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Failure of the school project: the r ole of social , material , behavioural , physical and m ental resources among multi-cultural students Kénora Chau 1,2 , Michèle Baumann 2 , Bernard Kabuth 1 , Nearkasen Chau 3.
The 40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Delhi, 16-19 February2012 Session: Psychosociological Work in Transcultural Contexts Failure of the school project:the role of social, material, behavioural, physical and mental resources among multi-cultural studentsKénora Chau1,2, Michèle Baumann2, Bernard Kabuth1, Nearkasen Chau3 1 Faculté de médecine, Université Henri Poincaré, Nancy 1, Service de Pédo-psychiatrie, Hôpital d'Enfants de Nancy-Brabois, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France; 2 INtegrative research unit on Social and Individual DEvelopment (INSIDE), Walferdange, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg; 3 INSERM, U669, University Paris-Sud, University Paris Descartes, UMR-S0669, Paris, France.
The 40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Delhi, 16-19 February 2012 Background & objectives • Youth situation requires social-material-behavioral-mental resources to realize school achievement and social participation (Stecker, Med Educ 2004; Baumann et al., BMC Psychiatry 2011). • These are lacking or altered for many adolescents. • With increasing migration into/within an already culturally diverse EU, school is a multi-cultural setting. • The roles of social-material-behavioral-mental resources may be exacerbated among European and non-European immigrants, compared with Frenchs. Objectives: • To studythe associations between nationality (European and non-European immigrant students vs. French counterparts) and: • repeating a school-year, • low-summer-term school performance (<10/20), • and quitting-school thinking at 16 years. and the rolesin explainingthese associations of socioeconomic, health related, behavioural, and violence factors.
The 40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Delhi, 16-19 February 2012 Population • Studentsfromthreemiddle-schoolfrom the Nancy urban area (410,000 inhabitants, Capital of Lorraine region (2.34 millions inhabitants in north-easternFrance)): • 63 classes, 1666 subjects • Participation rate: 94% • Sampleretained for analysis: 1559 subjects • Self-administeredquestionnaire measuringsocioeconomic, health related, behavioural, and violence factors. • Study approved by the regional education authority and the national review board.
The 40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Delhi, 16-19 February 2012 social, material, behavioural, physical and mental resources • Family structure • Intact • Reconstructed • Parents divorced/separated • Single parent • Others • Familyincome: • Comfortable • Well off • Earning just enough • Coping but with difficulties • Getting into debt Socioeconomiccharacteristics: sex, age, family structure, parental education, father’s occupation, and family income: • Father’soccupation: • Manager & professional • Craftsman, tradesman, head of firm • Intermediateprofessional • Clerk • Manualworker • Other actives • Unemployed/inactive
The 40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Delhi, 16-19 February 2012 social, material, behavioural, physical and mental resources • WHOQoL measuring: (Skevington et al., Qual Life Res 2004). • General health (1 item) • Physicalheath (7 items) • Psychologicalhealth (6 items) • Social relationships (3 items) • Environment (8 items) Score defined as the sum of items - range: 0 to 100 (best value) Cutoff value used: <25th percentile value
The 40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Delhi, 16-19 February 2012 Unhealthybehaviours, violence, suicidai ideation, and social supports • Unhealthybehaviours: • Last-monthuse (None=1, 1-5 times=2, 6+=3): • Tobacco • Alcohol • Cannabis use • Hard drugs • Lackof regular sports/physicalactivities (last-year, atschool & elsewhere) • Victim of violence (lifetime), • Victim of sexual abuse (lifetime), • Involvement in violence (lifetime), • Suicidal ideation (lifetime).
The 40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Delhi, 16-19 February 2012 Statisticalanalysis The data wereanalyzedusinglogisticmodels. Threemodelswereused to assess the associations betweenschooldifficulties and nationality: ─ Model 1: Computed the odds ratios adjusted for gender and age(ORga) ─ Model 2: withfurtheradjustment for socioeconomiccharacteristics (OR2) ─Model 3: With further adjustment for healthrelated, behavioural, and violencefactors (OR3) Contribution (%) = Reduction in OR computed with the following formula: (ORga– ORi)/(ORga– 1) (calculated for ORga significant only).
The 40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Delhi, 16-19 February 2012 Results
The 40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Delhi, 16-19 February 2012 Results Table 1. Associations between nationality and socioeconomic factors: % or mean (SD)
The 40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Delhi, 16-19 February 2012 Results Table 2. Associations between nationality and unhealthy behaviours: %
The 40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Delhi, 16-19 February 2012 Results Table 3. Associations between nationality and health related factors and violences: %
The 40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Delhi, 16-19 February 2012 Results Table 4. Reliability of WHOQoL-Bref • Mean (SD) Range Minimum Maximum a r • Physicalhealth76,3 (15,5) 0-100 0 5.2 0,72 0,81 Psychologicalhealth62,8 (19,3) 0-100 0.2 1.3 0,70 0,82 Social relationships78,0 (21,1) 0-100 1.0 29.1 0,62 0,78 Environment75,4 (17,8) 0-100 0.3 9,2 0,78 0,83 Global score a73,1 (14,9) 0-100 0 0.3 0,89 a: Cronbacha for eachdomain r: Pearson correlation coefficient betweeneachdomain and the global score a For all items of the 4 domainstogether.
The 40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Delhi, 16-19 February 2012 Results Table 5. Associations between nationality and school absenteim: %
The 40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Delhi, 16-19 February 2012 Findings Table 6. Associations betweenschooldifficulties and nationality, and contributions of socioeconomicfactors: odds ratio and 95% CI European Non-European immigrants % immigrants % Gender-age adjusted odds ratios (ORga) Repeating a school-year 2,44** 1,22-4,91 100 3,29*** 1,71-6,33 100 Low-school-performance 1,34 0,52-3,45 3,02** 1,52-6,02 100 Quitting-school-thinking 1,75 0,52-5,88 3,42** 1,38-8,48 100 With further adjustment for socioeconomic factors Repeating a school-year 2,20* 1,07-4,53 172,41* 1,20-4,85 38 Low-school-performance 1,08 0,41-2,87 2,21* 1,06-4,62 40 Quitting-school-thinking 1,70 0,49-5,87 2,49 0,95-6,49 38 *p<0,05, **p<0,01, ***p<0,001. %: Contribution of socioeconomic factors for significant ORga.
The 40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Delhi, 16-19 February 2012 Findings Table 7. Associations betweenschooldifficulties and nationality, and contributions of healthrelated, unhealthybehavioural, and violence factors: oddsratio and 95% CI European Non-European immigrants % immigrants % With further adjustment for healthrelated, behavioural, and violencefactors Repeating a school-year 1,82 0,86-3,85 43 1,800,87-3,73 65 Low-school-performance 0,80 0,29-2,20 1,550,68-3,53 73 Quitting-school-thinking 1,51 0,41-5,52 1,410,44-4,55 83 %: Contribution of covariates
The 40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Delhi, 16-19 February 2012 Conclusion • Immigrant students have substantially higher school difficulties depending on their origin: • European immigrants: Repeating a school-year • Non-European immigrants: Repeating a school-year, low-school-performance, Quitting-school-thinking • Contributions of socioeconomic factors: • European immigrants: 17% • Non-European immigrants: 38-40% • Contributions of health related, behavioural, and violence factors: • European immigrants: 43% • Non-European immigrants: 65% to 83%
The 40th World Congress of the International Institute of Sociology, Delhi, 16-19 February 2012 Conclusion • Public policy for improving school achievement should focus on: • improvement of environment, living conditions, well-being, • monitoring physical and mental health and unhealthy behaviours, • services to reduce school difficulties. • Re-engaging disconnected students requires interventions to promote the positive perception of learning and learning environment, motivation, and benefit in later life.