing the support, or has been supported by public assistance as the parent of minor children but is no longer eligible, or is within two years of losing the eligibility.
North Carolina Council for Women ALL applicants will be notified of grant award eligibility by July 1st NC CFW may not be able to provide an actual grant award amount during the initial grant award notification 919-733-2455 TOLL FREE #- 877-502-9898 http://www.councilforwomen.nc.gov