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Serienlogo. Namenseinblender. NICOLAS LEGLER. Seiteneinblender. He guides me along the right paths because he is the good shepherd. Psalm 23:3. 1. Humans are creatures of habits !. Seiteneinblender. Quote: “Habits are our most faithful servants or our worst masters .”.
Namenseinblender NICOLAS LEGLER
Seiteneinblender He guides me along the right paths because he is the good shepherd. Psalm 23:3
1. Humansarecreatures of habits! Seiteneinblender
Quote: “Habits areourmostfaithfulservantsorourworstmasters.” Seiteneinblender
2. Theshepherdwants to makeyoumove Seiteneinblender
We all, likesheep, havegoneastray, each of us has turned to ourown way; and the LORD has laid on himtheiniquity of us all. TheBible, Isaiah 53:6 Seiteneinblender
Obstacles Image of God Which of youfathers, ifyoursonasksfor a fish, will givehim a snakeinstead? Orif he asksfor an egg, will givehim a scorpion? TheBible, Luke 11:11-12 Seiteneinblender
Obstacles Experiences Forgettingwhatisbehindand strainingtowardwhatisahead, I press on towardthegoal to wintheprizeforwhichGod has calledmeheavenward in Christ Jesus. TheBible, Philippians 3:13-14 Seiteneinblender
Obstacles Pride Thereis a way thatappears to be right, but in the end itleads to death. TheBible, Proverbs 14:12 Seiteneinblender
Obstacles Disbelief He couldnot do anymiraclesthere, exceptlay his handson a fewsickpeople and heal them. He was amazed at their lack of faith. TheBible, Mark 6:5-6 Seiteneinblender
3. WithGod on right paths Seiteneinblender
Let go Seiteneinblender
Let go Revelation of God’s goodness Seiteneinblender
Let go Revelation of God’s goodness Humility Seiteneinblender
Jesus replied, Ifanyonelovesme, he will obeymyteaching. My Father will lovehim, and we will come to him and makeourhomewithhim. TheBible, John 14:23 Seiteneinblender
For itisGodwhoworks in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose. TheBible, Philippians 2:13 Seiteneinblender