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TREx VendorTraining. March 2010. Agenda. Reminder on New Race Ethnicity values Version 3.6 Enhancements Required vs Recommended Questions?. TREx 3.6 Enhancements –Reminder about new Ethnicity Values.
TRExVendorTraining March 2010
Agenda • Reminder on New Race Ethnicity values • Version 3.6 Enhancements • Required vs Recommended • Questions?
TREx 3.6 Enhancements –Reminder about new Ethnicity Values All state and local education agencies are required to use the new federal ethnicity and race categories for federal reporting no later than the beginning of the 2010-2011 school year. Therefore, beginning with the 2010-2011 school year, student records and transcripts must include the new ethnicity and race data elements for all students enrolled since the beginning of the 2009-2010 school year. For students who have not been enrolled in the district since the 2008-2009 school year, the old ethnic data element may be reported instead. The old ethnicity value is described as “Ethnicity Code” with an XML name “Race” on page 2.30 of the TREx Data Standards.
TREx 3.6 Enhancements –Reminder about new Ethnicity Values The new federal Ethnicity/Race codes are listed as separate data elements, since multiple selections may be reported for a student. Descriptive name XML Name Page American Indian/Alaska Native AmericanIndianAlaskaNativeCode 2.7 Asian AsianCode 2.7 Black/African American BlackAfricanAmericanCode 2.14 Hispanic/ Latino HispanicLatinoCode 2.36 Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander NativeHawaiianPacificIslanderCode 2.43 White WhiteCode 2.53
TREx 3.6 Enhancements - New Data Element • UNSCHOOLED-ASYLEE-REFUGEE Page 2.52 Common Name Type XML Name Complex Type UNSCHOOLED-ASYLEE-REFUGEE AsyleeRefugeeCodeStudentDemographicType Definition UNSCHOOLED ASYLEE/REFUGEE indicates whether a student's initial enrollment in a school in the United States in grades 7 through 12 was as an unschooled asylee or refugee. Element ID Code Table ID Required? Domain of Values TE097 TC30 No 0, 1, 2 (PEIMS: E1076) (PEIMS: C183) Applicable Record Length Type Pattern Student Record 1 CODED #
TREx 3.6 Enhancements – New Code Table • UNSCHOOLED-ASYLEE-REFUGEE Page 3.45 Table ID Name XML Name Simple Type Applicable Record TC30 UNSCHOOLED- AsyleeRefugeeAsyleeRefugeeType Student Record (C183) ASYLEE- REFUGEE- CODE Code Translation 0 Not applicable to this Student 1 Refugee 2 Asylee
TREx 3.6 Enhancements - New XML Elements • Add new Unschooled Asylee/Refugee code to TREx Page 4.28 Complex Type definitions. StudentDemographicType Gender Race BirthDate Language Migrant Homeless AsyleeRefugee
TREx 3.6 Enhancements - New XML Elements • Add new Unschooled Asylee/Refugee code to TREx Page 4.31 Simple Type definitions. Common NameSimple Type Unschooled Asylee/Refugee AsyleeRefugee • Add new Unschooled Asylee/Refugee code to TREx Page 4.32 Enumerated Values. Code Table Common Name ElementXML Short Name Location Unschooled Asylee/Refugee Code AsyleeRefugee Student Record
TREx 3.6 Enhancements - New XML Elements • Add new Unschooled Asylee/Refugee code to Page 4.33 Hierarchy of XML Elements. StudentDemographic (1) Gender (1) Race (0 or 1) Ethnicity (0 or 1) BirthDate (1) Language (0 or 1) Migrant (0 or1) Homeless (0 or 1) AsyleeRefugee (0 or 1) • Added Unschooled Asylee/Refugee to Page A.3 Student Record Element List.
TREx 3.6 Enhancements - Changes to Existing Data Elements • Additional Assessments have been added to the Pages 3.4 – 3.7 Assessment Name table TC01. • Codes 16-70 added. These Assessment Names will be reported on the student record only. • The new table is listed on the last slides of this presentation. • Modified codes in Course-Category table TC05. Page 3.17 • The previously separate codes for Economics (EC) and Free Enterprise (FE) are merged together into a single entry, Economics/Free Enterprise, ECFE. • The previous Career and Technical Education (CT) is changed to CTE.
TREx 3.6 Enhancements - Changes to Existing Code Tables & XML Definition • Two new codes have been added to the Pass/Fail Page 3.37 Indicator Code table TC25. 13 Non-High School Course Passed 14 Non-High School Course Failed • A new code has been added to the Semester Sequence Page 3.38 code table TC18 to align with the PEIMS Course Sequence Code table C135. A Non-High School Year Long Course • Modified the restriction of Semester Sequence to Page4.17 allow for additional code value “A”. “ If present, the only acceptable values are 0 through A.”
TREx 3.6 Enhancements - Changes to Existing Code Tables • Modify definitions of five Withdrawal Reason Codes in Page 3.46 code table TC23 to align with the same code definitions in PEIMS Leaver Reason Codes table C162. 01 Graduated From A Campus In This District Or Charter 24 College, Pursue Associate’s or Bachelor’s Degree 78 Expelled For Offense Under TEC §37.007, Cannot Return 83 Not A Resident At Time Of Enrollment, Falsified Enrollment, No Proof Of Identification, Or No Immunization Record 85 Graduated Outside Texas Before Entering A Texas Public School- Entered A Texas Public School-Left Again
TREx 3.6 Enhancements Changes to Appendix B: XSD File • XSD file replaced in its entirety. Changes to Appendix C: XML Graphic • XML Graphic replaced in its entirety.
Required vs Recommended There has been some confusion regarding the requirement terms previously used in relation to the Data Element lists in Appendix A. In particular, the term “Required” was intended to mean required by the Schema, e.g. one of the twelve mandated data elements that if not present would cause the file not to load. This often caused confusion for elements that were “required by law” –when applicable or were pertinent to only one record type, e.g. required for the transcript, but not the student record. Not all data elements are relevant for every student or record type. For instance, the Special Education Indicator is not applicable to every student, however, if it is, it is Required for that student. Or a particular element may be required (when applicable) to be printed on the Student Transcript, but is not required on the Student Record – Graduation Date or Graduation Program Type for instance. In an attempt to clarify the definitions, Required, Recommended, and If Applicable have been changed.
Required vs Recommended The following section is a list of the TREx data elements arranged by the record type (as they would appear in a record; not within a complex type). The table indicates a data element as required in the following manner: Mandatory: Required within the file extract by the TREx schema, otherwise, the file will not load. Required by TEC: Required by state law and/or Texas Education Code. These data elements may be required for the Transcript for instance, but not for the Student Record, therefore the Schema cannot enforce their inclusion. Required by TEC if applicable: Required by state law and/or Texas Education Code if the data element pertains to the particular student. Because some data elements may not apply to every student, Homeless Indicator for instance, the Schema cannot enforce their inclusion. Recommended if available: Recommended by TEA, institutions of higher education, and user focus groups. If the data is available to the sending school district, it should be included in the extract file.
Required vs Recommended Note to Student Information Systems Vendors: All Data extract programs must be able to populate all TREx data elements defined in the XML Schema, whether they are designated “Mandatory”, “Required by TEC”, “Required by TEC, if applicable”, or “ Recommended if available”. Note to Campus/District users: If a data element is shown as not required for the file extract but data are available and relevant to the accuracy and completeness of the student record or transcript, it is the responsibility of the campus/district to include these data.
Required vs Recommended Student Record 1 Attachment acceptable 2 Required by end of student’s junior year. 3 At Least one of the 5 Race Codes is required.
Updated Assessment Name Table 1 Texas Primary Reading Inventory (Grades K-2) 2 El Inventario de Lectura en Espanol de Tejas (Grades K-2) 3 Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System (TELPAS) reading (Grades K-12) 4 Spanish-version TAKS Reading (Grades 3-5) 5 TAKS Reading (Grades 3-9) 6 TAKS Mathematics (Grades 3-10) 7 TAKS Writing (Grades 4 and 7) 8 TAKS Science (Grades 5,8, and 10) 9 TAKS English Language Arts (Grade 10) 10 TAKS Social Studies (Grades 8 and 10) 11 TAKS Exit Level Mathematics 12 TAKS Exit Level Science 13 TAKS Exit Level Language Arts 14 TAKS Exit Level Social Studies 15 State Developed Alternative assessment 16 TELPAS writing (Grades K-12) 17 TELPAS speaking (Grades K-12) 18 TELPAS listening (Grades K-12) 19 TAKS (Accommodated) Reading (Grades 3-9) 20 TAKS (Accommodated) Mathematics (Grades 3-10) 21 TAKS (Accommodated) Writing (Grades 4-7) 22 TAKS (Accommodated) Science (Grades 5, 8, 10) 23 TAKS (Accommodated) English Language Arts (Grade 10) 24 TAKS (Accommodated) Social Studies (Grades 8-10) 25 TAKS (Accommodated) Exit Level Mathematics 26 TAKS (Accommodated) Exit Level Science 27 TAKS (Accommodated) Exit Level English Language Arts 28 TAKS (Accommodated) Exit Level Social Studies 29 TAKS-M Reading (Grades 3-9) 30 TAKS-M Mathematics (Grades 3-11) 31 TAKS-M Writing (Grades 4, 7) 32 TAKS-M Science (Grades 5, 8, 10, 11) 33 TAKS-M English Language Arts (Grades 10, 11) 34 TAKS-M Social Studies (Grades 8, 10, 11) 35 TAKS-Alt Reading (Grades 3-9)
Updated Assessment Name Table 36 TAKS-Alt Mathematics (Grades 3-11) 37 TAKS-Alt Writing (Grades 4, 7) 38 TAKS-Alt Science (Grades 5, 8 , 10,11) 39 TAKS-Alt English Language Arts (Grades 10, 11) 40 TAKS-Alt Social Studies (Grades 8, 10, 11) 41 EOC Algebra I 42-52 Reserved for future EOC assessments 53 Linguistically Accommodated Testing (LAT) TAKS Reading (Grades 3-8) 54 Spanish-version LAT TAKS Reading (Grades 3-5) 55 Spanish-version TAKS Mathematics (Grades 3-5) 56 LAT TAKS Mathematics (Grades 3-8, 10) 57 Spanish-version LAT TAKS Mathematics (Grades 3-5) 58 Spanish-version TAKS Writing (Grade 4) 59 Spanish-version TAKS Science (Grade 5) 60 LAT TAKS Science (Grades 5, 8, 10) 61 Spanish-version LAT TAKS Science (Grade 5) 62 LAT TAKS English Language Arts (Grade 10) 63 Spanish-version TAKS (Accommodated) Reading (Grades 3-5) 64 Spanish-version TAKS (Accommodated) Mathematics (Grades 3-5) 65 Spanish-version TAKS (Accommodated) Writing (Grade 4) 66 Spanish-version TAKS (Accommodated) Science (Grade 5) 67 LAT TAKS-M Reading (Grades 3-8) 68 LAT TAKS-M Mathematics (Grades 3-8, 10) 69 LAT TAKS-M Science (Grades 5, 8, 10) 70 LAT TAKS-M English Language Arts (Grade 10)