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30 RBS Romania volunteers on the Habitat for Humanity construction site in Ploiesti

30 RBS Romania volunteers on the Habitat for Humanity construction site in Ploiesti. September 4th, 2012. Summary. 30 RBS Romania volunteers on the Habitat for Humanity construction site in Ploiesti

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30 RBS Romania volunteers on the Habitat for Humanity construction site in Ploiesti

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  1. 30 RBS Romania volunteers on the Habitat for Humanity construction site in Ploiesti September 4th, 2012

  2. Summary 30 RBS Romania volunteers on the Habitat for Humanity construction site in Ploiesti From 3 to 7 September, 30 volunteers, employees of RBS Romania, will participate in the building of 12 houses on the Habitat for Humanity construction site in Ploiesti.The RBS Romania volunteers will contribute to the lifting of the structure, gypsum cladding, isolation of the walls with mineral wool, preparation of the thermo system and to the excavation for the water pipes and the sewerage for the 12 apartments. The houses are designed to ease the life of those beneficiaries that suffer from a disability and also to ease their daily household activities. "This partnership with Habitat for Humanity is one of the longest lasting social responsibility commitments of the bank. Many colleagues were already involved and want to continue to participate in the activities organized by Habitat for Humanity, which are among the most appreciated volunteering activities offered by us to the employees," said Cristina Mihaila, Head of PR and Communications, RBS Romania. “We are happy and proud that RBS Romania is supporting us again with 30 volunteers and a donation of 10,000 Euro, which will help us to continue the project of the 12 houses started in Ploiesti. We need as many partners as possible so that, at the end of the year, the 12 families can spend the Christmas holidays in their homes," said Gabriela Grigori, Head of Resources and Communications Development, Habitat for Humanity Romania. The Habitat programs involve the direct beneficiaries, too. They all have to take an active role in the construction or rehabilitation of their homes, and also to reimburse some of the construction or rehabilitation costs, without any profit for the organisation. This way, Habitat for Humanity Romania helps the beneficiary families to help themselves. All the amounts are collected in a fund to be used for building other houses.

  3. Media Coverage

  4. Media Coverage

  5. Online

  6. Astazi.ro – September 3rdhttp://stiri.astazi.ro/stire-angajatii-rbs-romania-au-facut-voluntariat-pe-santierul-habitat-for-humanity-de-la-ploiesti-254766145.html

  7. Banknews.ro – September 3rdhttp://www.banknews.ro/stire/61716_30_de_voluntari_rbs_romania_pe_santierul_habitat_for_humanity_de_la_ploiesti.html

  8. Bursa.ro – September 3rdhttp://www.bursa.ro/angajatii-rbs-romania-au-facut-voluntariat-pe-santierul-habitat-for-humanity-de-la-ploiesti-180969&s=banci_asigurari&articol=180969.html

  9. Cariereonline.ro – September 3rdhttp://www.cariereonline.ro/articol/30-de-voluntari-rbs-romania-vor-ajuta-la-ridicarea-12-case-pe-santierul-habitat-humanity

  10. Doingbusiness.ro – September 3rdhttp://www.doingbusiness.ro/companii/ro/stiri/2724/30-de-voluntari-rbs-romania-pe-santierul-habitat-for-humanity-de-la-ploiesti

  11. eFin.ro – September 3rdhttp://www.efin.ro/stiri_financiare/banci_si_institutii_financiare/30_de_voluntari_rbs_romania_pe_santierul_de_la_ploiesti.html

  12. E-politic.ro – September 3rdhttp://www.e-politic.ro/lifestyle/328604-30-de-voluntari-RBS-Romania-pe-santierul-Habitat-for-Humanity-de-la-Ploiesti

  13. Eva.ro – September 3rdhttp://www.eva.ro/divertisment/stiri/30-de-voluntari-rbs-romania-pe-santierul-habitat-for-humanity-de-la-ploiesti-articol-44736.html

  14. Infobancar.ro – September 3rdhttp://www.infobancar.ro/stiri+bancare/30+de+voluntari+rbs+romania+pe+santierul+habitat+for+humanity+de+la+ploiesti

  15. Infoportal.rtv.net – September 3rdhttp://infoportal.rtv.net/articol~din-financiar-bancar~info-3406257~angajatii-rbs-romania-au-facut-voluntariat-pe-santierul-habitat-for.html

  16. Newspulse.ro – September 3rdhttp://www.newspulse.ro/economic/1209031258-30_de_voluntari_rbs_romania_pe_santierul_habitat_for_humanity_de_la_ploiesti.html

  17. Realitatea.net – September 3rdhttp://ziare.realitatea.net/angajatii-rbs-romania-au-facut-voluntariat-pe-santierul-habitat-for-humanity-de-la-ploiesti_671976.html

  18. Romaniainternational.ro – September 3rdhttp://www.romaniainternational.com/ultimele-stiri/angajatii-rbs-romania-au-facut-voluntariat-pe-santierul-habitat-for-humanity-de-la-ploiesti-130163

  19. Saptamana.com – September 3rdhttp://www.saptamana.com/5368135/angaja%C5%A3ii+rbs+rom%C3%A2nia+au+f%C4%83cut+voluntariat+pe+%C5%9Fantierul+habitat+for+humanity+de+la+ploie%C5%9Fti

  20. Stiriong.ro – September 3rdhttp://www.stiriong.ro/companii/articole-despre-csr/30-de-voluntari-rbs-romania-pe-santierul

  21. 4iasi.ro – September 4rdhttp://4iasi.ro/angajatii-rbs-romania-au-facut-voluntariat-pe-santierul-habitat-for-humanity-de-la-ploiesti

  22. Csrmedia.ro – September 4rdhttp://www.csrmedia.ro/angajati-ai-rbs-voluntari-pe-santierul-habitat-de-la-ploiesti/

  23. Discard.ro – September 4rdhttp://www.discard.ro/stiri/angajatii-rbs-romania-au-facut-voluntariat-pe-santierul-habitat-for-humanity-de-la-ploiesti

  24. Responsabilitatesociala.ro – September 4rdhttp://www.responsabilitatesociala.ro/stiri-csr/rbs-romania-sustine-constructia-a-12-locuinte-pentru-familii-nevoiase.html

  25. Romaniapozitiva.ro – September 4rdhttp://www.romaniapozitiva.ro/tara-romaneasca/30-de-voluntari-rbs-romania-pe-santierul-habitat-for-humanity-de-la-ploiesti/

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