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6th Grade & New Student Orientation Topics we will be covering this evening :. Staff PTA Guidance Counseling Athletics Medications School Rating OAA Scores. Morning Arrival Afternoon Departure Attendance & Tardies Dress Code Lunch Room All School Fundraiser Candy Sale
6th Grade & New Student Orientation Topics we will be covering this evening: Staff PTA Guidance Counseling Athletics Medications School Rating OAA Scores Morning Arrival Afternoon Departure Attendance & Tardies Dress Code Lunch Room All School Fundraiser Candy Sale 6th Grade Camp
Welcome! Memorial Middle School 6th Grade & New Student Orientation Memorial Middle School August 11, 2014
Welcome and Introductions Mr. Dudziak, Principal dudziak@mentorschools.org Mr. Grodek, Assistant Principal grodek@mentorschools.org Ms. Davis, 6th grade Counselor jdavis@mentorschools.org Mrs. Skrajner 7th & 8th grade Counselor skrajner@mentorschools.org Mrs. Rudder, Spec. Ed Dept. Chair rudder@mentorschools.org Mrs. Elegante, Spec. Ed. Supervisor elegante@mentorschools.org Mrs. Ott, Parent Mentor ott@mentorschools.org Mrs. Debbie Weber, Nurse weberDM@mentorschools.org
PTA President: Mary Jo Nerici Vice President: Aja Bryan Treasurer: Open Secretary: Deena Szep Email: memorialmiddlepta@gmail.com Facebook: Memorial Middle PTA Twitter: @MMSPTAPrez
PTA Meetings are held every other month on the second Monday in the Media Center. Please join us for the first meeting on September 9that 7:00 pm Events include 8th grade party, Scholarships, concessions, and many more! $5.00 to join! Stop by the cafeteria tonight to sign up to join a committee and the PTA!
Flash Library Stop by the booth in the cafeteria. -Sign up for a library card. -Check out books.
Athletics Athletic Director - Mr. Joe Jeckel Per OHSAA: only 7th & 8th graders participate Sports include….. Cross Country, Volleyball, Cheerleading, Football, Wrestling, Basketball and Track More information for fall sports for the 2014-2015 will be distributed in the spring of 2014. Contact Mr. Jeckel at jeckel@mentorschools.org
Intramurals Intramurals are open to ALL students. Intramurals will be offered after school. Listen to announcements for information. Mrs. Seagroves is the coordinator. seagroves@mentorschools.org
Guidance Miss Davis - 6th gr. Guidance Counselor Mrs. Skrajner - 7th & 8th gr. Guidance Counselor Parents – grades, dates, processes, state testing and basic information about MMS. Students – child advocate Family – family knowledge, student liaison, coordinate meetings, insight to student development
School Nurse - Mrs. Debbie Weber All medications that are taken during the school day must be taken in the Clinic. Including over the counter meds A Physician Request Form needs to be completed AND signed by a physician. This includes medications prescribed by the physician, EPI-Pens, & over the counter medications. All forms available online at the MMS website
6th Grade Schedule 8.5 Period Day Language Arts/Read 180 Math Science Social Studies Two Electives (Music, Art, Robotics, Study Hall): full year Health / Physical Education: 1 semester each Lunch: 4A or 4B – with study hall opposite Period 8.5 – choice activity, Advisory
Morning Procedures Students can be dropped off at 7:45. At 8:00 students are permitted in the cafeteria, attend club meetings, or teacher interventions (if available by teacher) *Please DROP your child off on the EAST side of the building or the parking area. *Due to Buses: DO NOT DROP OFF IN THE FRONT OF THE BUILDING
Afternoon Procedures This will be different this year Buses are the safest form of student transportation Buses depart between 3:50 pm and 4:00 pm Due to Buses: Parents cannot pick up students in the front of the building or on the Hopkins Road side of the building.
Lunch • Enter/exit the cafeteria quietly and immediately be seated • 12 students maximum at a table • Be respectful to staff and students at all times • Speak in a conversational tone • During the last 3 minutes, a clean-up announcement will be made. Remain seated until your table is dismissed • NO TALKING in the hallway during mid-period transitions
Lockers at MMS • All 6th grade students are in same area (2nd floor) • Access to lockers • Walk-through in August
Book Bags Book bags are not permitted to be used during the school day. Students are permitted to carry a small bag to and from their Physical Education class. i.e. Sack Pack
Physical Education Uniform All students will wear a PE uniform while in class. Costs: Gym Shirts – Sm-XL $3.85 Gym Shirts – 2XL $4.95 Gym Shorts – Sm – XL $7.15 Gym Shorts – 2XL $8.25
Student Meals Breakfast with Milk $1.45 Lunch with Milk $2.85 Milk only $0.50
Attendance Students are expected to attend school daily Be in class before 8:40 a.m. Be on time for all classes 4 minutes between each bell Contact the Guidance Department when absent 974-2255
Discipline • Office Detention: Tuesday and Thursday • 8:00 am – 8:30 am Room 232 • 3:45 pm – 4:15 pm Room 232 • Extended Office Detentions: 3:45 – 4:45 • After School Restriction (ASR): 3:45 – 6:15 • *Saturday School: 8:30 am – 11:00 am • *Extended Saturday School: 8:30 am – 12:30 pm * = At Mentor High School
Dress Code • Please refer to student handbook • Shirts must have appropriate necklines. • Shorts, skirts, dresses must be no shorter than 3” above the knee (even if there are pants/leggings/tights under). • Tight fitting Pants (i.e. yoga pants, leggings, spandex, etc) are not permitted. • Holes, Tears, or Fraying in clothing is not allowed – even if they were designed to be as such.
Dress Code (continued) • No hats allowed during school hours. • Pajama Pants are not permitted. • Tank tops and spaghetti straps arenotpermitted. • If you think it may not be appropriate best to not wear it to school.
Electronic Devices • Education is changing • Blended Learning • Digital Citizenship • School expectations
All School Fundraiser “World’s Finest Chocolates” September 2014 Proceeds benefit ALL the students through various clubs, activities and athletics Sell 1 box of candy (50 candy bars @ $1.00 each) and students will participate in an Inflatable Party at MMS! Please support this great fundraiser!
6th Grade Camp Hiram House Camp www.hiramhousecamp.org Week #1/Mrs. Yerse October 1st – October 3rd Week #2/Mrs. Hill October 22nd – October 24th
Chaperones Please see me tonight if you are interested in chaperoning during the first week. October 1st – October 3rd
6th Grade Camp Meeting Monday, September 8th 7:00 pm Memorial Middle School Auditorium
How Do I Stay Connected? MMS Website Assignment Notebook Infinite Campus/Parent & Student Portal Homework Hotline ONLINE MEMO Newsletter ONLINE Twitter Account-@MMSDudziak Email
Misc. Information Help Sessions - Arrange individually with teacher Extra Curricular Activities- Will be on announcements and website Atrium-drop off anytime after 7:45 AM (no adult supervision) Questions and Tour of Building