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GEO Spacecraft Status and Plans: EUMETCast Status Report Aug 2005-Feb 2008

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GEO Spacecraft Status and Plans: EUMETCast Status Report Aug 2005-Feb 2008

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  1. Eumetsat Status report Ken HolmlundEumetsatkenneth.holmlund@eumetsat.int

  2. GEO Spacecraft Status and Plans EUMETCast status Eumetsat Retransmission Service (EARS) Metop (EPS) Status Reprocessing activities Introduction

  3. Met-7 drift start • Met-9 drift stop • Met-9 start imaging • Met-8 stop imaging • Met-9 drift start • Met-7 drift stop • Met-7 start imaging • Met-5 stop imaging • Met-6 stop RSS • Met-6 drift start • Met-5 re-orbiting • Met-6 drift stop 2005 2006 2007 J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D MSG-2 Comm MSG-2 6.5ºW Met-8 3.4ºW Met-8 Met-7 0º Met-9 Met-6 9.5ºE 58ºE Met-7 Met-5 63ºE Met-6 J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D 2005 2006 2007 Met-5 in a graveyard orbit

  4. Met-7 direct dissemination stops on 14 June 2006 Met-9 enters Operational Service at 0° on 1 Aug 2006 Met-8 stops dissemination on end September 2006 Met-7 starts the IODC mission early Dec 06 Met-5 stops imaging and supports the DCP mission in eclipse Met-6 stops the RSS service on 31 Dec 2006 Met-5 is re-orbited in late April 07 If DCP testing on Met-8 is successful, Met-6 is relocated at 63°E to support the DCP mission in eclipse During the Met-7 drift users are likely to experience degraded performances of RSS. A minor impact is expected on IODC data Meteosat-8 Rapid Scanning is TBC, earliest expected Jan 2008

  5. On schedule Image and Product Validation ongoing Low-frequency modulated noise on 6.2 micron channel Induced in pre-amp or other onboard electronics Possible corrective measures Redundant h/w On ground processing MSG-2 Commissioning

  6. 6.2 micron striping (MSG-1 vs MSG-2)

  7. Impact of change in non-linearity correction

  8. Met-8/Met-9 AMV

  9. Specification 7 yrs lifetime nominal scanning full disc Rapid scanning possible But not combined! Current lifetime tests 1-4 years nominal +3 yrs RSS 2-7 years RSS Spindle life test 3 years nominal + 7 yrs RSS (TBC) Ball Bearings extension test MSG Rapid Scanning

  10. EUMETCast Status Report

  11. Aug 2005: Ku-Band bandwidth increase by 3 Mbps (EPS Global Data dissemination support) Oct 2005: Operational dissemination of Land SAF products (products of preceding trial dissemination phase) Dec 2005: Signature of contract for EUMETCast South America Service Dec 2005: Start of operational dissemination of the OSI SAF (KNMI) product “Surface Wind Vector” Dec 2005 Start of test dissemination of ERS SCAT data (in EARS, precursor to EARS ASCAT Service) Jan 2006: Start of EUMETCast South America Service Feb 2006: Start of trial dissemination of the new OSI SAF (Norway) product “North Hemisphere Sea Ice” Activities and Events

  12. South America remains the most significant area imaged to which Met-8 data is not disseminated - particularly Brazil with the same viewing angles like Spain and Portugal MSG-2 LRIT data will be available to South America, but is not suitable for quantitative applications (only half-hourly, 5 out of 11 channels, no HRV, lossy compression) 57th Council meeting (summer 2005) endorsed setting up of the EUMETCast South America service: Pilot service of 3 years Corresponding ITT issued beginning of August 2005, contract signed December 2005, start of service in January 2006, operational acceptance scheduled for March/April EUMETCast Coverage of South America

  13. Service Provider: GlobeCast Spain Communication S/C: NSS-806, 40.5 o West, from NewSkies C-Band, 2.1 Mbps Bandwidth Turn around service (like C-Band Africa Service) Turn around of (only) the High Rate SEVIRI images Turn around reception in Madrid, up-link station near Paris EUMETCast South America Service NSS-806 at 40.5 o W

  14. EUMETCast America Service Coverage

  15. EUMETCast America Service Europe Coverage

  16. C-Band America Service C-Band Africa Service Ku-Band Multicast Channel Service Bandwidth Ku-Band Multicast Channel Service Bandwidth Channel 2 High Rate SEVIRI (all 12 spectral channels) 2.7 Mbps Channel 2 High Rate SEVIRI (all 12 spectral channels) 2.048 Mbps Channel 3 Multi Service Channel Turn Around Services on C-Band

  17. EUMETCast Provided Services & EKUs – Jan 05 to Jan 06

  18. Pilot EARS-AVHRR ServiceEarly Access

  19. Purpose: To enable Users and Manufacturers to adapt Processing and Visualisation Systems to new products; User Registration started on 9 March – 113 registrations in first week; Trial dissemination via EUMETCast of NOAA-17 and NOAA-18 received at Maspalomas has started. In line with Operational Service Specification in terms of: Product Formatting; Filename Convention; Compression Algorithm; 1-minute Segmentation; EUMETCast configuration details. Pilot EARS-AVHRR ServiceEarly Access (1/2)

  20. Trial dissemination may be interrupted or modified without prior notice. Additional Stations to be added in the coming months Tromsoe expected in April; Kangerlussuaq and Lannion during May/June; Svalbard to replace Tromsoe during Summer; Athens Awaiting resolution of Radio Frequency Interference Problem. Pilot EARS-AVHRR ServiceEarly Access (2/2)

  21. Pilot EARS-AVHRR ServiceTarget Regional Coverage

  22. Current Operational Users: • European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) - since Jan 2003. • NASA Global Modeling and Assimilation Office (GMAO) - since 2003. • Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) – since Nov 2003. • Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA), Arctic only - since May 2004. • Canadian Meteorological Centre (CMC) – since Sept 2004. • US Navy, Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center (FNMOC) –since Oct 2004. • UK Met Office – since Feb 2005. • National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) and the Joint Center for Satellite Data Assimilation - since Nov 2005. • NCAR Antarctic Mesoscale Model (AMPS) MODIS Winds in NWP

  23. MODIS Polar Winds Real-Time Processing Delays - Frequency of Delays in Wind Retrievals With an average delay of 3-5 hours, MODIS winds do not meet the 3-hr (or less) cutoff for early model runs. Possible solution: Generate winds with direct broadcast data, either on- or off-site. Processing times are for the middle image in a 3-orbit triplet. Actually processing time from image acquisition to availability of wind vectors is 100 minutes (1.67 hrs) less than shown.

  24. MODIS Data Acquisition Time Bent-pipe McMurdo

  25. A polar winds system was installed at Tromsø, Norway, at the Kongsberg Satellite Services (Ksat) facility in February 2006. The MODIS data are currently acquired with the Integrated Program Office (IPO, the NPOESS people) antenna on Svalbard. At present, wind generation if from Terra only and is irregular due to antenna scheduling issues. Tromsø, Norway

  26. Tromsø Winds As with McMurdo, the wind quality is essential the same as the bent-pipe winds. Processing time is 10-15 minutes longer, however, because the low-level processing system is different and images are larger.

  27. EPS STATUS EUM.EPS.SYS.TRN.06.002 EPS LORR Part 2 - Presentation by the Project Team

  28. PPF “Spring 2004” Status Project Team assessment - Status: • Full “Spring 2004“ implementation expected to be ready for launch. • System testing for the “Spring 2004” PPFs currently performed on GS-3, together with other “Spring 2004” facilities such as DIF and QCF (for which appropriate versions are already available & in use). • Migration to GS-2 is foreseen for April and subsequently to GS-1 (mid May).

  29. PPF “Spring 2004” Status Level 1 Processors Availability: • “Spring 2004” testing has been successful for L1 of ATOVS, IASI, ASCAT and GOME : • ATOVS L1 PPF OSAT took place in March, some minor corrections need to be integrated • IASI L1 PPF is available and final NC corrections available • ASCAT L1 PPF is completed and fully available. • GOME L1 PPF FAT took place in February. A corrected version is already under validation • “Spring 2004” GRAS PPF OSAT target date mid April. Test version of PPF provides good level 1 a products. Converging on Level 1b. Level 2 Processors availability: • “Spring 2004” ATOVS L2 not yet available - Target date for FAT is 24th April. • “Spring 2004” IASI L2 not yet available - Target date for completion is 26th July.

  30. Product chain Implementation Comments ATOVS-AVHRR L1 03/2006 NRT production verified with NOAA-18 data ASCAT L1 03/2006 GOME L1 04/2006 IASI L1 04/2006 GRAS L1 04/2006 Level 1 a products ok, Level 1b products being verified, POD being checked. IASI L2 07/2006 ATOVS L2 12/2006 Processor evaluation in 3rd quarter 2006, OSAT 04/2006 PPF Implementation Plan Transition of the operational processing facilities to “Spring 2004”: • Activity initiated in February 2006 and will extend over the year 2006

  31. First CGS(-2) output of ATOVS L1NOAA 18, 11/01/2006 13h41 – 15h27 UTC: Ackermann, 2006

  32. Exact timeline is currently being refined: as such the information provided here is indicative only. An updated timeline will be available before end-April. HRPT link to be switched on by Day 2 of Satellite In-Orbit Verification (SIOV) Phase (5 days after launch). Check-out of link will be finished by end of Week 1 of SIOV. The current planning for the SIOV timeline is indicated on next slide. Note that the blue bars indicate that the instrument is in its nominal measurement mode. Data will also be available intermittently during mode check-outs (red bars). Not shown is the data availability of the AVHRR Visible Channel: already available at end of Week 1 of SIOV (will be included). Overview of Planned HRPT Data Availability

  33. CGS BASELINE PRODUCTS INCLUDE: All level 1 Products from all NOAA & Metop sensors Selected Level 2 Products: Temperature/Moisture Profiles, Cloud Products... New level 2 products to be implemented Soil moisture (ASCAT) Polar winds (AVHRR) NDVI (AVHRR) VARIETY OF SERVICES/LEVEL 2 PRODUCTS FROM 7 SAFs: Ocean & Sea Ice Support to nowcasting & VSRF (SW Packages) Ozone Monitoring GRAS Meteorology Climate Monitoring Land Surface Analysis NWP EPS Product Services

  34. AVHRR Native only ATOVS L1 & L2 BUFR ASCAT L1 & L2 BUFR (L2 Satellite Application Facility) IASI L1 & L2 in BUFR, Limited data set over GTS GRAS L1 BUFR and native, L2 BUFR (SAF), GTS potentially limited GOME-2 L1 native, L2 various (SAF) EPS Product Formats

  35. Plan for validating PPFs • Detailed planning for validation of the individual PPFs available (see schedule) • Availability of verified (Geometry, Radiometry) products after launch: • Level 1 products • AVHRR: 2 months after launch • ATOVS: 4 months after launch • IASI L1 : 5 months after launch • ASCAT: 4 months after launch • GRAS : 2 months after launch • L2 products: • ATOVS : February 2007 • IASI L2 : December 2006 • Note 1: These dates are likely to be earlier, since we plan to provide products as soon as they are in reasonable bounds after instrument switch on (caveat: not declared operational) • Note 2: HRPT data will be available to Users as soon as instruments are switched on, however quality may be degraded

  36. Dissemination of EPS Global Data via EUMETCast Replacement of baseline Near Real Time (NRT) system Past activities: In 2004, related analysis, preliminary design, feasibility testing and planning performed in an OPS Project Approval by 56th Council Meeting in December 2004 of extension of EUMETCast from 2006 - 2008 to include EPS Global Data dissemination Implementation Project “EPS-EUMETCast Convergence” set up in January 2005 Additional Bandwidth in Ku-Band: 3 Mbps (permanent) from August 2005, additional to 4 Mbps for the existing/operational services) 12 Mbps permanent/total from 1 April 2006 on Status of EPS-EUMETCast Convergence (EEC)

  37. Jan/Feb Final configuration and testing of a Reference EUMETCast Terminal supporting the full 12 Mbps data stream, including full product reconstruction S/W Jan/Feb Delivery and installation of Reference EUMETCast Terminals to SSST (ESTEC), CLS Argos and IASITEC (CNES/Toulouse) Jan - April Implementation and testing of new releases of TelliCast Server (up-link) and Client (EUMETCast Terminal) S/W => bandwidth management AR and bandwidth sharing Feb - June Dissemination of EPS Global Data originating from the EPS GS (V&V and Ops Scenarios Testing) July - … Dissemination of Live Metop EPS Global Data EEC Activities

  38. The activities are on target to enter the final pre-launch phase. No significant, single blocking point has been identified affecting launch critical elements of the system. However: The AMSU-A1 instrument has to be replaced The Metop CFS SW must be patched to correct the PMC SW problem found during SSVT A new MCS version must be installed Regression testing approach for latter elements must be defined/finalised A number of system evolutions need to be completed during rehearsals. The rehearsals themselves present quite a challenge in this environment. Current launch date 17 July 2006 EPS Programme Team Assessment

  39. Support to various activities ECMWF ERA, JMA ERA, Surface albedo, etc Latest: Roughly 10 years in 90’s Including ADC and XADC! Available from the archive New reprocessing environment under development 1 month/day or better possible Full Meteosat archive (33 years) ~1 year Reprocessing

  40. Re-calibration (reprocessing)

  41. ADC and XADC processing

  42. ADC CMW Product(Blue = IR,Red = WV)

  43. ADC CMW Product(Blue = IR, Green=VIS,Red = WV)

  44. 1 month of single satellite data in 1 day Full Meteosat archive ~1 year Reprocessing of MSG MPEF products Inclusion of new products RMPEF-2

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