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Serienlogo englisch. Namenseinblender. Nicolas Legler. Picture. “Feelings are emotional states that occur without contribution of the conscious in response to external or internal influences and are usually experienced as pleasant or unpleasant .” Rohracher. Rohrbacher.
Namenseinblender Nicolas Legler
“Feelings are emotional statesthatoccurwithoutcontribution of theconscious in response to externalorinternalinfluences and areusuallyexperienced as pleasantorunpleasant.” Rohracher Rohrbacher
Trichotomy spirit Trichotomy soul body
Above all else, guardyourheart, foreverythingyou do flowsfromit! Proverbs 4:23 Proverbs 4:23
My spirit, whyareyou so sad? Whyareyou so upsetdeep down insideme? Putyourhope in God. Onceagain I will havereason to praisehim. He ismySavior and myGod. Psalm 42:11 Psalm 42:11
For theeyes of the LORD rangethroughouttheearth to strengthenthosewhoseheartsarefullycommitted to him. 2 Chronicles 16:9 2 chronics 16:9