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testing coordinator training

Welcome and Introduction. Key Changes in Testing Policy Assessment of English Language Learners Reporting Systems Update Accommodations Assessment of Students Served by Special Education Test Materials and Shipping Update Test Security Closing and Evaluation. Please Note: This Training Does NOT Take the Place of Reading the Appropriate Manuals..

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testing coordinator training

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    1. Testing Coordinator Training January 2010

    2. Welcome and Introduction

    3. Key Changes in Testing Policy Assessment of English Language Learners Reporting Systems Update Accommodations Assessment of Students Served by Special Education Test Materials and Shipping Update Test Security Closing and Evaluation

    4. Please Note:

    5. Key Changes in Testing Policy

    6. Key Changes in Testing Policy TAKS Spanish Tests Grades 5 and 8 Mathematics and Reading Student Success Initiative (SSI) LAT Grades 5 and 8 Mathematics and Reading March Exit Level Retest TAKS-M New Test Administrator Manual Design TAKS-M Manual Distribution

    7. Key Changes in Testing Policy TELPAS Interface Transition (Brownsville Interface A) Supplemental Training Requirements for Level 2 Answer Documents Race / Ethnicity Field

    8. Key Changes in Testing Policy Optional Web-based Test Administrator Training Modules TAAS Separate Field Tests Policy Regarding Composition Retention and Duplication

    9. Grades 5 and 8 Mathematics and Reading Combined into one administration beginning in 2010 First administration in early April Retest administrations in May and June Student Success Initiative (SSI) As modified in 2009, the SSI grade advancement requirements apply only to the TAKS math and reading tests at grades 5 and 8 Advance to the next grade level only by passing these tests or by unanimous decision of the grade placement committee (GPC) that the student is likely to perform at grade level after accelerated instruction Students in grade 3 no longer required to pass the TAKS reading test to be promoted to grade 4

    10. March Exit Level Retest To accommodate election polling on Tuesday, March 2, 2010, the social studies section of the March exit level retest will be administered on Monday, March 1; no testing is scheduled for March 2. Optional Web-based Test Administrator Training Modules Online test administrator procedures training modules Supplement mandatory training; optional, but recommended Take in either a group or individual setting Three modules Active monitoring Distribution of test materials Proper handling of secure materials

    11. October 2010 TAKS Exit Level Retest Information about October 2010 TAKS XL retest administration not included in 2010 coordinator manual Supplement will be distributed prior to the administration TAAS Due to legislation passed in June 2009, TAAS will no longer be administered Former TAAS and TEAMS examinees now required to take TAKS XL tests Equivalent TAKS scores will be matched to TAAS or TEAMS passing standards

    12. Separate Field Tests Separate field-test administrations of TAKS grade 10 and exit level ELA No field-test administrations of TAKS grade 4 writing (English and Spanish), grade 7 writing, and grade 9 reading in spring 2010 Policy Regarding Composition Retention and Duplication Districts may retain a copy of each student’s composition and/or open-ended responses for the following TAKS administrations, including TAKS (Accommodated) in March: grade 4 writing (English and Spanish) grade 7 writing grade 9 reading the primary form of grade 10 ELA (NOT the make-up form) exit level ELA Districts may NOT make copies of compositions or open-ended responses from TAKS-M tests or any other writing, reading, or ELA tests or field tests.

    14. Assessment of English Language Learners

    15. Changes in ELL Inclusion Policies

    16. HB 3 Effect on ELL Inclusion Policies HB 3 made changes that affect provisions for Spanish-version assessments exit level test postponements

    17. Spanish TAKS Changes HB 3 eliminated Spanish versions of grade 6 TAKS (and, therefore, Spanish versions of grade 6 LAT) Category 2 exemption criteria in LPAC Manual now apply to eligible grade 6 students in a Spanish bilingual education program because Spanish-version tests are no longer available


    20. Changes Since Last Year LAT Scheduling: Grades 5 and 8 Math and Reading LAT math and reading tests for grades 5 and 8 (including LAT TAKS–M) to be given in mid May


    25. Manual Changes Coordinator Manual Added activities on monitoring holistic rating training More detailed information on assigning user access to online testing system Information added on students who move (was in last year’s separate Student List Instructions) Revised and expanded information on online testing of students in JJAEPs, DAEPs, and other atypical settings (see Appendix F) TELPAS Manual for Raters / Test Administrators Test administration directions for grades 2, 3, and 4–5 have been consolidated into a single set of directions for grades 2–5



    29. Later Start Date for Level 1 Training for Grades 2–12 Start date is Feb 1 (rather than mid Jan as in past) Start date coincides with qualification and other Level 1 and 2 courses Level 1 trainees will not have to wait for qualification window to open

    31. Reminders Raters need to know which training courses and qualification activities to complete and for which grade cluster Raters must complete practice activities and qualification component independently; collaboration is not permitted Online courses enable TEA and districts to monitor course completion and performance on practice and qualification activities; this provides evidence of assessment validity and reliability Raters who do not complete required online training and online qualification activities are not authorized to be raters

    33. Supplemental Training Instructions Supplemental training is required in each Level 2 language domain in which the individual rates fewer than 5 of the 7 students successfully Those who need supplemental training are directed, by language domain, to – review students rated incorrectly and review rating feedback see campus coordinator if clarification needed

    34. Supplemental Training Instructions review contents of Level 1 language domain module and complete the 5 practice activities If individual rates at least 4 of the 5 students successfully in the Level 1 module, supplemental training for that domain is complete If fewer rated successfully, campus coordinator is to be contacted for instructions

    35. Supplemental Training Instructions In either case, rater prints results from Training History and submits to campus coordinator

    36. Individuals Not Successful on Supplemental Training Districts are responsible for ensuring validity and reliability of rating process. Recommendations: Do not use rater Use rater with rating support Have rater do additional review and based on that make decision about whether additional rating support needed during live assessment

    37. Careful with Confusion Between Supplemental Training and Additional Writing Practice Modules (Grades 2–12) Level 2 refresher for grades 2–12 contains additional writing practice module that raters may complete by mistake thinking it is supplemental training Raters are advised to follow instructions in TELPAS Manual and online course to avoid confusion

    38. Options for Additional Writing Practice Module Coordinators may encourage or require raters to do this module before Level 2 writing module before Level 1 supplemental training if not successful on Level 2 writing module after Level 1 supplemental training if not successful (as part of rating support plan)

    39. Other Minor Changes 20-day guideline for holistic assessments clarified to state that it applies only to students who enroll from another country or state (District Coordinator Activity 1) Information on validity and reliability procedures was modified slightly to address rating support for individual raters separately from broader campus-level procedures (Campus Coordinator Activity 9) Writing collection instructions emphasize authentic writing aligned to Texas English language proficiency standards (ELPS) and content-area TEKS; avoid formulaic or school-wide writing assignments (Campus Coordinator Activity 8)

    40. Future Expanded Qualification Requirements No changes to requirements this school year Beginning in 2010-2011, listening and speaking to be added to qualification component for raters of students in grade 2 or higher Same number of students per qualification set –rating of writing, listening, and speaking within each set; qualification overall, not by domain Raters already qualified won’t have to qualify again Beginning in 2011-12, qualification requirements to apply to K–1 raters too – all domains to be included

    48. Changes to Paper Administration Process More detailed Coordinator Manual instructions for submitting requests Districts do not have to submit paper requests as far in advance (2 wks before testing rather than 3) Paper administration supplements to be shipped with approved paper test booklets to be posted on TEA Student Assessment site by mid-February (go to “Test Administration Manuals” in A to Z Directory)

    49. Other Changes There is a new version of TestNav software to install (as communicated to districts in the fall) More info added to manual about not grouping students from different clusters in same online test session (new problem/solution scenario in District Coordinator Activity 11; information added to Campus Coordinator Activity 12)



    52. Electronic submission system is used to submit all “answer document” information: student identification, demographic, and program information holistic ratings “do not score” information rater information testing accommodation categories

    53. Reminders Decide how much to involve test administrators and raters in entering or verifying student information in electronic submission system TELPAS Manual does not contain instructions for entering or verifying student identification, demographic, or program data on Edit Student screen; coordinators to give raters and test administrators separate instructions if they want them to assist in this process TELPAS Manual does contain instructions for entering test information on Student Test Details screen For grades 2–12 reading test, data need to be entered on Student Test Details screen only if student’s reading test should not be scored or if student was provided accommodations

    54. There is no reading test score code on Student Test Details screen. For students who test, Reading field will simply be left in Select position, which is default setting “Do not score” codes must be selected for students who do not test: Absent Second Semester Immigrant Non-English Reader ARD Decision TEA-Approved Paper Administration Other Student Not to Be Scored Reminder: Reading Test Score Codes

    55. Holistic ratings (or “do not score” designation of ARD Decision or Extenuating Circumstances) must be selected for each student “Do not score” designations should be very rare Rater information fields A and B must be completed for each student Accommodations information is not collected for holistically rated domains Reminder: Holistically Rated Domains What about codes for other domains?What about codes for other domains?

    56. Individuals entering ratings and rater information should not click Mark Test Complete button It is to be used only for grades 2–12 reading test if student’s test should not be scored (absent, ARD decision, etc.) or if a student didn’t submit a completed test If button is selected, student cannot take reading test and Pearson will need to be contacted Testing coordinator can restrict access users have to this button so it will not appear on Student Test Details screen

    57. Minor Changes New Student Move Form for receiving district coordinators to submit to Pearson to add students who need to be tested but have electronic record in another district; available by early Feb at http://www.TexasAssessment.com/TELPAS_StudentMoveForm_info K–1: Accommodation categories (Presentation, Response, etc.) removed from K–1 Student Test Details screen because accommodation data not collected for holistically rated components K: Preloaded kindergartners to be defaulted to “Not Applicable to Kinder” in Years in U.S. Schools field so no need to do manually

    58. Minor Changes K–1: For K–1 students, Stop Test link in reading column of TELPAS Student Status page has been changed to K–1 this year because there is no test to stop for K–1 students No more collection of JJAEP / DAEP student data in Agency Use field Years in U.S. Schools field phrasing modified slightly for clarity

    59. Electronic Submission System Screen Shots (For Use in Training As Needed)

    60. 3 Key Data Screens Information submitted through secure eMeasurement system 3 screens for entering/verifying student data: Two screens where data will be entered/verified Edit Student screen Student Test Details screen Third screen where key data for each student can be verified as complete TELPAS Student Status page

    66. ELL Assessment TETNs December 16 ? 9:00-12:00 ? event # 35301 Annual LPAC Assessment Manual Training New commissioner rules affecting LPAC decisions; review of other procedures January 13 ? 1:00-3:00 ? event # 35320 TELPAS Spring Holistic Rating Training New supplemental training requirements, online course and qualification updates, training reports for coordinators, etc. January 26 ? 9:00-12:00 ? event # 35319 TELPAS Online Testing Online system demo, tips and pointers; geared toward new coordinators and those who would like a thorough review February 12 ? 9:00-12:00 ? event # 4905 LAT Procedures Info for coordinators to use in training LAT test administrators – for new coordinators and those wanting a thorough review 66

    83. 2010 Online Services Score Code and Test Taken Information Changes Same as last year Two record change windows – one for the early April grades 5 and 8 mathematics and reading and one for the April 3–10 and exit level administration Test Taken Information changes are applied before the final statewide; score code changes are applied after the final statewide.

    88. Organization of the Manual Some appendices from last year’s manual have been removed and are available as separate links on Accommodations Resources page Teacher Tools Point Size and Font Matrices Printable Accommodation Request Form with interactive form fields The section titled “Accommodation Request Process” has been moved from an appendix to main body of manual

    89. Additions to the Manual Appendix C, General Instructions for Administering Tests to Students Who Are Deaf or Hard of Hearing The “Accommodation Request Process” section has been expanded to include a five-step flowchart and examples of effective and ineffective objective evidence Additional information regarding use of accommodations on TELPAS holistically rated and multiple-choice assessments available in “Selecting Accommodation for Assessment” section

    90. Key Changes to Accommodation Policy

    91. Glossaries, including those made by teachers or students, that contain definitions of content-specific vocabulary are no longer allowed as supplemental aids for TAKS (Accommodated); refer to Appendix D Standard English dictionaries are allowed as supplemental aids for some subjects if appropriate; refer to Appendix D List of allowable manipulatives for TAKS (Accommodated) has been expanded; refer to Accommodations by Category Chart List of allowable supplemental aids for TAKS (Accommodated) has been expanded; refer to Appendix D

    92. Accommodation Request Forms must be received by TEA at least one week prior to testing; requests received by TEA after this deadline will NOT be processed Accommodation Request Forms for TELPAS reading paper test booklets must be received by TEA at least two weeks prior to testing to allow time for processing request and shipping materials

    93. Online Accommodations Request Process

    94. Districts can submit one request per student even if student needs multiple accommodations for multiple tests A field has been added for districts to enter a tracking number for identification of requests at local level The Online Accommodation Request Form webpage now includes a new training site and training document

    95. The complete 2009-2010 Accommodations Training PowerPoint is available at http://ritter.tea.state.tx.us/student.assessment/resources/accommodations/TrainingAccommManual.ppt

    96. Reminders

    97. Accommodations should not reduce learning expectations and should not replace the teaching of subject-specific knowledge and skills as outlined in the TEKS for each grade Just because an accommodation is not allowed on the state assessment does not mean it isn’t appropriate for instructional use

    98. Documentation: Accommodations that require submission of an Accommodation Request Form should be documented in the paperwork as “pending TEA approval” NEVER include confidential student information in Accommodation Request Forms (first and last name, social security number, IEP, etc.)

    99. Large Print Materials Should ONLY be ordered for students who have a visual impairment or an approved Accommodation Request Form If a student was not included during enrollment update period the district testing coordinator can order large print materials through additional orders prior to testing

    100. Supplemental Aids Are NOT allowed for TAKS at all Must be reviewed at the district level to ensure that each supplemental aid is routinely used in instruction documented in IEP a tool, not a source of direct answers grade-appropriate factual and free from errors concise and well-organized so a student can quickly access information

    101. Supplemental Aids FAQ re: Glossaries for TAKS-M Teacher-made and student-made glossaries that contain content-specific definitions are no longer allowed for TAKS (Accommodated) For TAKS-M, follow the conditions in the box on page 70 of the 2009-2010 Accommodations Manual and the guidelines for TAKS (Accommodated)

    102. Supplemental Aids FAQ re: Previewing Supplemental Aids Last year, TEA staff assisted districts by previewing supplemental aids prior to them being submitted with the Accommodation Request Form This year, TEA is relying on the districts to preview their own supplemental aids Districts should compare the supplemental aid to all of the information in Appendix D of the 2009-2010 Accommodations Manual

    103. Supplemental Aids FAQ re: Previewing Supplemental Aids (continued) Send in an Accommodation Request Form for aids that do not match those that are described as allowable in the appendix OR call your Accommodations Task Force representative with specific questions TEA will continue to review all aids that are submitted with an Accommodation Request Form

    104. TAKS-Alternate

    105. It has been a good year for TAKS-Alt! Good News! USDE approval with a recommendation to monitor the over selection of Level 1 assessment tasks Results established reliability and validity for the assessment Passing rates for students assessed with TAKS-Alt were encouraging

    108. Reliability Results From the Interrater Reliability Study Were Also Positive

    109. 2008-09 Results

    110. Key Changes to TAKS-Alt

    111. Changes to TAKS–Alt for 2009-2010 Must use TEA documentation form Students repeating grade 11 must take TAKS– Alt each year Qualification activities for Modules 1 – 3 for only new teachers to TAKS–Alt New Module 4 required for returning teachers but no qualification required Teachers must determine a reason for a NRO selection: Medical condition Severity of the student’s disability

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