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Serienlogo. Namenseinblender. LEO BIGGER. In general , the fig stands for prosperity and peace in the Old Testament. Seiteneinblender. I. Speak TO the Problem instead of ABOUT the Problem!. Seiteneinblender. Speaking about the problem : It seems to keep getting bigger.
Namenseinblender LEO BIGGER
In general, thefigstandsforprosperity and peace in theOld Testament. Seiteneinblender
I.Speak TO the Problem instead of ABOUT the Problem! Seiteneinblender
Speakingabouttheproblem: • Itseems to keepgettingbigger Seiteneinblender
Speakingabouttheproblem: • Itseems to keepgettingbigger • Itbecomesevenmoreunsolvable Seiteneinblender
Speakingabouttheproblem: • Itseems to keepgettingbigger • Itbecomesevenmoreunsolvable • Ourimaginationinflatestheproblem Seiteneinblender
Speakingabouttheproblem: • Itseems to keepgettingbigger • Itbecomesevenmoreunsolvable • Ourimaginationinflatestheproblem • Godcontinuallybecomessmaller Seiteneinblender
Speakingabouttheproblem: • Webow down to theproblem, ratherthan to Jesus Seiteneinblender
Speakingabouttheproblem: • Webow down to theproblem, ratherthan to Jesus • Theproblemdeterminesmy life and no longer Jesus Seiteneinblender
Jesus speaks TOthefig-tree: Then He said to thetree,'May no-oneevereatfruitfromyouagain.' And His disciplesheardHimsay it. TheBible, Mark 11:14 Seiteneinblender
Jesus speaks TOthestorm: Then He got up and rebukedthewinds and thewaves,and it was completelycalm. TheBible, Matthew 8:26 Seiteneinblender
Jesus tellsusweare to speak TOthemountain: ... but also youcansay to thismountain, “Go, throwyourselfintothesea,” and it will bedone. TheBible,Matthew 21:21 Seiteneinblender
David speaks TO Goliath: David said to thePhilistine, 'You come againstmewithsword and spear and javelin, but I come againstyou in thename of the Lord Almighty, theGod of thearmies of Israel, whomyouhavedefied.' TheBible, 1. Samuel 17:45 Seiteneinblender
Zerubbabelspoke TO thehindrance: Whatareyou, mightymountain? BeforeZerubbabelyou will becomelevelground. Then he will bring out thecapstone to shouts of “Godblessit! Godblessit!” TheBible,Zechariah 4:7 Seiteneinblender
Edmund McIIhenny lost his salt and sugarbusiness in 1863 due to a civil war. Seiteneinblender
In 1865, he onlyhad a fewpeppers and experimentedwiththem to produce a sauce: Tabasco. Seiteneinblender
II.Commandtheproblem to go! Seiteneinblender
In themorning, as theywentalong, theysawthefig-treewitheredfromtheroots.Peter remembered and said to Jesus, 'Rabbi, look! Thefig-treeYoucursed has withered!' TheBible, Mark 11:20-21 Seiteneinblender
Therefore I tellyou, whateveryouaskfor in prayer, believethatyouhavereceivedit,and it will beyours. TheBible, Mark 11:24 Seiteneinblender
III.Speak life intoyoursituation Seiteneinblender
And Godsaid, 'Lettherebe light,' and there was light. • TheBible,Genesis 1:3 Seiteneinblender