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Cardiovascular Health

Cardiovascular Health. Health Education Mr. Cuda. Test Your Knowledge. Reducing the amount of cholesterol you eat is the most important dietary change you can make to improve your blood cholesterol levels. True or False?. Test Your Knowledge.

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Cardiovascular Health

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  1. Cardiovascular Health Health Education Mr. Cuda

  2. Test Your Knowledge • Reducing the amount of cholesterol you eat is the most important dietary change you can make to improve your blood cholesterol levels. True or False?

  3. Test Your Knowledge False. Limiting your intake of saturated and trans fats, which promote the production of cholesterol by the liver, is the key dietary change for improving your blood cholesterol level.

  4. Test Your Knowledge • Women are about as likely to die of cardiovascular disease as they are to die of breast cancer. True of False?

  5. Test Your Knowledge False. Cardiovascular disease kills far more.

  6. Test Your Knowledge • On average, how much earlier does heart disease develop in people who don’t exercise regularly than in people who do? • 6 months • 2 years • 6 years

  7. Test Your Knowledge C. Both aerobic exercise and strength training significantly improve cardiovascular health.

  8. Test Your Knowledge • Healthy teenagers have no signs of cardiovascular disease. True or false?

  9. Test Your Knowledge False. Autopsy studies of young trauma victims show that narrowing of the arteries that supply the heart with blood begin in adolescence.

  10. Test Your Knowledge • Which of the following foods would be a good choice for promoting heart health? • Brown rice • Salmon • Bananas

  11. Test Your Knowledge All three. Whole grains (brown rice), foods with omega-3 fatty acids (salmon), and foods high in potassium and low in sodium (bananas) all improve cardiovascular health.

  12. The Cardiovascular System • Consists of the heart and blood vessels. • Together they move blood throughout the body. • Arteries-carry oxygenated blood (oxygen rich) away from the heart to the body. • Veins- carry deoxygenated blood (oxygen-poor) back to the heart and lungs. • Capillaries-very small blood vessels where oxygen, nutrient exchange, and waste removal (CO2) occurs.

  13. Components of Blood • Plasma-Fluid part of blood • Red Blood Cells • Transport oxygen • Are made of hemoglobin, which attaches to the oxygen. • Hemoglobin is made up of IRON. • Lack of IRON can cause anemia, which is not enough oxygen getting to the cells of the body. • White Blood Cells-Fight off disease

  14. Capillaries Pulmonary Artery Pulmonary Vein Aorta Superior Vena Cava Inferior Vena Cava Valves Capillaries

  15. Why is the Heart Two Pumps? • Right Side- Pumps deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs through the pulmonary artery and back to the heart through the pulmonary vein. • Left Side- Pumps oxygenated blood from the heart to brain and the rest of the body.

  16. Important Terms Aorta- the body’s largest artery. Systole (Systolic)-the period of the heart’s contraction. Diastole (Diastolic)- the period of the heart’s relaxation. Sinus node- a collection of cells in the right atrium that serves as the pacemaker of the heart.

  17. Risk Factors That you can control: • Tobacco Use- 1 in 5 deaths is because of smoking. • High Blood Pressure- causes the heart to work harder and eventually weaken. • High Cholesterol Levels- clog arteries and increase risk of heart disease (LDL=bad, HDL=good) • Physical Inactivity- activity strengths heart and decreases blood pressure. • Obesity- risk of death from CVD is 2 to 3 times more likely in obese people.

  18. Risk Factors That you cannot control: • Heredity- Genes passed on from your family contribute to the development of CVD. • Aging- 70% of heart attack victims are 65 or older. • Being Male- Estrogen production in women can protect against CVD. • Ethnicity-African Americans have a much higher rate of hypertension (high blood pressure)

  19. LDL vs HDL • Low-density Lipoproteins • Shuttle cholesterol from the liver to organs that require it. Excess amounts of LDL is deposited in the blood vessels. • High-density Lipoproteins • Shuttle unused cholesterol back to the liver for re-use.

  20. The 6 Essential Nutrients • Carbohydrates • Starches and sugars found in food • Body’s preferred source of energy • Provides 4 calories/gram • Simple Carbohydrates (Sugar) • Sugars that a naturally found in fruit, vegetables, and milk (Fructose, Lactose, Maltose) • Sugars that are added to food products candy, soft drinks, etc. • Complex Carbohydrates (Starch) • Starches are found in the following: grains, seeds, nuts, potatoes • Fiber • Special form of a complex carbohydrate • Cannot be used for energy • Aids in digestion, gives the feeling of fullness, lower blood cholesterol

  21. The 6 Essential Nutrients • Proteins • Nutrients that help build and maintain body tissues: muscle, bone, connective tissue, teeth, skin, blood. • Provide 4 calories/gram • Complete Proteins: fish, meat, poultry, eggs, milk, cheese, and soybeans. • Incomplete Proteins: nuts, whole grains, seeds.

  22. The 6 Essential Nutrients • Fats • Too much fat is unhealthy, but your body needs some fat • Deliver 8 calories/gram • Saturated Fat- animal fat from beef, pork, egg yolks, and dairy. Solid at room temperature. • Unsaturated Fat-vegetable fat from: olive, canola, soybean, and corn. Liquid at room temperature.

  23. The 6 Essential Nutrients • Vitamins • Speed up the reactions that produce energy in body cells. • Compounds that help regulate digestion, absorption, and metabolism of other nutrients. • Minerals • Micronutrients that regulate vital body processes • Examples: Iron, iodine, copper • Iron is responsible for the hemoglobin in your blood, which is what carries the oxygen. Without ample iron, you would feel very tired and have little endurance. • Water • Carries nutrients and transports waste to and from cells. • Need at least 10 cups/day

  24. Blood Pressure • Known as the “Silent Killer” because you don’t know what it is unless you have it checked. • Hypertension- systolic reading of 140 or higher and diastolic reading of 90 or higher. 140/90. • Poor health behaviors can lead to hypertension • Smoking • Obesity • Lack of exercise • Excess sodium

  25. Taking Blood Pressure • Pump the pressure gauge up to 160 and no higher. • Slowly release the pressure and listen for a thumping sound. • The first thumping sound is the systolic pressure. • The second thumping sound is the diastolic pressure.

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