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October 4 th. Kindergarten Staff Joyce Baumann baumannj@rocori.k12.mn.us Kayelee Gill gillk@rocori.k12.mn.us Kara Linz linzk@rocori.k12.mn.us Rachel McDougall mcdougallr@rocori.k12.mn.us. Peek at this week :
October 4th • Kindergarten Staff • Joyce Baumann baumannj@rocori.k12.mn.us • Kayelee Gill gillk@rocori.k12.mn.us • Kara Linz linzk@rocori.k12.mn.us • Rachel McDougall mcdougallr@rocori.k12.mn.us • Peek at this week: • What a busy week! I hope you have been able to look through your child’s folder each night to see their hard work in hearing our letter sounds, practicing the letter formation, and learning patterns. We have continued to learn new words and we are already starting to become readers. • Reminders: • It’s October! Can you believe it?! Please send in your snack for this month if you have not already done so. • Please have your child continue to keep little trinkets, toys and jewelry at home. When those items appear in our rooms they become a bit of a distraction. Thank you!! • See you at your scheduled conference times. • Special Notes: • Change is in the air! The fall weather is here and we’ve already noticed a difference in our air. It’s so dry! If your child is like me and seems to need chap stick to help during these cold weather seasons, please feel free to label it and bring it in to school. As long as they can use it appropriately and it is not a distraction they are welcome to use it. Peek at next week: Language Arts: Letter study Uu, Vv, Ww, Xx, Yy High Frequency Words: is, that, can Math: Patterns and graphing Social Studies: community building games Science: spiders, seasons and weather Theme: fire safety • Birthdays Keanan: Oct. 31stOther Important Dates: • Don’t forget to join us on your conference times and dates: Monday, Oct. 7th, Tuesday Oct. 8th and Thursday Oct. 10th • Please check out the book fair on those evenings too!