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WLC I Day 12 German Culture. What do you think this is? Write your guess on a piece of scrap paper. What do you think this is?. A computer keyboard letter?. A washing machine?. A door bell?. What do you think this is?. Electrical Outlet. Draw a picture of a plug that
WLC I Day 12 German Culture
What do you think this is? Write your guess on a piece of scrap paper.
What do you think this is? A computer keyboard letter? A washing machine? A door bell?
What do you think this is? Electrical Outlet
Draw a picture of a plug that Would fit this outlet.
Why would this be important to know?
What is different about these bank hours than in the US?
Matching http://www.oswego.org/ocsd-web/games/StopTheClock/sthec5.html http://www.quia.com/mc/2270609.html?AP_rand=1209494710
What do you think this is? What clues are there?
What difference is there between programming times in Germany and the U.S.?
A B Who is going faster?
What is the speed limit on this German road?
What is the conversion from km/h to m/h?
1 Kilometer per Hour = 0.621371192237334 Miles per Hour Convert to miles per hour http://www.calculateme.com/Speed/KilometersperHour/ToMilesperHour.htm Convert all metric measurements http://www.webmath.com/k8metric.html
Besides speed, what other measurements vary between Germany and the U.S.?
0°C = 32°F Convert to Fahrenheit http://www.metric-conversions.org/temperature/celsius-to-fahrenheit.htm
Which of today’s topics do you think is most important for a traveler to know? Which of today’s topics do you think is the most different from what you’re used to?
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