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Exercises for Lower Back Pain Relief

Here are some exercises for lower back pain relief. These lower back exercises if done regularly helps to reduce pain in your lower back.

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Exercises for Lower Back Pain Relief

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  1. www.achintyaayurved.com - achintyaayurveda@gmail.com - Phone: +91 9420357569

  2. Exercises for Lower Back Pain Relief Lower back is a sensitive spot for many people. While there can be a ton of causes of Lower back painor Lumbar Spine Pain, a weak core and poor posture from sitting all day (and consequently shortening the hip muscles that then pull on the lower back) are two really common contributing factors to lower back aches and discomfort. It’s always important to figure out what’s causing pain so you can address it and prevent it from happening again. But in most situations, doing some gentle yoga exercises for lower back pain can help relieve tightness and give your lower back some relief. “Yoga is great for working on flexibility and core stability, correcting posture, and breathing—all of which are necessary for a healthy back, says Dr. Sachin Zadbuke of Achinta Ayurved who is an expert in providing Ayurvedic Treatment for Lower Back Pain If you have any history of lower back injuries, problems with your discs, or experience pain that lasts more than 72 hours without improving, you should see an ayurvedic doctor or your local physical therapist before doing any exercises. If you have an issue that requires medical attention, it’s best to address it before it becomes worse. If your lower back pain is more of a general achiness or discomfort, it’s worth trying some yoga exercises for lower back pain to address any tightness and alignment issues. Dr. Sachin Zadbuke recommends doing the lower back exercises mentioned below and holding each pose for anywhere from one to three minutes.

  3. 1) Cat-Cow Pose - Marjaryasana/Bitilasana These postures help to massage the spine, while also stretching the back and the torso. These postures are a great way to keep the back limber-happy. Steps to perform Cat-Cow Pose- Marjaryasana/Bitilasana: • Start on all fours with your shoulders over your wrists and hips over knees. • Take a slow inhale, and on the exhale, round your spine and drop your head • toward the floor (this is the “cat” posture). • Inhale and lift your head, chest, and tailbone toward the ceiling as you arch your • back for “cow.” • Do this exercise for lower back pain relief for one to three minutes daily www.achintyaayurved.com achintyaayurveda@gmail.com Phone: +91 9420357569

  4. 2) Palm Tree Pose- Tadasana • Tadasana or Palm Tree Pose is a very good stretching and relaxing exercise for lower back pain. It is a balancing asana and stretches the spine, legs, arms, abdominal muscles & chest. • Steps to perform Palm Tree Pose- Tadasana: • To practice Tadasana in standing position, stand straight and keep your legs slightly apart from each other. • Raise your hands above your head and look straight while focusing on one point in front of you. • Interlock the fingers of both the hands and turn them upwards in such a way that the palms are towards the ceiling/sky. • Take a deep breath or while inhaling, stretch your arms, chest and shoulders upwards. • While practicing Tadasana, the gaze can be adjusted to look a little above while stretching. • Raise you heels in such a way that all the weight of your body is on the toes. • Remain in this position for 20-30 seconds. • Retain your breath while stretching. • While exhaling, come down to your original position. • This completes one round of Standing Pose Tadasana or Palm Tree Pose. • You can practice Tadasana or Palm Tree Yoga Pose for 8-10 rounds. www.achintyaayurved.com achintyaayurveda@gmail.com Phone: +91 9420357569

  5. 3) Child Pose- Balasana • Child’s Pose helps to stretch the hips, thighs, and ankles while reducing stress and fatigue. It gently relaxes the muscles on the front of the body while softly and passively stretching the muscles of the back torso. • This resting pose centers, calms, and soothes the brain, making it a therapeutic posture for relieving stress. When performed with the head and torso supported, it can also help relieve back and neck pain. Sometimes used as a counter-pose to backbends, Child’s Pose restores balance and equanimity to the body. • Steps to perform Child Pose-Balasana: • Start on all fours, keep your arms forward and sit back so your butt is resting just above your heels. • Hold and breathe deeply, feeling the breath reach all the way into your hips. The more you extend in either direction, the more you’ll feel relief. www.achintyaayurved.com achintyaayurveda@gmail.com Phone: +91 9420357569

  6. 4) Supine Hamstring Stretch - Supta Padangusthasana • Stretching the hamstring muscles, located at the back of your thigh, can improve the ease by which you perform daily activities, such as bending over to pick up a fallen object or tying your shoes. • Improving the flexibility of the hamstrings has many other benefits including reduced lower back pain. • Back pain can be a symptom of ailments including muscle tightness and strains, fatigue and muscle weakness. Stretching the hamstrings helps to reduce back pain by lengthening the thigh muscles. Longer muscles relieve pressure on the lower back and ease aching. • Steps to perform Supine Hamstring Stretch- Supta Padangusthasana: • Lift your leg and pull on the strap until you feel a stretch throughout the back of your leg. • Hold and breathe deeply, feeling the breath reach all the way into your hips. The more you extend in either direction, the more you’ll feel relief. • The other leg should remain extended without coming up off the mat. Stretch both legs twice for 30 seconds. www.achintyaayurved.com achintyaayurveda@gmail.com Phone: +91 9420357569

  7. 5) Half lord of the fish pose - Ardha Matsyendrasana • Half Lord of the Fishes Pose is a gentle yet highly beneficial pose to incorporate into your yoga practice. • Performing twists in yoga gives our bodies a chance to wring out tension and realign the spine. • Steps to perform Half lord of the fish pose- Ardha Matsyendrasana: • Start in a seated position with legs out straight. • Cross the right leg over the left so the right heel is outside the left hip. • If comfortable, bend the left knee and bring the left heel to the right hip, resting the top of the foot on the ground. Alternatively, leave the left leg extended. • Reach your left arm in the air, then twisting at the lower belly, hook the left elbow outside the right knee. • Place the right hand on the floor behind the tailbone, as close to the body as possible. Use this arm to keep the spine long and sitting tall. • Be careful not to use the elbow to force the body to turn, but rather use the strength of the core to twist. www.achintyaayurved.com achintyaayurveda@gmail.com Phone: +91 9420357569

  8. 6) Legs up the wall pose - VIPARITA KARANI • Helps to alleviate lower back pain, re-energizes tired legs and can be helpful to relieve headaches. • Steps to perform Legs up the wall pose- VIPARITA KARANI: • Approach the wall sideways so that your hip is as close to it as possible. • Swing your legs up the wall so that your buttocks are in contact with the wall. • Rest with legs extended and lower back on the floor www.achintyaayurved.com achintyaayurveda@gmail.com Phone: +91 9420357569

  9. 7) Downward Facing Dog Pose - Adho Mukha Svanasana • Downward Facing Dog Pose stretches the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, arches, and hands. Strengthens the arms and legs. It helps to relief headache, insomnia, back pain, and fatigue. • The entire spine is stretched and decompressed in this position. • This pose is simple yet effective for bringing flexibility into the spine and for stretching the back, hips, and abdomen. It’s great for relieving lower back pain and sciatica. • Steps to perform Downward Facing Dog Pose- Adho Mukha Svanasana: • Begin on your hands and knees. Align your wrists directly under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips. The fold of your wrists should be parallel with the top edge of your mat. Point your middle fingers directly to the top edge of your mat. • Stretch your elbows and relax your upper back. • Spread your fingers wide and press firmly through your palms and knuckles. Distribute your weight evenly across your hands. • Exhale as you tuck your toes and lift your knees off the floor. Reach your pelvis up toward the ceiling, then draw your sit bones toward the wall behind you. Gently begin to straighten your legs, but do not lock your knees. Bring your body into the shape of an “A.” Imagine your hips and thighs being pulled backwards www.achintyaayurved.com achintyaayurveda@gmail.com Phone: +91 9420357569

  10. If you are looking for a holistic Ayurvedic Treatment to reduce lower back pain then call Dr Sachin Zadbuke on +91-9420357569 or visit follow this link to book a free consultation for Lower back pain treatment. Call on +91-9420357569 or email at contact@achintyaayurved.com Address : Opp to Ramjanaki Hall,Gavbhag, Nadivesanak, Ichalkaranji.Tal – Hatkangale,Dist- KolhapurPin – 416015Maharashtra,India. Phone : 0230 2432020 www.achintyaayurved.com achintyaayurveda@gmail.com Phone: +91 9420357569

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