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Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Analysis for National Reports

Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Analysis for National Reports. Niels Bosma Global Entrepreneurship Research Association Utrecht University, Vlerick Business School GEM Annual Meeting 2013 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Outline for this Session. Issues of Consideration Before Writing the Report

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Global Entrepreneurship Monitor: Analysis for National Reports

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  1. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor:Analysis for National Reports

    Niels Bosma Global Entrepreneurship Research Association Utrecht University, Vlerick Business School GEM Annual Meeting 2013 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  2. Outline for this Session Issues of Consideration Before Writing the Report Focus, Structure, Approach Descriptive Results Interpretations!
  3. Issues for Consideration What are the most important indicators for YOU (or your sponsors?) Check out other national reports! You do not NEED to present all data there is (maybe leave some items for next year...) Still, some attention to Attitudes, Activity and Aspiration each year would add to consistency Assign indicators to be shown every year, indicators that are important (though not so crucial) and indicators that are less important
  4. Issues for Consideration What are the relevant benchmark countries? Reporting on stages of development may be relevant for global report, but less so for national report Look at regional proximity and other types of proximity (similar institutions, degree of wealth & size) Always check what the underlying sample size is, especially for Aspirations
  5. Focus, Structure, Approach What is the main story? In advance of data collection Looking at your individual data? Looking at the global report? Then how can you explain the findings What further analysis is relevant? Confirmation from other (data) sources? How to structure the report Again, some level of consistency is important
  6. Slovakia in Global Context
  7. Slovakia in Context of Efficency-Driven Economies
  8. Slovakia in Context of ‘proximate’ Efficency-Driven Economies
  9. Picture for 2012
  10. Interpretations High share nascent entrepreneurs in TEA? Interpretations?! Necessity / opportunity Link these findings to balance nascent entrepreneurs / owner-managers in new firms “Improvement-driven Opportunity”: more nuanced measure, see Manual Perceptions & Attitudes Also use these items to interpret TEA rates
  11. Example: Delineating TEA into Growth Expectations. Innovation-Driven Economies
  12. Example: Low- and High Growth Expectation TEA over Time, Innovation-Driven Economies
  13. Example: Profile of entrepreneurship for Belgium & Flanders
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