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You are Stressed from Unwanted Pregnancy - MTP Kit is Best Solution

Choose an MTP Kit for the termination of an early pregnancy, choose privacy and safety. Buy an MTP Kit online at very affordable rates.

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You are Stressed from Unwanted Pregnancy - MTP Kit is Best Solution

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  1. You are stressed from unwanted pregnancy - MTP Kit is best solution Call us to Toll Free +1 844 455 8585 and Mail us –help-desk@abortionpill24.com http://www.abortionpill24.com/

  2. MTP Kit An unexpected pregnancy comes with a whole spate of worries for the woman/couple concerned. Apart from being unexpected, what makes a pregnancy unwanted too? Recent surveys have shown that younger women are not ready for the life change to motherhood and older women already have their lives filled with enough responsibility of already existing dependents or are past their childbearing and rearing time. Apart from this there are many medical reasons which leave no other choice but an abortion as a resolution. Once a woman is on that cross road, she has two options to choose from: Surgical abortion (Using anesthetics and instruments and performed in a clinic/hospital by a doctor) OR Medical abortion (using pills to detach and expel an early pregnancy of up to 49 days, at home). Call us to Toll Free +1 844 455 8585 and Mail us –help-desk@abortionpill24.com

  3. FDA Approved MTP Kit Medicine MTP Kit is an FDA approved composition for medical abortion, available at this drug portal accessibly and inexpensively. Millions of women, the world over, have preferred to choose an MTP Kit over surgical abortion as it affords them the privacy that they desire. An MTP Kit comprises of 5 tablets; 1 tablet of Mifepristone and 4 tablets of Misoprostol. This potent pill combination, allows you to carry out abortion very safely and successful, but only for pregnancies as early as 9 weeks or less. Call us to Toll Free +1 844 455 8585 and Mail us –help-desk@abortionpill24.com

  4. Functionality of an MTP Kit: The first of the 2 components, Mifepristone, which is an anti-progesterone medication, obstructs the function of progesterone hormone (it supplies nutrients and oxygen to the uterus aiding proper fetal growth and development). When this hormone is blocked, the uterine lining begins to shed itself, the cervix begins to soften and bleeding may commence. The other component of the MTP Kit, Misoprostol, is a prostaglandin which forces the uterus to contract and expels the dead fetus out of the woman’s body along with blood and blood clots. http://www.abortionpill24.com/mtp-kit.html Call us to Toll Free +1 844 455 8585 and Mail us –help-desk@abortionpill24.com

  5. How an MTP Kit must be used: Successfully using this kit is a 3-step process:Start on Day 1 with one tablet of Mifepristone ingested orally with a glass of waterOn Day 3 take 4 tablets of Misoprostol orally or vaginally (if you use the vaginal route, then use distilled water to ensure prevention of any infection).Two weeks or 14 days later, go to a clinic or hospital for a clinical examination to confirm that the abortion is complete. Call us to Toll Free +1 844 455 8585 and Mail us –help-desk@abortionpill24.com

  6. MTP Kit is safe or not While safe, a medical abortion using an MTP Kit, results in bleeding, often heavier than a menstrual period, and some women experience side effects like gastrointestinal discomfort (cramps, nausea and diarrhea) and dizziness, vaginal bleeding, weakness, and pain in the pelvic region. Call us to Toll Free +1 844 455 8585 and Mail us –help-desk@abortionpill24.com

  7. Some safety/therapeutic measures to be ensured while using Abortion pill: • Avoid physical intercourse for a few months after an abortion as the woman’s body is prone to pregnancy at this time and it needs time to recover.• Take complete rest after the undergoing abortion.• Do not lift heavy weights or perform physically strenuous work after the abortion.• Do not use an MTP Kit if you are suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes, without a doctor’s presence.• Eat a nutritious and balanced diet rich in iron, vitamins, minerals & proteins, after an abortion.• Remove an IUD, if present, before administering the MTP Kit. Call us to Toll Free +1 844 455 8585 and Mail us –help-desk@abortionpill24.com

  8. How to Buy MTP Kit Online Choose an MTP Kit for the termination of an early pregnancy, choose privacy and safety. Buy an MTP Kit online at very affordable rates. Call us to Toll Free +1 844 455 8585 and Mail us –help-desk@abortionpill24.com

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