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Grahamwood Elementary School-wide PBIS Plan (Discipline Plan) 2018-2019. Principal: Pete Johnson 3950 Summer Ave. Memphis, Tennessee. Grahamwood ES 2018-2019 PBIS/RTI 2 -B Team * Fill in your team member names and names of assigned team member roles below*.
Grahamwood Elementary School-wide PBIS Plan(Discipline Plan) 2018-2019 Principal: Pete Johnson 3950 Summer Ave. Memphis, Tennessee Revised 08/2018
Grahamwood ES 2018-2019 PBIS/RTI2-B Team*Fill in your team member names and names of assigned team member roles below* PBIS/RTI2-B Team Member Role Assignments: (It is recommended that different team members be assigned these roles) PBIS/RTI2-B Team Members: • Pete Johnson (Principal) Tia James (Asst. Principal) • Kimberly Henderson (Counselor) Devonne George (Counselor) • Gregory Birdsell (5th Teacher) • Special Education Teacher(s)* • Jennifer Keene (GPTO) • Lisa Jorgensen (ESL) • Blair Trotz (CLUE) • Ashlyn Henderson (Student) • Annette Gladney (4th Teacher) • ISS Assistant: Malcolm Thornton • Anthony Edwards (4th Teacher) • Ashleigh Chaskelson (2nd Teacher) • Lindsey Rothenbach (KK Teacher) • Elizabeth Carr (Kk Teacher) • Ken Hart (4th Teacher) • Dinesha Johnson (3rd teacher) • Tracey Payne (2nd Teacher) • Internal PBIS/RTI2-B Coach: Kimberly Henderson • Administrator: Pete Johnson • Recorder: Melissa Idleman • Communicator: Grade Representatives • Data Person: Devonne George • Timekeeper: Mrs. Gladney • Task Person: Assigned each meeting based on need Revised 08/2018
Meeting Dates Revised 08/2018
Mission Grahamwood’s mission is to prepare our students to become productive citizens by providing a positive, safe, and academically challenging environment that develops the cultural, social, and physical skills of our students. Revised 08/2018
Vision Grahamwood Elementary School is an exemplary, student-centered educational community with an exceptional team of stakeholders and nurturing environment where all students achieve academic excellence, good character is exhibited, and hopes and dreams are encouraged. Revised 08/2018
Student Support Services PBIS/RTI2-B Purpose Statement • Grahamwood’s PBIS/RTI2-B plan will support the social and behavioral climate of our school by putting incentives as well as an effective progressive discipline plan in place to promote a positive culture. Revised 08/2018
Philosophy Statement The shared philosophy at Grahamwood is that the potential to learn exists in all teachers, parents and students alike. All endeavors at Grahamwood are aimed at adding knowledge to the community of learners. Changing students’ and teacher’s mindsets is our definitive goal. Transformed minds will ultimately change the climate and culture within our school. Revised 08/2018
Principal’s Beliefs and Values • Build strong viable relationships with all stakeholders: parents, students, faculty, staff and community partners • Analyze the data to inform instruction • Consistent implementation of newly adopted direct instruction strategies to increase students’ achievement • Providing exciting and challenging enrichment opportunities for all students. • Creating and maintaining a culture of instruction • Ensure a positive safe environment for student learning to enhance their social, emotional, and academic well being Revised 08/2018
Behavior Goals and Objectives Comparative Data Goal: Decrease the overall number of office referrals (which was 47 last year) by 20% by the end of the 2018-2019 school year. This will be done by increasing teacher supervision and increasing the number of times that rules and procedures will be retaught to students. Revised 08/2018
Behavior Goals and Objectives Comparative Data Goal: We will decrease the number of classroom incidents by 50% by the end of the 2018-2019 School year. This will be done my increasing the use of the buddy system if the teacher needs to leave the room. Revised 08/2018
Behavior Goals and Objectives Comparative DataGoal: We will decrease the number of out of school suspensions by 5% by the end of the 2018-2019 School year. This will be done my increasing the use of the buddy system if the teacher needs to leave the room. We will also place students in small groups to facilitate change if they have 2 or more out of school suspensions last school year. Revised 08/2018
Attendance Goals and Objectives Comparative Data We will increase the schoolwide attendance rate by 2% by the end of the 2018-2019 School year. We will do this by increasing the number of supports and school-wide incentive programs to parents and students. Revised 08/2018
Chronic Absenteeism Goals and Objectives Comparative DataWe will decrease the percent of chronically absent KK, 1st, and 2nd graders by 5% by the end of the 2018-2019 School year. We will do this by implementing grade level competitions for attendance. Revised 08/2018
Previous Results • During the 2017-2018 school year for each 20 day period our overall disciplinary referrals increased from previous years. • 40% of behavior incidents occurred in the classroom. 27% Occurred in the cafeteria. What can the team put in place to help change this? • The decrease in student fights during the 2017-2018 year can be contributed to small group counseling where students learned social skills and how to effectively resolve conflicts. • Data sources: Tableau/SMS Data (Comparative Data on Previous Slides) Revised 08/2018
Goals and Objectives • Increase Safety Patrol presence throughout the school • Increase small group counseling to enhance students' social skills, thus building good character; collaboration with school social worker and ISS Coordinator • Display PBIS rules consistently throughout the school building • Increase student knowledge in PBIS and how they can promote a positive culture within the school • Increase parent knowledge of PBIS through seminars and other media such as news letters • Collaborate with the school social worker and other stakeholders to bring awareness programs (i.e. bullying/cyber bullying, study skills training, etc.) to our parents students to increase positive behavior Revised 08/2018
Monitoring Process • School, classroom, and individual discipline data are analyzed each nine weeks by the PBIS Team. • Bi-weekly data team meetings • PBIS and Attendance Meetings every 20 days • Adjustments are made to the school-wide behavior plan as needed by PBIS Team. • Post PBIS Plan on school website and GPTO page. • Solicit feedback through surveys to teachers, parents, students and other stakeholders. • Mentoring is provided for teachers in need of classroom management assistance. • S-team process is used to develop intervention plans for students with at-risk behaviors. • High risk students are referred to individual or small group counseling and monitored. • Attendance rate will be analyzed each 20 day period. • SART Meetings as needed • Meetings with Stakeholders as needed Revised 08/2018
Grahamwood School-wide Rules and Expectations • BE SAFE • - Always Walk Quietly in the Halls • - Keep Hands, Feet, and Objects to yourself • BE RESPECTFUL • - Respect the Rights and Property of others • - Treat Others the Way You Would Want to be treated • BE RESPONSIBLE • - Be Prepared • - Follow Directions • - Use Time Wisely Revised 08/2018
Behavioral Expectation Matrix Revised 08/2018
School Procedures • New Students Welcome them to Grahamwood- Entire Class Go over classroom rules/procedures- Entire Class Orientation into Grahamwood- School Counselor/Teacher/ Designated staff Help them during lunch, transitions, and dismissal- Designated Classmate Revised 08/2018
School Procedures *Entering the Building • Remain calm • No running • No standing in one spot socializing, keep moving to your destination • Step to the side to tie your shoes • Watch out for everyone around you *Closing of School/Dismissal • Walk and remain on zero during dismissal • Daycare and aftercare students are dismissed to the cafeteria firs • Front door walkers and car riders are dismissed • Back Door Walkers and car riders are dismissed • Parents are only allowed to enter the aftercare door or front door during dismissal Revised 08/2018
Teaching the rules lesson plan Revised 08/2018
School Procedures • Passing Classes • Passing to special area classes – students are escorted by their classroom teacher to and from the special area class • In departmentalized classes students pass class under the supervision of the teacher • Passing to and from lunch – students are escorted by the teacher • All other movement within the building is by hall pass only • Lunchroom • The cafeteria rules are: • No Running • Remain seated • Talk only to people at your table • Hands and feet to yourself • Raise your hand for assistance • Keep your area clean – no trash on the floor Revised 08/2018
Teaching the rules lesson plan Revised 08/2018
School Procedures • Classroom Remain seated at all times Raise your hand to speak Be responsible for your belongings Keep your work area clean Take a hall pass if you must leave the classroom Work quietly in groups Turn in homework and other assignments on time Make-up work (you have the # of days as you were out to makeup the work missed) Be respectful of others’ opinions • Assemblies • All students are escorted to the cafeteria for programs • Appropriate audience behaviors are reviewed by an administrator at the beginning of each assembly • Teachers remain with students and monitor behavior • Assembly rules are: • Listen to the presentation quietly • Applaud, laugh and respond appropriately • Remain seated • Dismiss with your class • Follow teachers’ instructions Revised 08/2018
Teaching the rules lesson plan Revised 08/2018
School Procedures • Restroom Remain quiet Be respectful of others’ personal space Only one person in a stall at a time No playing in the restroom Take a hall pass and a buddy if going without the class Wash your hands and put paper towels in the trash can Keep your hands and feet to yourself Only 5 students allowed in the restroom at one time Revised 08/2018
Teaching the rules lesson plan Revised 08/2018
Grahamwood Elementary Discipline/Referral Levels Revised 08/2018
Staff & Office ManagedBehavior Chart Revised 08/2018
Examples of Discipline Incidents Minor/Major Revised 08/2018
Grahamwood ES Flow Chart for Dealing with Problem Behaviors (See Discipline Card) Observe problem behavior Is behavior classroom manageable? Find a place to talk with student(s) YES NO Ensure safety Problem solve Fill out Discipline Report Card At the appropriate step Problem solve Determine Consequence/Contact Parent Determine consequence Follow procedure documented Follow documented Procedure (See Discipline Card Slide #35 AND #36) NO YES Does student have complete discipline Card (complete to number 7)? Follow through with consequences File necessary documentation Send referral to office File necessary documentation Follow up with student within a week Revised 08/2018
Grahamwood Progressive Discipline Card • Step1-Warning • Step 2-Student/Teacher Conference • Step 3- Classroom Interventions (Teacher will try various interventions to help behavior) • Step 4 Teacher’s Choice (Single out an intervention that may work with the student) • Step 5- Parent/Teacher Conference • Step 6-Referral for Counseling Services • Step 7-Office Referral Revised 08/2018
Grahamwood Progressive Discipline Card (Example) Revised 08/2018
Grahamwood Progressive Discipline Card (Blank) Revised 08/2018
ATOD Prevention (Tier 1) HEALTHY CHOICES AT GRAHAMWOOD • Our school will focus on making healthy choices during the entire year • PE classes will emphasize the importance of health and fitness for all students • The month of December will be set aside as Healthy Choices Month, culminating with a Healthy Choices Week • Activities will include: • 1. Guidance lessons to be completed in the classrooms teaching the benefits of a healthy lifestyle and dangers of ATOD • 2.Morning announcements suggesting alternatives to ATOD • 3. Drug Free essay contest for upper grades-winning essays read over intercom/Red Ribbon Week and Pep Rally • 4. All classes jog around the track to celebrate healthy choices-planned by counselor and PE teachers • Progress will be monitored through discipline data, teacher surveys, and student surveys. Revised 08/2018
Bullying Prevention/Child Abuse/Suicide Prevention(Tier 1 Strategy) Staff will be trained by the Safe Schools web training at the beginning of the school year Schools Counselor will speak with staff during faculty meetings Lessons will be done with students by the teacher and counselor along with teaching the Code of Conduct in August and September and as-needed throughout the year; Counselor will meet with all new students as they enroll to ensure they understand the no-bullying policy, along with other school rules New group formed called the Bully Free Friends (BFFs) these are students against bullying and exclusion at school Students will be encouraged to report bullying and how to go about reporting through the Bully Free Friends (BFFs) Group “Rules about Bullying” will be posted in every classroom, restrooms and hallways A poster contest called “Buddies, Not Bullies” will be held for all grades and winners’ posters will be featured as quality work around the school during The month of October Leading to Red Ribbon Week Peer Mediation through the Student Council will be utilized for upper Grades (4th and 5th) Revised 08/2018
VIOLENCE PREVENTIONMotivational/Inspirational Speakers (Tier 1 Strategy) • Throughout the year, community and business leaders will be recruited to speak with our upper grades students regarding leadership, academic success and career goals. • We will also have assemblies at Grahamwood to teach about social issues and other topics that will benefit our students • Collaboration with the Memphis Sheriff’s Department • Collaboration with Latino Memphis/American Muslim Advisory Council/Local Church Leaders speaking with students on tolerance and nonviolence Revised 08/2018
Intervention Strategies (TIER 2 Strategy) • group counseling (social skills/anger management by counselor or social worker) • Check in-check out with select students • mentoring • Brief/simple behavior plans for repeated minor infractions • suspension (using BIM and other resources) • In School Suspension/Lunch Detention Revised 08/2018
Tier 2/Intervention Team • School Counselor, administrator, appropriate instructional staff and behavior related personnel. • Will monitor group and targeted interventions such as group counseling, Check in Check out, and skill building. • Evaluate outcomes of interventions and make adjustments for students • Monitor by: Data in Power School, Tableau Data, parent and teacher surveys, classroom observations Revised 08/2018
Additional Interventions (Tier 2) • Think sheets • Peer mediation • Review of rules/practice of expected behavior • Parent conferences & collaboration • Proactive use of part time ISS assistant for conflict resolution or social skills • Time outs away from class • Behavioral Contract Revised 08/2018
Secondary Intervention Evaluation (Tier 2) • Number of office referrals • Observation data • Anecdotal reports • Brief teacher surveys • Group Counseling records • Peer Mediation records Revised 08/2018
Tertiary Interventions (Tier 3) • Individual counseling • Teachers or administrators identify students for S-Team • S-Team meets to make a plan for referred students • FBA and/or BIP is done when S-Team dictates • Collaboration/Referral with Mental Healthy and/or outside agencies • Monitored by: • Counseling records, number of office referrals, S-Team records and teacher report to S-Team about progress, Tableau Data Revised 08/2018
Communication with Teachers,Parents & Community A copy of the school wide discipline plan will be kept in the following locations: • School Website • GPTO Website • Principal’s office • Assistant principal’s office • Counselor’s office • Main office • All members of the PBIS team • Grahamwood Parent Association to have a copy of the plan to share at parent meetings Revised 08/2018
School Wide Incentives • Classes who have a week with perfect attendance during each month will have a popcorn party at the end of the month • The class with the most completed punched cards (classroom PBIS punch cards) for good behavior, attendance, and character recognition will receive a class pizza party at the end of the 20 day period. • Popcorn parties, movie time, pizza parties, ice cream socials, popsicle parties, and gift card drawings for students with 98% attendance or better every 20 day period. • Gift card drawings for parents every 20 day cycle if their student has 98% attendance or better. • Parent participation awards, parents who attend the most school events and/or participate and volunteer throughout the school year (nominated by teachers, administrators, GPTO) • Teachers with classes who have perfect attendance will have their name placed in a drawing to win the chance to leave work 1 hour early or come in to work one hour late. This will take place every 20 days. There will be two teachers drawn each time. Revised 08/2018
Character/Behavior Recognitions/Celebrations Character Quotes and Reflections-daily inspirational messages and inquiries announced on the intercom during the morning announcements Awards for perfect attendance and improved attendance Honors Program at the end of each semester PBIS Annual Character Assembly- grade level assemblies held by Principal Johnson, Asst. Principal and Counselor the first quarter of school; Inform students of rules and expectations Red Ribbon Week-a week-long celebration of “just say no to drugs” with “dress-up days”, Student-Council-led school wide drug-free walk, and picture/essay contest Healthy Choices Week-students will hear from speakers on the importance of healthy choices ICE (Improved Conduct and Effort) BUG (Bringing Up Grades) awards given each nine weeks for all grades Honors Programs each nine weeks Annual Field Day Peace Week School-wide Assemblies to focus on positive behaviors and educate students against negative behaviors and activities. Revised 08/2018
Student Engagement At Grahamwood Elementary School we strive to provide student activities which enable students to show leadership skills and gives them the ability to be well-rounded academically, socially, emotionally, and physically. The student teams and activities here at Grahamwood follow the PBIS way because students must have high academic achievement, good attendance, and good citizenship in order to participate. The following slides give details of student organizations and activities that we encourage all students to take part in. Revised 08/2018
Student Support Services Student Engagement Log Revised 08/2018
Teacher Incentives • Teachers have the chance to win one hour leave early or one hour come in late and their class will be covered by an administrator. • Teacher of the month (through student and parent nominations) • Teacher of the month on the school newsletter • Teacher recognition on the intercom • Teacher Recognition on the Bulletin board in the main hallways Revised 08/2018
Resources for Incentives • Grahamwood Parent Association • Local area businesses (Grahamwood Cleaners, Kroger) • School wide fund raisers • Local churches and restaurants • GPTO • Donations from parents, teachers, and other community partners Revised 08/2018
Grahamwood Student Activities • Junior Beta Club • Student Council • Social Media Club • Art Club • Cheerleading • Running Club • Cross Country • Birthday Book Club • Safety Patrol • Strings • Guitar • Art Club • Chess Team • Chinese Aftercare Program • Drama Club • Gymnastics • Ballet • Karate Revised 08/2018