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This fjord will provide you with a unique experience, while you on the 2-3overnights cruise line, Tromsu00f8 and are passing this fjord. For more information, donu2019t hesitate to contact the experts at Arctic Cruise In Norway AS. Or visit 47 905 49 997.
ARCTICCRUISEINNORWAYAS T R O M S OD A Y C R U I S E : A G L I M P S ET OT H E B E S TO FT H E N O R W E G I A N F J O R D S GRATANGEN BADDERFJORD ThestunningBadderfjordisa smallfjordthatsubdivisionsthe mainKvænangenfjord. Thefjord isnamedafterthevillageof Badder. Gratangenissurroundedbystunning mountains, peacefullakesandcertainly notforgettingthemesmerizingbeauty oftheGratangsfjorditself. KALDFJORD GULLESFJORDEN Thefjordruns16-kilometre (9.9mi) long from Vengsøya Kaldfjordvillage. Youwillalsoget to see a huge mountaincalledtheStoreBlamann duringthecruise. IGullesfjordenrunsthroughthe peacefulislandofHinnøya. It’s perfectforthosewhowantto getclosedtonature. Island to and stunning KVÆNANGEN Thisfjordwillprovideyouwitha uniqueexperience, whileyouon the 2-3 overnights Tromsø andarepassingthisfjord. Youwillgettoseebeautifulaquatic species, like dolphins, porpoises, orevenhumpbackwhales, dependingonwhichyoutravel. cruise line, Harbour S O U R C E : H T T P S : / / A C I N O R W A Y . B L O G S P O T . C O M / 2 0 2 0 / 0 4 / T R O M S O - D A Y - C R U I S E - G L I M P S E - T O - B E S T - O F . H T M L