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Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular Health. What is the cardiovascular system?. A pump. Your heart. Made of cardiac muscle. A system of tubes throughout your body. Arteries and veins. This is your vascular system. Why is it important? Delivers food and oxygen to your cells.

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Cardiovascular Health

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  1. Cardiovascular Health

  2. What is the cardiovascular system? • A pump. • Your heart. • Made of cardiac muscle. • A system of tubes throughout your body. • Arteries and veins. • This is your vascular system. • Why is it important? • Delivers food and oxygen to your cells. • Gets rid of waste products from your cells.

  3. Arteries and veins carry blood.

  4. What is blood? • Blood is a tissue. • Plasma (55%) • Water • Salts • Proteins • Formed elements (45%) • RBC’s • WBC’s • Platelet’s

  5. CONSTITUENT MAJOR FUNCTIONS CELL TYPE NUMBER(per mm3 of blood) FUNCTIONS PLASMA 55% Solvent forcarrying othersubstances Water CELLULAR ELEMENTS 45% Erythrocytes(red blood cells) 5–6 million Transport ofoxygen (and carbon dioxide) Salts Sodium Potassium Calcium Magnesium Chloride Bicarbonate Osmotic balance,pH buffering, andregulation ofmembranepermeability Leukocytes(white blood cells) Defense andimmunity 5,000–10,000 Plasma proteins Albumin Fibrinogen Immunoglobins(antibodies) Osmotic balance,pH buffering Clotting Immunity Substances transported by blood Nutrients (e.g., glucose, fatty acids, vitamins) Waste products of metabolism Respiratory gases (O2 and CO2) Hormones Platelets 250,000–400,000 Blood clotting

  6. Eurythrocytes(Red Blood Cells) • Contain hemoglobin. • O2 and CO2. • 5-6 million/mm3 • Anemia

  7. Leukocytes(White Blood Cells) • Fight infections inside and outside of your cells. • 5-10,000 per mm3. Basophil Eosinophil Monocyte Neutrophil Lymphocyte

  8. Leukocytes • Neutrophils (60-70% of WBC’s). • Phagocytosis. • Monocytes (5% of WBC’s). • Monocytes migrate into tissues, and turn into macrophages. • Phagocytosis. • Lymphocytes (25-33% of WBC’s). • (acquired immunity). • Humoral (B) or cell-mediated response (T). • Antibodies. • Eosinophils (1 – 3% of WBC’s) • Blood parasites • Detoxify foreign substances, break down blood clots. • Basophils (<1% of WBC’s) • Anticoagulant heparin.

  9. How can you tell the difference? • Granular leukocytes • 1. Neutrophil • 2 – 5 lobes, granules slightly pink. • 2. Eosinophil • Bilobed nucleus, granules stain red. • 3. Basophil • Nucleus lobed, granules stain blue. • Agranular leukocytes • 1. Monocyte • Much larger than RBC’s. • 2. Lymphocyte • Slightly larger than RBC’s.

  10. Can you tell which is which?

  11. Blood Clots? • Formed by platelets: • 130,000 – 400,000/mm3. • Keep infections out. • Keep water in.

  12. Blood Circulation

  13. The Heart • Made of cardiac muscle. • Spontaneous contractions. • Pumps over 100,000 times per day! • Keeps the blood flowing through cardiovascular system.

  14. What are your heart chambers? Right Atrium Left Atrium Right Ventricle Left Ventricle

  15. What are the tissue layers of your heart? Epicardium Lubricative outer membrane. Myocardium Muscular contractions. Endocardium Protective inner lining.

  16. What are your heart valves? Semilunar Valves“Pulmonary”“Aortic” Atrioventricular ValvesLeft = bicuspid or mitralRight = tricuspid

  17. How does blood flow in your heart? Superior Vena Cava Inferior Vena Cava

  18. How does blood flow in your heart? Right Atrium Left Atrium

  19. How does blood flow in your heart? Blood to lungs

  20. How does blood flow in your heart? Blood from lungs. Blood from lungs.

  21. How does blood flow in your heart? Left Atrium Left Ventricle

  22. How does blood flow in your heart?

  23. Arteries and veins carry blood to and from tissues. Epithelium Smooth Muscle Capillary Connective Tissue

  24. How does blood deliver the goods? • Blood stays in your blood vessels. • Nutrients and oxygen move across membranes. • Blood picks up waste products.

  25. Blockages to blood vessels.

  26. Factors that affect cardiac health. • Tobacco use • Blood pressure. • Cholesterol • Physical activity • Obesity • Diabetes

  27. Major forms of heart disease. • Hypertension • Arthrosclerosis • Coronary HD • Stroke • Arrhythmia • Congestive heart failure.

  28. Heart Defects in Children • Congenital HD • Heart damage or defect. • Foramen ovale • Ductus arteriosis • Rheumatic HD • Streptococcus infection • Rheumatic Fever

  29. Diagnosis of Heart Disease • Electrocardiogram • MRI • Radionucleotide Imaging • Angiogram

  30. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation • CPR • Why do CPR? • Keep the blood moving. • Keep air going to brain. • Where can you get trained for CPR?

  31. Treatment Options • Diet • Exercise • Aspirin • Drugs • Angioplasty • Bypass Surgery

  32. Read up on: • Heart disease • Stress • Anger • Treatment options. • Causes. • Protecting yourself: • What can you do?

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