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Grand View Baptist Church

Discover the truth about Biblical evangelism, explore historical heresies to avoid, and learn the essence of true conversion vs. false profession in this insightful guide.

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Grand View Baptist Church

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  1. Grand View Baptist Church

  2. Introduction • History of Evangelism • Heresies to Avoid • Biblical Evangelism • Conclusion

  3. Introduction • Paul, Timothy, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Peter, Jesus, etc. all employed the same Evangelistic Method • The thief on the cross… never had to be baptized, never repeated the “sinner’s prayer”…. Yet he was regenerated! • Baptism is a work and does not save…if someone who is unregenerated is baptized they go in dry and come out wet, but still are dead in their trespasses and sins • Getting someone who is unregenerate to repeat something, does not change the heart or make them alive…only the Holy Spirit can do that • Many will say Lord, Lord did we not….Matthew 7:22 • We need to make our calling and election sure – II Peter 1:10 • Some churches teach false ways of evangelism and are the blind leading the blind – Matthew 15:14 • The difference is between true conversion and false profession

  4. History of the Easy Believism Heresy • The truth is man is dead in trespasses and sins prior to salvation, a fact easy believism rejects – Ephesians 2:5 • Easy believism, decisionism, sinner’s prayer, checking the box, signing on the dotted line, etc. are all names for some heretical modern evangelism methods • Books like Evangelism Explosion which teach decisionism are to be avoided and so are those who come from their seminaries…Hyles, DTS, the Cooperative Baptist Seminaries such as Mercer, Truett, Wake Forest, etc. • All of these man made techniques date back to a heresy of Pelagius, who is the father of humanism…5th Century • He taught that sin did not taint human nature and unregenerate man is inherently good able to choose between right and wrong….man is not dead in their sins • He had a very low view of God and high view of man

  5. History of Easy Believism Heresy • In the 1800’s, Charles Finney introduced a new line of heresy… decisionism. His new method came from not understanding that before salvation we are totally depraved, dead in our trespasses and sins. He supposed that preachers could overcome obstacles to faith in Jesus Christ….not the Holy Spirit, but preachers • He initiated revival tactics like people coming forward to receive Christ, using music, fear, stories, etc. to manipulate people into making a decision. He encourage people to “do something”. • Since, before we are saved we are dead in our trespasses and sins, how can a corpse do anything? • Others drifted farther away from the truth into further heresy building on Finney. • They used entertainment, music, celebrity speakers, etc. things that would make the audience feel good and get a response from them • Manipulation and sales techniques is not what regenerates, but that is what they would use • Dallas Theological Seminary twisted the verse Acts 3:19 from changing direction to a mere change of mind AKA making a decision • Jack Hyles and others used high pressure decisionism…sort of like an unethical used car salesperson would • Truth about Repentance • Repentance is more than a change of mind it is a complete change of direction. • Turn from sin and self and to Jesus Christ • With True Conversion eternal destiny changes from hell to heaven

  6. Acts 3:19 • Metanoia – Repent – Aorist Active Imperative – Verb -- In English, we have past, present and future, Greek Aorist is “summary” tense which we don’t have in English – Active means do it and keep on doing it – Imperative means it is a command • Repent means to completely turn from something to something else. A 180 degree change • Be Converted – Epistrepho – Also Aorist Active Imperative. • When you convert something you completely change it. A carport that is converted into a garage goes through a complete change….a person dead in sin goes through a complete change to be alive unto God • Salvation is not just a change of mind, but a regeneration of heart and life

  7. “Repent and be converted that your sins may be blotted out” • Blotted out – wiped away, completely erased • True salvation is not a mere decision or getting religion or about obtaining your best life now…True salvation is being translated from being an enemy of God into being part of God’s family, a true follower of Jesus Christ • “Now after that John was put in prison, Jesus came into Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, And saying, The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: repent ye, and believe the gospel.” – Mark 1:14,15 • “I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” – Luke 13:3 • Easy believism tries to change the meaning of repentance or do completely away with it, but Jesus Himself taught that repentance from sin and believing the Gospel (Turning to Jesus Christ) is part of salvation

  8. Heresies to Avoid • Seeker sensitive  Romans 3 says that there are no seekers. The difference between the truth and heresy -- one is God focused the other is man focused… • Seeker sensitive churches almost invariably use decisionism • Some traditional, contemporary and other churches also use decisionism so be on guard • Basic tenets of Easy Believism • 1. Make a decision for Christ • 2. Repeat a prayer • 3. Since, all sins are forgiven there is no change of life needed (also, there is no change of life because their isn’t any salvation involved)

  9. Biblical Evangelism • The Law is our school master to bring us unto salvation • A- Admit …. But it is really the stark realization that you are a sinner headed for hell and you need Jesus as your Lord and Savior • We cannot make a dead person alive, only God can do that, so we must allow the Holy Spirit to convert the sinner • Romans 3:10,11,23 – All have sinned, none seek after God • Some will think all but them…so we preach the Law and then the Gospel • Before someone is saved, the Holy Spirit will convict them of being lost and then draw them to true conversion • 10 Commandments – No one can go through all 10 and not have broken 1 • Breaking 1 of God’s commands earns us a spot in God’s wrath in hell – Romans 6:23 The wages of sin is death… • God is merciful, but God is also just …. We must teach both

  10. The Gospel message is we are sinners as the 10 commandments prove to us….but God so loved the world • John 3:16 • Romans 6:23, Ephesians 2:8,9 • Repent and be converted… • Jesus, the spotless Lamb of God, paid the price for our sins, died and rose again • Salvation is by repenting of sin and placing our faith in the redeeming work of Jesus Christ not in walking an aisle, making a decision, repeating a prayer, checking a box on a tract, etc. Repentance from sin and placing our Faith in Christ alone! • Don’t lead someone in a prayer, the Holy Spirit will … making the dead alive is His job not ours….we don’t have the power to raise the dead… Jesus Christ does • Use the Law and the Gospel and allow the Holy Spirit to convict and to save the soul through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior

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