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Instructions for Submitting Your School-wide PBIS Plan. When submitting your SW PBIS Plan, please use the following in the E-mail Subject line: SW PBIS Plan-___________________ (Your School’s Name) E-mail your completed SW PBIS Plan by Sept. 28, 2012 to: mcssafeschools@mcsk12.net.
Instructions for Submitting Your School-wide PBIS Plan • When submitting your SW PBIS Plan, please use the following in the E-mail Subject line: SW PBIS Plan-___________________ (Your School’s Name) • E-mail your completed SW PBIS Plan by Sept. 28, 2012 to: mcssafeschools@mcsk12.net Revised 7/12
Kate Bond ElementarySchool-wide PBIS Plan(Discipline Plan) 2012-13 2727 Kate Bond Road Memphis, Tennessee 38133 Revised 9/12
Guiding Principles • All students can learn. Every student is expected to make academic progress and strive toward excellence. • There is a positive correlation between learning and school attendance. • Students learn best when school, home, and community have high expectations for their success. • Students learn best in an academically challenging environment that is safe, nurturing, attractive, and comfortable. Revised 9/12
Guiding Principles continued… • KBE has the responsibility to help students develop in other areas, in addition to academics, and must work with the parents and the community to be successful. • Students learn best when participating in specific programs where they are valued and respected as individuals with unique needs. Students learn best when engaged in a variety of stimulating instructional activities which includes the use of technology to facilitate meaningful learning experiences. Revised 9/12
Guiding Principles continued… • Students learn best in an academically balanced program, which offers participation in library, computer science, visual art, music, and physical education. • Appropriate learning opportunities must be based on appropriate data and be research-based. • Information gained from assessments should be used by all teachers who work with the students in an effort to make the greatest progress. Revised 9/12
Guiding Principles continued… • Information gained from assessments should be • used by all teachers who work with the students in • an effort to make the greatest progress. • All stakeholders must collaboratively share in the decision-making to promote growth and advance the school’s mission. • Teachers and students share the responsibility • for daily classroom success. • The policies of the school, district, and state • must be supported by all stakeholders if we are • to reach maximum potential. Revised 9/12
Vision We envision a school in which students, faculty, staff, parents, and the community: • Work together in collaborative teams to achieve a common purpose and clear goals; • Seek and implement promising strategies for improving student achievement on a continuing basis; • Monitor each student’s progress; and • Demonstrate a personal commitment to the academic success and general well being of every student. Revised 9/12
Mission • Kate Bond Elementary School is dedicated to providing learning opportunities that enhance student knowledge, build strong character, and teach academic and social skills that will enable students to excel and be productive citizens. We will achieve this by being a community who BONDS: Builds leaders, Openly accepts diversity, Nurtures each individual, Demonstrates a personal commitment to academic success, Strives for excellence. Revised 9/12
Philosophy Statement The faculty and staff of Kate Bond Elementary School believe that it is our responsibility to provide the students with: • A safe, secure, and caring environment; • Opportunities for interactive instruction with high expectations; • The knowledge of how to resolve conflicts; • Examples of appropriate behavior by demonstrating responsible actions. Revised 9/12
Previous Results • What progress have you made toward 2011-12 school wide discipline goals? • List graphs and short explanations comparing years 09-10, 10-11, & 11-12 • Data sources may include: • SMS • PBIS data website • Research, Evaluation & Assessment Department • Self Assessment Survey (SAS), School Evaluation Tool (SET) if available, & Benchmark Tool Revised 9/12
Previous Results • There were zero expulsions during the 2011-2012 SY, which decreased from SY 2010-2011 of six expulsions from school. Of the six expulsions, only one student had been suspended previously (during the 2009-2010 school year). • There was an evident decrease of behavior incidents from 279 in 2009-2010 to 239 behavior incidents reported in 2010-2011. Many of these incidents required in-school suspensions. Several of the students were repeat offenders. These behaviors ranged from fighting and assault against a student to theft. Insolence and insubordination appear to be a major theme as well. Revised 9/12
Kate Bond Elementary Discipline Goals for 2012-2013 • Decrease suspensions by 10% (decrease of 6, bringing the total to 61). • Decrease office referrals by 10% (decrease of 19, bringing the total to 180). • Maintain zero expulsions. Revised 9/12
MCS School-wide PBIS (Discipline) Team Worksheet2012-13 Name of School: Kate Bond Elementary ________________________________________ PBIS Team is representative of the school faculty and includes an administrator. Fill in the names of team members and designate counselor who will serve as TeamLeader (TL) / Internal Coach *Indicates members mandated by MEA contract; others may be invited as needed Revised 9/12
KBE Progress Results on School-wide Discipline Revised 9/12
SW PBIS Team(This slide is for information purposes only; do not include in Plan) • What needs to happen for this team to meet once every 2-4 weeks? • Someone on team designated to be responsible for data from PBIS DATA Website and/or SMS 20 day reports • Complete Meeting Schedule for the year Revised 9/12
Meeting Schedule Revised 9/12
Monitoring Process PBIS committee requests and receives data from teachers and staff to determine progress towards goals used for: • S-Team • Peer Mediation • Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) • Behavior/Academic Data • Attendance • Ed Plan Revised 9/12
SAS Action Plan • SAS results from 2011-12 available if taken: • You may access your SAS report at https://www.pbisassessment.org/login • Develop your prioritized 2012-13 Action Plan based on 2011-12 data: • SAS Summary form http://www.mcsk12.net/aboutmcs_blue_ribbon.asp • Benchmark Tool • Complete Action Plan and submit with SWPBIS Plan Revised 9/12
Self Assessment Survey Analysis of School-wide System Chart • If significant number of your staff took online survey in 2011-12, you may access your results from https://www.pbisassessment.org/login • Enter your School ID in the “School ID” box. • Click “Login.” • Under “Surveys Current Closed” Place cursor on “Self Assessment Survey. Under “Action” click on the arrow • Copy tables from Systems “In Place” and Analysis of School Wide System and paste in next slides Revised 9/12
KBE SAS Tables Revised 9/12
-Sample-Analysis of School Wide System Revised 9/12
KBE Analysis of School Wide System Revised 9/12
Celebrations Revised 9/12
KBE Staff & Office ManagedBehavior Chart Revised 9/12
Kate Bond Elementary Procedure for Dealing with Problem Behaviors
Rules • DO’S • Develop your classroom rules in agreement with school wide rules • Keep them positive and start with an action verb • Post them where they are visible • Send copies home to parents • Only 3 to 5 rules • DON’T’S • Don’t assume that a student’s understanding of “respect” or “appropriate” is the same as yours • Don’t assume students “ought to know how to behave”
Procedures • Explanation/Protocol • a) Give concrete definitions/examples • b) Provide reasons (Why are we doing this? Raising your hand to ask a question allows everyone to hear the question) • c) Demonstrate/Model procedures • d) Present tasks step-by-step • e) Explain and demonstrate cues, if used (visual/auditory) • Rehearsal • Reteach, as needed
Procedures • DO’S • Do have students practice each procedure you want them to do • Do give a reason why each procedure is important • Do prioritize the most important procedures first • Do realize that it takes some students longer to understand • DON’TS • Don’t try to teach too many procedures at one time or too quickly • Don’t assume, just because you told or showed them once, they understand
Schoolwide Schedule for Teaching Rules and Procedures • Monday, Aug 6th- Meet and Greet Day • Teachers will send home grade level introductory letter to parents • ~Orient students to class and school(building walkthrough) • How to Line Up • Conduct in the Hallway • Cafeteria • Restrooms • Assemblies The teacher and students will practice lining up, exiting and entering the classroom, proper conduct in the hallway and restrooms, entering and exiting the cafeteria for lunch and programs Teach School-Wide Rules with class Teach Cafeteria rules Begin to create, with students, the classroom rules
Schedule for Rules and Procedures Tuesday, August 7th Review Classroom Rules and Procedures, Textbook Rules, Dress Code, Kate Bond Compact, Media Release, and Internet Authorization Finalize, Review, Model, and Role-Play classroom rules and procedures Revisit School-Wide Rules and cafeteria/hallway conduct,AGAIN and AGAIN Review Dress Code and Textbook rules with students Make sure you have parent signatures on: Textbook Rules, Media Release, and Internet Authorization forms
Schedule for Rules and Procedures • Wednesday, August 8th • Attendance, Arrival and Dismissal, Weekly Progress Folder • Review Student Agenda and handbook with class • Teach importance of attendance and coming to school on time • Teach arrival and dismissal procedures • Revisit school-wide rules, hallway, cafeteria, and classroom rules and procedures again • Review Weekly Progress Report Folder
Schedule for Rules and Procedures Thursday, August 9th- Review Incentive Programswith Students, Harassment and Bullying Principal’s Caught Being Good Incentives Discuss Your Classroom Incentive or Token Economy System (Homework Pass, Extra center time; game hour, etc.) Discuss Perfect Attendance incentive day for each nine weeks Discuss end of year rewards Discuss 9 Weeks Honors Program Discuss harassment and bullying with class
Friday August 10th • Use this day to review all rules and procedures. 1st-2nd Ask students why rules are important. Have them defend their reasons. 3rd-5th Create a writing prompt allowing students to make a persuasive argument about a rule that should be changed.
Schedule for Rules and Procedures • Monday, August 13th Meet with 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade- - will call each grade down individually for brief introduction and review of school-wide rules from administrative staff (during support classes). • Tuesday, August 14st Meet with 1st and 2nd grade; will call each grade down individually for brief introduction and review of school-wide rules from administrative staff (during support class). We will have periodic rule refresher meetings with an entire grade throughout the school year (as needed)
Wednesday, August 15 • Principal and Assistant Principal will meet with KK classes individually
Teach the Code of Conduct • Use Code of Conduct Teacher Resource Guide to teach Code of Conduct during the first two weeks of school. • Administer post-test to every student August 20-29. Results to be turned in to Guidance Counselor by August 30, 2012. • Desired outcome was for every student to score 80% or above; Kate Bond Elementary students scored 100%. Revised 9/12
Code of Conduct test Information Student Code of Conduct School Report----Due by 8/31/12 Complete the PBIS Student Code of Conduct Survey at https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/PBISTracking Revised 9/12
Code of Conduct Post Test Information • School: Kate Bond Elementary • Principal: Dr. Teri Evans • School Enrollment: 1099, 20 day total is 1099 • Number of Post-test administered: 1099 • Percentage of students scoring 80% or above: 100% • Date make-up/retest scheduled (for absentees and students scoring below 80%): 08/29/2012 • Name of Person Submitting Form: Nikole Baker • Title: School Counselor/PBIS Internal Coach • Phone: 901-416-0015 Revised 9/12
KBE Annual PBIS Kick-Off • KBE will teach MCS Code of Conduct first 2 weeks of school. • Teachers will administer the Code of Conduct post-tests during the third week of school. • Teachers will teach School-wide Rules and Behavior Expectations from matrix (as needed). • When KBE, district, school rules and expectations are understood, KBE will celebrate the beginning of a new, positive school year with teacher-initiated school-wide incentives. Revised 9/12
KBE School Procedures – Entering School • Teachers and teacher assistants will sign-in at the office and be on their posts to greet and monitor students before the 8:15 bell each day. Teachers must be in their doorway by 8:15 bell. • Any child who is not a bus-rider may not be dropped off at school prior to 8:00. • Safety patrol may enter the school at 7:55 through the front doors to be on post by 8:10. • Bus riders may begin entering the cafeteria door at 7:45 for breakfast - remaining bus riders may enter at the 8:15 bell. • Walkers and car riders may enter through the front door at 8:00 for breakfast; all others may enter at the 8:15 bell. • Cafeteria doors will be closed for breakfast at 8:30 with the exception of late bus riders. • Bike riders may be at school no earlier than 8:10 and must wait for the 8:15 bell to enter. • Administrators will greet students at the front doors and bus lane. Students will be reminded of “zero zone” and to walk on the right side of the hallway on the gray line. • Students will take care of business and be in the classroom before the 8:30 bell rings (bathroom, book store, library, breakfast, etc.) Revised 9/12
KBE School Procedures – Entering School Continued… • Morning announcements will be done by students and school counselor . • Students who come in after 8:30 must be accompanied by an adult and must check-in at the office; a check-in pass will be required to be admitted into class. • Teachers must have attendance entered into SMS by 10:00 a.m. • The check-in passes will be kept on file in the classroom for the duration for the year. Revised 9/12
KBE School Procedures - Hallways • Students will line up according to teacher directions. • Hallways are “zero zones.” • Students must stay on the right side of the hallway. • Students not accompanied by an adult must have a hall pass or clinic pass. • Students going to the clinic from the portables must travel in groups of three and have a clinic pass. Revised 9/12
KBE School Procedures - Cafeteria • Cafeteria monitors willbe responsible for: - maintaining appropriate noise level - distributing napkins and silverware as needed - reinforcing good table manners - assigning students to specific seats (unless teacher directs otherwise) - attending to specific needs of students (sick, spills, etc.) - identifying and requesting assistance in spill and trash clean-up (cafeteria or custodial staff) - wiping down tables when the classes leave - identifying problem behaviors and separating these students from the rest of the class at the table (Cafeteria monitors must complete MIR when needed. Teacher is responsible for consequences for these students.) -informing classroom teacher of class and individual behaviors on a daily basis • Cafeteria monitors will be responsible for dismissing classes from the tables and lining them up to wait on teachers. The classroom teacher is responsible for picking up students at the cafeteria door. • Cafeteria monitors may use the dismissal system of 1,2,3 or any system that works for the students. Revised 9/12
High Fives in the Cafeteria 1. Walk in an orderly and quiet manner. 2. Get your lunch, sit down, and talk softly to your neighbor. 3. Clean up the area around your table. 4. Throw your trash away in the trash can. 5. Line up quietly and wait for your teacher.
KBE School Procedures – Assemblies • Assemblies will be organized according to grade levels (K-2, 3-5). • Teachers and students should wait until called by the office before moving to the cafeteria or gym. • Classes are to assemble quietly and sit in designated areas. • Students will be taught to understand and respond to the raised hand signal to designate quiet and attention. • Teachers must remain with their class and maintain appropriate student behavior during all programs. Revised 9/12
KBE School Procedures– Uniforms • All school personnel will be deliberate and consistent with enforcement of the MCS uniform policy. Identification card lanyards are considered part of the uniform and are to be worn every day. • From 8:30-8:45, students will be required to call a parent to bring appropriate uniform. It is not the responsibility of the school to provide uniforms for the students. Out-of-uniform students will return to the classroom for instruction until appropriate attire is brought to school. • Every out-of-uniform incident must be written up as a minor infraction by the teacher. • Per MCS Code of Conduct, the student’s conduct grade will not suffer for this infraction. • On the fourth out-of-uniform infraction, the teacher will refer the student to an administrator with a discipline referral. Revised 9/12
KBE School-wide Procedures – New Students • During the enrollment process, new students and parents will be introduced to administrators and the guidance counselor. • The classroom teacher will assign a classmate to take the new student on a tour of the school and to help them become familiar with the class. Revised 9/12
KBE School-wide Classroom Rules • Proactive – Structure classrooms for academic success which means having efficient routines, focused instruction, clear rules and expectations, direct teaching of expectations, and frequent monitoring. • Positive – Strive to interact frequently with each student providing non-contingent attention/acknowledgement and positive recognition when students are behaving appropriately. Teachers and students will speak respectfully to each other. • Instructional –View incidents of misbehavior as teaching opportunities and calmly and consistently implement appropriate corrective consequences. Revised 9/12