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Help IN Time Of Need

Help IN Time Of Need. James 5:13-18. Help In Time Of Need. We continue our series on the book of James We have but 2 more lessons and then we will be done with this NT book Tonight we deal with some things that we, as Christians, should all be very familiar with. Help In Time Of Need.

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Help IN Time Of Need

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  1. Help IN Time Of Need James 5:13-18

  2. Help In Time Of Need • We continue our series on the book of James • We have but 2 more lessons and then we will be done with this NT book • Tonight we deal with some things that we, as Christians, should all be very familiar with

  3. Help In Time Of Need • Let’s remember what James has just finished talking about • In verses 1-6 he speaks very sharply to those who were rich • In verses 7-12 he comes back to the faithful and tells them to be patient and to do so without grumbling

  4. Help In Time Of Need • Certainly being patient (longsuffering) isn’t always easy, especially when you are being persecuted • So James gives them some much needed help in that area • James tells us that we have some help at our disposal in our time of need

  5. Help In Time Of Need • 1. Prayer • James lays forth the question, “Is anyone among you suffering?” • This would certainly have brought forth a resounding “Yes!” then just as it would today • James knew they had troubles as he already mentioned them in chapter 1

  6. Help In Time Of Need • 1. Prayer • The help James gives them is in the form of prayer • James has already encouraged prayer several times throughout the book of James • Here James gives us some things that prayer should be used for in our lives

  7. Help In Time Of Need • 1. Prayer • Prayer should be used for suffering (v. 13) • We cast our cares upon God because He cares for us (I Pet. 5:7; Phil. 4:6) • James already told us that when we are going through trials we should ask God for wisdom (1:2-5)

  8. Help In Time Of Need • 1. Prayer • Prayer should be used for sickness(vs. 14-16) • This is why we pray often for those who are sick among our numbers • Our daily prayers should include those who struggle with physicalailments

  9. Help In Time Of Need • 1. Prayer • Prayer should also be used for sin as well • We are told that if we confess our sins that God is faithful and just to forgive us of all sins (I Jn. 1:9) • That confession needs to come before the throne of God

  10. Help In Time Of Need • 1. Prayer • James gives us 3 uses for prayer here in chapter 5 • However, James also tells us what kind of prayer should be offered as well • There are 3 characteristics of prayers that should be offered up

  11. Help In Time Of Need • 1. Prayer • Prayer should be faithful • James mentions it is the prayer of faith that will save the sick • He already mentioned having faith with our prayers in chapter 1 • Without faith we receive nothing

  12. Help In Time Of Need • 1. Prayer • Prayer should also be fervent • If we want our prayers to work, they must be fervent • Fervent means to be active or mighty in • We need to constantly petition the throne of God for what is important (Lk. 18:1)

  13. Help In Time Of Need • 1. Prayer • Our prayer should be earnest as well • The literal translation there is “in prayer he prayed” • This indicates the intensity with which he prayed (Woods, GA Comm.) • Do we beg and plead with God with tears?

  14. Help In Time Of Need • 2. Praise • Surely there were some there who were suffering • However, there were probably some who were cheerful or glad in their hearts • James tells those who were cheerful to sing psalms

  15. Help In Time Of Need • 2. Praise • It’s easy for us to murmur and complain when we are unhappy • How many of us take the time to praise God and let our thanks be known when things are going well? • God needs to hear the good not just the bad

  16. Help In Time Of Need • 2. Praise • We need to do a better job of expressing our appreciate to God and before the ears of our fellow man • Remember that Paul said to let our requests be made known to God with thanksgiving (Phil. 4:6) • God deserves our appreciation and praise!

  17. Help In Time Of Need • 3. Confession • A third help in the time of need is the confession of sin that is spoken of here • Obviously we need to confess our sins to God in order that we might receive forgiveness (I Jn. 1:9) • This is not just for the one who is sick

  18. Help In Time Of Need • 3. Confession • The purpose is not so that man will forgive you, but rather that prayer might be offered for God’s forgiveness • That word confess means to acknowledge or agree • We do not have to tell every sin we’ve committed

  19. Help In Time Of Need • 3. Confession • There can be mental and emotional relief in confession of our sins • There is also the benefit of having someone else petition God on your behalf • This is especially comforting when someone seems to be struggling

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