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Learn about the crucial role of supervision in academic leadership, including types, aims, and the importance of effective supervision in maintaining educational standards. Explore how the headmaster's supervision impacts teaching quality and student development.

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  3. INTRODUCTION • Dr. Jaswant Singh: The headmaster or the principal of a school is the hub of the educational process. On his ability or skill, as a sound and effective educational leader depends the success of a school system. • P.C.Wren. What the mainspring is to watch: the fly wheel to the machine or the engine to the steam-ship the headmaster is to the school. The character of the school reflects and proclaims the professional character of the headmaster. He is the seal and the school is the wax. “He is the organizer, leader, governor, business director, coordinator, idea, friend.”

  4. ACADEMIC ASPECTS • Supervision • Guidance • Maintenance of Standards • Institutional Evaluation • Time-table • Subject-class • Co-curricular Activities

  5. SUPERVISION • According to Barton & Burckner, “Supervision is an expert technical service primarily aimed at studying and improving co-operatively all factors which affect the child’s growth and development.” • ‘Supervision’, according to Barr and Burton is the foundation on which all programmes for improvement of teaching must be built.

  6. AIMS OF SUPERVISON AND INSPECTION • Inspection and supervision is no longer considered to be fault finding and criticizing. • In reality, it is for improvement in teaching-learning process and situation. It is providing leadership in the field of education. • Its main aim is to provide democratic leadership to teachers to put them on right lines and to set before them goals within reach. • Another aim of inspection and supervision is to check inefficiency in schools and find out gaps in the proper functioning of school and ensure they are bridged.

  7. TYPES OF SUPERVISION • CLINICAL TYPE • Observation • Analysis • Strategy planning • Conference • Post-conference analysis (follow up) • PREVENTIVE TYPE • THE CREATIVE TYPE


  9. IMPORTANCE OF SUPERVISION • Prevention is better than cure • Supervision in essential in planning and implementing various developmental activities in the school • Helps teachers in getting proper guidance from experts • Helps teachers to work-together • Helps teachers in classroom management • Helps teachers to use modern methods of teaching • Supervision helps teachers to plan for better instruction

  10. ROLE OF HEADMASTER IN ACADEMIC SUPERVISION • He should inspect all the classes while teaching is going on and sit in each class to find out instructional strategy and methodology adopted by the teachers. He should check their teaching notes, diaries etc. • Class-room supervision/inspection should not disturb the class work. • He should arrange panel inspection with subject experts to derive the benefits of subject specialists in improving the teaching competencies of his teachers. • Innovative approaches like Team-teaching, Microteaching, Tutorial should be planned for the better instruction. • He should provide necessary infrastructure facilities in the school such as equipment, furniture, computers, T.V, tape recorders for effective teaching.


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