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Dignity. Dignity is respect for life and one's self.. Hope. Hope is the belief that things will be better for us in the future. When hope is lost, there is no longer any reason to try.. *Safeguard and support student dignity in all class matters. Students make every effort to preserve dignity, even if doing so requires misbehavior.* Do what you can to foster students' sense of hope that they will benefit from education. Students who have lost hope usually don't care how they behave..
1. Richard Curwin and Allen Mendler’s Discipline with Dignity Melanie Mills ~ our Aruba tour guide
Becky Squier ~ our Jamaica tour guide
Kelly Reiter ~ our Bermuda tour guide
Ali Messick ~ our Bahamas tour guide
2. Dignity Dignity is respect for life and one’s self.
3. Hope Hope is the belief that things will be better for us in the future. When hope is lost, there is no longer any reason to try.
4. *Safeguard and support student dignity in all class matters. Students make every effort to preserve dignity, even if doing so requires misbehavior.
* Do what you can to foster students’ sense of hope that they will benefit from education. Students who have lost hope usually don’t care how they behave. Suggested Tips by Curwin and Mendler
5. Suggested Tips Continued *Approach discipline as a very important part of teaching. It can teach students how to conduct themselves in ways that bring success in life.
*Do not rely on short-term solutions to behavior problems. They are rarely effective.
* Focus on student responsibility, not obedience, as the primary goal of discipline.
6. Tips Continued
*Use personal attention and good teaching to experience success with who are considered to be chronic troublemakers.
* Prepare yourself to respond effectively to students who are hostile, disobedient , and inconsiderate.
7. Our Trip Home . . . In your own words, write the definition of dignity in your passport.
Now, in your own words, write your definition of hope.
Next, take some time to reflect on your travels.
Which Curwin & Mendler tips did you find most helpful/useful?
8. Bibliography Charles, C.M. (2005) “Building Classroom Discipline 8th Edition.” Boston, MA. Pearson Education, Inc.
Curwin, R. L., & Mendler, A. N. (1988, October). Packaged discipline programs: Let the buyer beware. Educational Leadership, 46(2), 68-71. Retrieved April 17, 2007, from ProQuest Education Journals database
Curwin, R. L., & Mendler, A. N. (1997, December). "Discipline with dignity": Beyond obedience. The Education Digest, 63(4), 11-14. Abstract retrieved April 14,2007,from ProQuest database:http://proquest.umi.com/pqdweb?did=23528352&sid=1&Fmt=3&clientId=5163&RQT=309&VName=PQ Kappan, 81(2), 119-120. Abstract
Curwin R.L.,& Mendler, A.N. (1999, October). Zero tolerance for zero tolerance. Phi Delta Kappan, 81(2), 199-120. Abstract retrieved April 14, 2007, from ProQuest database:
Nelson, Jane. “Disciplining 1st and 2nd Graders in School.” Positive Discipline. 2000. 14 Apr. 2007 http://www.positivediscipline.com/questions_teacher/quest68.html.