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Science Olympiad Information Meeting September 18, 2013 (River Bend)

Science Olympiad Information Meeting September 18, 2013 (River Bend). What is Science Olympiad?. International nonprofit organization- Organize tournaments. develop a passion for learning science. tests knowledge of various science topics. Over 15,000 schools from 49 U.S. states compete.

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Science Olympiad Information Meeting September 18, 2013 (River Bend)

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  1. Science Olympiad Information Meeting September 18, 2013 (River Bend)

  2. What is Science Olympiad? • International nonprofit organization- Organize tournaments. • develop a passion for learning science. • tests knowledge of various science topics. • Over 15,000 schools from 49 U.S. states compete. • Teams compete in three levels of competition: • Regional, States, and National.

  3. RBMS Science Olympiad Team • Team represents River Bend Middle School. • 15 students (max. per Team). 2 Teams. • Science Olympiad tournament consists of 23 events. • Most events require 2 students. • Events involve taking a test, laboratory work or testing a device (built previously). • Events run in 50 minute intervals on tournament day. • Students participate in 3-4 events. • Students prepare for competition during entire school year. • Enhance their science education. • Helps develop a passion for science.

  4. 23 Events – 5 Categories Life, Personal & Social Science Anatomy, Disease Detective, Entomology, Heredity, Water Quality Physical Science & Chemistry Can’t judge a powder, Crime Busters, Simple Machines, Shock Value, Sounds of Music Earth & Space Science Dynamic Planet, Meteorology, Reach for the Stars, Road Scholar, Rocks and Minerals Technology & Engineering Boomilever, Mission Possible, Mouse Trap Vehicle, Mystery Architecture, Roller Coaster, Rotor Egg Drop Inquiry & Nature of Science Metric Mastery, Experimental Design, Write It Do It

  5. Life, Personal & Social Science • Anatomy (Nervous, Integumentary) • Nervous and Integumentary Systems • Disease Detective (Environmental Illness) • Investigative skills in the study of disease, injury, health, and disability. • Entomology • Study of insects • Heredity • Students will solve problems and analyze data or diagrams using their knowledge of the basic principles of genetics • Water Quality - The event will focus on evaluating aquatic environments(Marine/Estuary).

  6. Earth & Space Science • Dynamic Planet • Related to Glaciers, long term planet changes. • Rocks and Minerals • Meteorology • Use of process skill applied to Meteorology (Severe Storms) • Road Scholar • Interpretation and understanding of various map features • use of road and topographic maps. • Solar System • understanding and knowledge of the properties and evolution of extraterrestrial ice and water in the solar system.

  7. Physical Science & Chemistry • Shock Value - Compete in activities involving basic understanding of electricity, magnetism and simple electrical devices. • Simple Machines • Perform activities and answer questions related to simple machines • Sounds of Music - Build two instruments based on a 12 tone tempered scale, prepare to describe the principles behind their operation and be able to perform a major scale, a required melody and a chosen melody with each

  8. Physical Science & Chemistry • Can’t Judge a powder - Characterize a pure substance and then, based only on data they collect, answer a series of questions about that substance. • Crime Busters • Identify the perpetrators of a crime by analyzing solids, liquids, and plastics found at the scene of a crime.

  9. Technology & Engineering • Robo-Cross - Teams will design and build a robot capable of performing certain tasks on a prescribed playing field. • Wheeled Vehicle - Competitors must design, build and test one vehicle that uses a non-metallic, elastic solid as its sole means of propulsion to travel a distance as quickly and accurately as possible. • Mystery Architecture - At the beginning of the event, teams will be given a bag of building materials and instructions for designing and building a device that can be tested. • Boomilever • Students will build a cantilevered wooden structure.

  10. Inquiry & Nature of Science • Experimental Design • design, conduct, and report the findings of an experiment actually conducted on site. • Rotor Egg Drop - A team will construct a helicopter device which uses one or more helicopter rotors to safely transport a raw chicken egg from a specified height to the floor.. • Write it Do it • effectively communicate with a colleague in writing by having their partner construct a device from this written description.

  11. Event Breakdown • Knowledge Events • Anatomy • Disease Detectives • Entomology • Meteorology • Heredity • Road Scholar • Rocks and Minerals • Solar System • Water Quality • Laboratory Events • Crime Busters • Can’t Judge a Powder • Dynamic Planet • Experimental Design • Shock Value • Write it Do it • Building and Technology Events • Sounds of Music • Wheeled Vehicle • Boomilever • Robo-Cross • Rotor Egg Drop • Mystery Architecture • Simple Machines Popular Build something prior to competition. Require time, money, effort and a good coach. Take a test on tournament day Low prep for coach. Find appropriate study material (books, CD). Lab based, hands on Conduct experiments and answer questions. Harder to prepare. Require scientific equipment.

  12. Who are the coaches • Coaches are parents or other adults who volunteer to teach students the scientific concepts for their respective events. • Coaches do not have to be scientists. • Approximately 1-2 events per coach. • Organize meetings : 3-4 times a month • Building events may require skill / more than one coach.

  13. Team selection • Passion for science: Recruit students who build electric cars, rockets, bridges as a hobby. • Priority for students whose parent volunteer their time as coaches. • Coaches teach scientific concepts for one or two events. • Coaches do not have to be scientists. Provide books, resources. • Organize meetings 3-4 times a month (or more). • Building events require skill, more than one coach. • Require a good mix of students to cover the wide range of topics. • Open for 6th – 8th graders. Maybe limited by grade.

  14. Before you commit … • Each event requires significant effort : • Work with a parent / coach beyond the regular school day, to prepare for the events. • Events are designed to challenge the students. • Fill student interest form, prioritize events. • Each student is assigned 3-4 events. • Should be willing to work on any event. • Scientific equipment, books, building material ~ $ 50 - 100 / student. • Registration cost - $50

  15. Timeline • Obtain building material / books : Sept. - Nov. • Study and prepare for tournament : Spet. – Feb. • Organize weekly meetings to monitor progress. Coaches Clinic: Oct. 19, 2013. • Invitational: Jan. 11, 2014. Fairfax High. • Regional Tournaments : Feb./March . • State Tournament :March 22, 2014. Madison HS. • National Tournament : May 2014. Resources / Contacts • Virginia Science Olympiad : http://virginiaso.com/ • National Science Olympiad : http://soinc.org/

  16. Resources / Contacts • Virginia Science Olympiad : http://virginiaso.com/ • National Science Olympiad : http://soinc.org/

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